Pinprep is creating technology in education to bring forth a disruptive positive impact - to make Qu Pinprep is a technology company at the core.
RDX Team (Research Develop and Explore) at Pinprep is creating technology in education to bring forth a disruptive positive impact - to create more 'Service by Choice', to make Quality education more accessible. We realized that best learning happens when a student find best service providers based on their requirements, but in current market scenario find out correct coaching/class/training provi
der is very difficult until student are not connected with older student. Keeping those are in mind we have created cutting edge technology from the scratch to power the following brilliant features on Pinprep:
Consultant Service Listing
Pinprep support individual consultant who are interest to provide coaching and training, they can easily list their service here, with their custom charges. Consultancy Service Listing
Pinprep support consultancy/training providers/coaching classes who are provide coaching/class or training, they can easily list their service/package here, with their custom charges and features. Pinprep's Academic Promise
All the listing will done by certain process follow. To make it more informative and to avoid kind of stress students and their parents go through in today’s competitive arena. Processes are listed below.
1.Contact details are verified periodically with email verification and Phone no. with OTP.
2.All provide information by Consultant/Consultancy will be verified with our expert team member.
3.Listing will be done by rating & feedback provided by user (Only those user can rate & feedback who already purchase their service and delivery process completed).
4.Feedback and rating are display in public view. In that way before purchase service from Consultant/Consultancy user can verify the details.
5.Student/User can get in touch with Pinprep team at any point of time. If they found any unsatisfactory on service delivery, they can claim the refund process.