Red Lion Labs

Red Lion Labs

Artisinal manufactures of herbal products inspired by the ancient arts of Alchemy and Spagyrics. The older the vintage, the more matured the product.

At Red Lion Labs,

we are artisanal producers of natural health products. We create our products in small batches using the time-honored traditions of our craft. Time itself is quintessential to all of Nature’s processes, and depending on the product, we allow for production times of 40 days to 18 months per batch. Our products have the distinction of actually increasing in efficacy as they age, a

Sustainable Transmutations Speed or Endurance by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 17/07/2024

Inner Work is about self-discovery, which is not always a pretty or an easy experience.

The question now becomes why this is so. If you think back to your old high school chemistry class, we can find an analogy to help you understand. Think of your nervous system and its habitual state as the standard configuration of electrons orbiting about a particular atom. Like the electrons, your nervous system exists in a specific energetic level or state – a vibratory state created by your beliefs about life, ingrained expectations about the outcome of social and business interactions, and, of course, your fears.

Sustainable Transmutations Speed or Endurance by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West Inner Work is about self-discovery, which is not always a pretty or an easy experience. The question now becomes why this is so. If you think back to your old high school chemistry class, we can find an analogy to help you understand. Think of your nervous system and its habitual state as the standa...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 10 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 03/07/2024

The Traveler felt himself take an involuntary step backward. He was afraid; from the depths of his being, a numbing fear spread virally as it paralyzed his body and mind. What could he do against such a foe? His mightiest weapon had no effect upon it whatsoever. There had to be something he could do. He looked at the approaching Figure now only seven steps away, back to the houses in the towns, the chains still stretching from the Father of Darkness to each of the town's inhabitants, back to the hooded Figure now only five steps away, back to the town's people...something was strange...something was wrong about what he saw...back to the advancing dark Figure, three steps away, back to the town...

The chains around their necks hung loosely...loose enough even to...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 10 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West The Traveler felt himself take an involuntary step backward. He was afraid; from the depths of his being, a numbing fear spread virally as it paralyzed his body and mind. What could he do against such a foe? His mightiest weapon had no effect upon it whatsoever. There had to be something he could do...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 9 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 26/06/2024

The Traveler released his hold on time, and the sun fell quickly into its slumber. In the quiet of the night, the Traveler still felt uneasy. His mind bounced back and forth between those words whispered by the Centaur and those of the feminine Voice. The latter had intimated that there was yet more to do, and the former had hinted at some cryptic statement about freedom.

The Traveler went to a well at the edge of the town. He drew some water and drank thirstily, the cool liquid cascading down his insides – rejuvenating him, preparing him.

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 9 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West The Traveler released his hold on time, and the sun fell quickly into its slumber. In the quiet of the night, the Traveler still felt uneasy. His mind bounced back and forth between those words whispered by the Centaur and those of the feminine Voice. The latter had intimated that there was yet more...

Sustainable Transmutations The Tarot by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 19/06/2024

I am sure many of you are familiar with Tarot, especially as it pertains to its modern use in divination.

What many do not know is that Tarot as it is used in the Hermetic Western Inner Tradition is actually a book. Each card of the major and minor trumps are the chapters of that book of. The chapters give details to those who have been given the keys to read it, precise information about the true nature of humanity, the workings of the mind and inner spiritual initiation that leads to what leads to what Hermeticist call illumination, as well as detailed information on the subjects of Alchemy, Qabalah, and Astrology.

My education in this arcane knowledge came from studying the material of Builders of the Adytum aka BOTA. Their material can help form a good foundation to build ones Hermetic study upon. But just as with everything in the Hermetic science the surface material presented looks complete. One can only acquire the full comprehension by pulling on the dangling threads exposed in the text.

Sustainable Transmutations The Tarot by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West I am sure many of you are familiar with Tarot, especially as it pertains to its modern use in divination. What many do not know is that Tarot as it is used in the Hermetic Western Inner Tradition is actually a book. Each card of the major and minor trumps are the chapters of that book of. The chapte...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 8 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 12/06/2024

With those final words of the Voice, in a flash, the Traveler was back in his physical body, fighting to remain in control of himself. He could see the sun was about to set; he could hear the creatures of the dark howling over the victory of having conquered him. It was just moments before the full curtain of night would fall. On the city's outskirts, he could see an oak grove with a deer running into it.

From inside himself, he again heard the feminine Voice from all those months ago: "The stars coerce and compel the animal man. What other reason is there for this, save that the man does not know or estimate himself or his own powers or reflect that he is a lesser Universe and has the whole firmament with its powers hidden within himself? But the wise man can dominate the stars and is not subject to them.”

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 8 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West With those final words of the Voice, in a flash, the Traveler was back in his physical body, fighting to remain in control of himself. He could see the sun was about to set; he could hear the creatures of the dark howling over the victory of having conquered him. It was just moments before the full....

Sustainable Transmutations Hermetic Astrology by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 05/06/2024

Last week's episode touched on the fact that there are two views or levels of understanding regarding astrology and its use in Hermetic science.

When the soliloquy of the Traveler's inner Lunar Intelligence centered on Paracelsus's 'Who rules the stars' and said, "And although the higher stars do give the animal inclination and assign man and other earthly bodies for the manner of their birth, yet that power and dominion are nothing save only a predestined mandate and office in which there is nothing occult or abstruse remaining but the inner force and power put forth through the external signs." it speaks of exoteric astrology that is concerned with virtues or forces immanent and emanative in physical objects.

In the early 1920s, a scientist named Lilian Kolisko embarked on a series of investigations. Her goal was to determine if celestial bodies had any effect on terrestrial matter. This intriguing line of research was sparked by a suggestion from Rudolf Steiner to investigate the workings of etheric formative forces in mineral substances. Kolisko's method of investigation, was known as capillary dynamolysis or the 'rising picture' method.

Sustainable Transmutations Hermetic Astrology by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West Last week's episode touched on the fact that there are two views or levels of understanding regarding astrology and its use in Hermetic science. When the soliloquy of the Traveler's inner Lunar Intelligence centered on Paracelsus's 'Who rules the stars' and said, "And although the higher stars do gi...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 7 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 29/05/2024

As he reeled in the oblivion of the moment brought on by the tar-like ichor all over and within his body, he entered a trance-like state. He was transported to a past memory, one that had made an impression deep within him and bestowed upon him keys that he had not yet understood how to use. He could feel himself drifting up, up, up, and he was happy just for the relief of leaving his writhing body. Then the memory began...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 7 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West As he reeled in the oblivion of the moment brought on by the tar-like ichor all over and within his body, he entered a trance-like state. He was transported to a past memory, one that had made an impression deep within him and bestowed upon him keys that he had not yet understood how to use. He coul...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 6 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 22/05/2024

One of the first things the Centaur had taught him in the cave was about alchemy. "It is," the Centaur explained, an excellent tool for those who knew how to use it, for it could act as a mirror of one's inner life. More than that, it could be used to transmute not only base metals into gold but, more importantly, transmute the profane man into a god-man, allowing him to become homo-spiritualis.

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 6 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West One of the first things the Centaur had taught him in the cave was about alchemy. "It is," the Centaur explained, an excellent tool for those who knew how to use it, for it could act as a mirror of one's inner life. More than that, it could be used to transmute not only base metals into gold but, mo...

Sustainable Transmutations Plant Alchemy by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 15/05/2024

In its simplest form, making a liquid herbal product using plant alchemy is similar to creating any ordinary herbal extract. The herb is macerated in an alcohol/water mixture for several days to extract the plant's healing virtues, just like any herbalist would do. Once this is done, however, the herbal material is dried and then heated until it combusts, turning first into carbon and then into ash, much the same way one would witness a piece of wood being burned in a campfire.

From the ash, the water-soluble mineral salts are extracted using distilled water. This liquid can either be added directly to the liquid product or crystallized by evaporating off the water. During the evaporation phase, one can meditate over the forming salt crystals, impregnating them with a specific desire.

Engaging in the plant alchemy process, even with simple plant extracts, can be a transformative experience. It's not just about the physical process, but also about the inner journey it reveals. The areas where one encounters difficulties often mirror their inner struggles, guiding them towards self-discovery and growth.

Sustainable Transmutations Plant Alchemy by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West In its simplest form, making a liquid herbal product using plant alchemy is similar to creating any ordinary herbal extract. The herb is macerated in an alcohol/water mixture for several days to extract the plant's healing virtues, just like any herbalist would do. Once this is done, however, the he...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 5 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 08/05/2024

The Traveler emerged from the cave into the light, its blinding rays birthing memories of his first emergence. This time, though, there were no spare moments to adjust his sensorium – the screams of the citizens mixed with those of the denizens of shadow, filling the air and attacking his ears.

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 5 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West

Sustainable Transmutations EFT by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 01/05/2024

The one thing to remember in this work is that the inner experiences feel authentic to the Traveler. Listening to the Traveler's experiences, one can be lulled into the perception of watching a TV show or movie, with no repercussions from viewing it except the diminishing ripples of awareness created by a scintillating or scary scene.

Sustainable Transmutations EFT by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West The one thing to remember in this work is that the inner experiences feel authentic to the Traveler. Listening to the Traveler's experiences, one can be lulled into the perception of watching a TV show or movie, with no repercussions from viewing it except the diminishing ripples of awareness create...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 4 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 24/04/2024

Having traversed much of the cave, the Traveler noticed the path was inclining. The torches, which hung periodically on the cave walls, created light and dark areas. Light, dark, light, dark... He found himself running leisurely, the illuminating transition creating a strobe effect that caused the Traveler’s mind to turn back to his experiences in the Centaur's cave. His time there had seemed like an eternity. Each day, the Centaur drew him deeper into the cave, towards its belly, where the shadows held sway and the light waned. Finally, there were no more shadows – just the dark wet. At first, he could only crawl around on his hands and knees, but gradually, a subtle inherent luminance was revealed.

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 4 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West Having traversed much of the cave, the Traveler noticed the path was inclining. The torches, which hung periodically on the cave walls, created light and dark areas. Light, dark, light, dark... He found himself running leisurely, the illuminating transition creating a strobe effect that caused the T...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 3 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 17/04/2024

As the Traveler approached the city, his mind wandered momentarily. After his failure earlier on the road, he was surprised that the Centaur did not berate him for leaving the path. With a twinkle in his eye, the Centaur said, "The dancing trio ensnares everyone."

Within three paces of the city's gates, a leaf being carried an air eddy caught his attention. The leaf moved slower and with a defined motion that looked out of place. The leaf's misdirection continued as a thickening dust coalesced at the bottom periphery of his vision.

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 3 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West As the Traveler approached the city, his mind wandered momentarily. After his failure earlier on the road, he was surprised that the Centaur did not berate him for leaving the path. With a twinkle in his eye, the Centaur said, "The dancing trio ensnares everyone." Within three paces of the city's ga...

Sustainable Transmutations The Sedona Method by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 10/04/2024

Thoughts rise into awareness and then leave, or try to leave. Upon becoming aware of a thought, most of us immediately attach a story to it. Usually, this takes the form of a story from our past, conjuring up all sorts of feelings and emotions associated with that story. The fact is, if we allowed the thought to arise into awareness and then let it leave (which, again, is what it "wants" to do and is in its inherent nature to do), we would not have the vast majority of the problems and strife that we experience in life. For the Traveler, this becomes important, as each wayward thought and its conjured emotions would seek to draw them away from the path.

Sustainable Transmutations The Sedona Method by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West Thoughts rise into awareness and then leave, or try to leave. Upon becoming aware of a thought, most of us immediately attach a story to it. Usually, this takes the form of a story from our past, conjuring up all sorts of feelings and emotions associated with that story. The fact is, if we allowed t...

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 2 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 03/04/2024

After twelve months of living in the cave's inner darkness, emergence into physical light felt like going through a second birth. The searing pain of the light when it hit his eyes and the burning when it touched his skin made him think he was mother and child in one, for indeed, he had experienced the disorienting agony of his rebirth. He had faced those shadows crawling up from his internal Stygian dark...and won?

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 2 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West After twelve months of living in the cave's inner darkness, emergence into physical light felt like going through a second birth. The searing pain of the light when it hit his eyes and the burning when it touched his skin made him think he was mother and child in one, for indeed, he had experienced....

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 1 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 27/03/2024

The traveler finds themself in a cave dimly lit by an open fire whose flames cast shadows on the earthen walls. Alone, cold, and scared, their internal equipoise is often disturbed as an involuntary shiver races through their body. Sitting in the semi-dark, the traveler ponders the events in their life that have brought them to this place of initiation, and their rational mind questions the sanity of it all. Yet something inside them has hungered – yearned for this moment when they will truly begin their inner trial, the ultimate quest.

Still, they think, now that it's upon them....

The sounds of soft, wet footsteps in the mud and the almost inaudible sound of a bell ringing break the reverie, enticing their attention. From the belly of the cave, a form is trying to coalesce from the shadows –

Is my mind playing tricks on me? Is that a nymph, a man, a centaur?

Sustainable Transmutations The Traveler Part 1 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West The traveler finds themself in a cave dimly lit by an open fire whose flames cast shadows on the earthen walls. Alone, cold, and scared, their internal equipoise is often disturbed as an involuntary shiver races through their body. Sitting in the semi-dark, the traveler ponders the events in their l...

Sustainable Transmutations Introduction Part 4 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 20/03/2024

Hermetic inner work is about transmutation; it is not about excising, destroying, banishing, denying, shame, guilt, or blame. It has nothing to do with the corrupted 'killing the dragon' and the Hero's journey motif prevalent today. One does not become whole by cutting away parts of themselves. The energy blocking you is the same energy when understood, that will allow the emanation of who and what you want to be.

Hermetic philosophy is sublimely expressed through an unbroken chain of oral and written arcane understanding of mythologies. For the Alchemist, all creation/matter 'is good' because it is an emanative expression of the One. Hermeticism seeks 'balance through a means other than conflict.'

Know this: acceptance does not mean acquiescence!

Sustainable Transmutations Introduction Part 4 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West Hermetic inner work is about transmutation; it is not about excising, destroying, banishing, denying, shame, guilt, or blame. It has nothing to do with the corrupted 'killing the dragon' and the Hero's journey motif prevalent today. One does not become whole by cutting away parts of themselves. The....

Sustainable Transmutations Introduction Part 3 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 13/03/2024

At the core of everything, there is – in Hermetic Terminology – a 'Palace' [space] that is a nexus containing both Heaven and Earth or the non-physical and physical reality that maintains and, indeed, is the cause of its emanation and perception.

In Alchemical literature, this 'Palace' is also termed a Quintessence. As I understand it, the Quintessence is a fifth element, the original element, having an unperturbable homeostasis because of the perfectly balanced existence of the four elements within it. Indeed, it gives birth to these four elements and uses them to conceal itself. When the alchemist works in reverse to make a physical analog from the four elements derived from the matter being worked on in his lab to create a seat for the divine presence, it is, for me, analogous to the 'Ark of the Covenant,' a physically tangible place where the spirit of divinity (Shekhinah/Alchemical Arcanum) resides.

Sustainable Transmutations Introduction Part 3 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West At the core of everything, there is – in Hermetic Terminology – a 'Palace' [space] that is a nexus containing both Heaven and Earth or the non-physical and physical reality that maintains and, indeed, is the cause of its emanation and perception. In Alchemical literature, this 'Palace' is also t...


I’ve gotten some requests from listeners who want to experience some inner work practices before taking the plunge into full private session work. In that regard, I’m going to be hosting a six-week live group session on Wednesdays from April 3, 2024 to May 8, 2024 @ 7 pm ET.

The online group session work will be hosted on Zoom and cost a total of $150 for all six weeks. Each session lasts about one hour, after completing the six weeks each participant will have the opportunity to sign up for one of five slots of private session work on a first come first served basis.

Session time is normally acquirable in twelve-week blocks @ $3,000 per block, this discount will enable to you acquire them for $1,000 per block. That price will remain in effect for the client for all subsequent blocks acquired as long as there are no gaps in between block times [except for agreed-upon times off]. While there is no restriction on the number of participants for the group work, there are only five slots available for this discount.

Those interested please contact me at [email protected]

Sustainable Transmutations Introduction Part 2 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 06/03/2024

Sustainable Transmutations Introduction Part 2

Sustainable Transmutations Introduction Part 2 by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West Regarding feelings and emotions in inner work, one of my mantras is 'the friction is the conversation.' Dysfunction, dissatisfaction, and discomfort are your best friends in inner work. Let's face it: the angels of our nature do not need more tending. Hermetic inner work is about bringing illuminati...


New Podcast Episode:
Sustainable Transmutations Introduction Part 1

Then There Were Three by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 23/02/2024

New Podcast Episode: Then There Were Three

Then There Were Three by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West Through an act of Will, the One reflected on itself and knew itself fully in all its varied aspects. That refraction gave birth to the potentialities stored within the 'pregnant emptiness.' This recognition of self and the extension of a seeming separateness would have collapsed immediately back upo...

About That Seeming Extension by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 14/02/2024

New Episode: About That Seeming Extension.

About That Seeming Extension by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West How can something be formed out of nothing? When I first began studying Hermeticism, that was my central question. There is, though, a gulf between the meaning of ‘nothing’ and ‘no-thing,’

Of Being and the Emergence of Physical Reality by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 08/02/2024

New Podcast Episode: Of Being and the Emergence of Physical Reality

Of Being and the Emergence of Physical Reality by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West This is the first episode of a new series concerning Hermetic Cosmology. Hermetic cosmology arises from observations by Hermetic Adepts carried out over generations and ages relating to Nature and how its various conditions form our physical reality. No matter which of Nature's three kingdoms (plant...

Initial Steps by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 25/01/2024

Initial Steps by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West In this episode, I describe from a high-level view what session time looks like. Session time is reserved in blocks of twelve weeks. All blocks follow roughly the same procedure, except for your initial block. In that one, your first four to six weeks, you learn protocols and exercises and accomplis...

What is Inner Work by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 03/01/2024

What is Inner Work by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West I'm calling this episode: what is Inner Work? In it, I explain by analogy how the Hermetic Science sees the human mind, how we all use the powers of our Esosphere, why you need inner work, the reasons for a guide, and more information about alchemical products.

How I got started in alchemy by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 22/12/2023

Second Episode How I got started in alchemy:

How I got started in alchemy by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West Follow me down the serpentine trail I took to discover the Hermetic Science and my study of alchemy. Walk with me from my early childhood of sleepwalking, looking for my laboratory, to a period of Satanism to finally emerge on the other side of the umbra into the light of Alchemical Gnosis.

Introduction Disclaimer Warning by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West 22/12/2023

First Episode: Introduction, Disclaimer, and Warning

Introduction Disclaimer Warning by Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West In this episode, I briefly introduce 'Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West, ' a disclaimer about the products, and a warning about Hermetic Inner Work.

Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters 22/12/2023

I started a new podcast take a listen and please subscribe.

Inner Work Guide's Alchemical Gnosis Yoga of the West • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters I define Alchemical Gnosis as using authentic alchemical preparations within the structure of Hermetic philosophy to bring about knowledge of and communication with your Inner Master. As in the East, Western Adepts have devised a set of disciplined practices and meditations designed to draw the seek...


A fascinating read, and scary how many so-called stalwarts of the constitution and conservatism are willing to abandon their principles and duties just to stay in power a bit longer. Sheev Palpatine said it best 'those who gain power are afraid to lose it.'