The Wandering Mind

The Wandering Mind

A page to gather together the output from my hobby-addled mind, whether it be 40k, 30k or Fantasy

A miniature wargaming page to gather together the output from my hobby-addled mind, mostly 30k, 40k, Fantasy, or whatever game grabs my attention at any one time. Started as an addition to my blog if the same name, which can still be found at


In full mass production mode for Old World.

Getting a bit tired of Contrast, but progress is being made :)

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 19/11/2023

Pretty productive evening :) Want a horde of Savage Orcs and Night Gobbos ready for Old World in January :)

Catching up 16/11/2023

Finally managed to get around to get a post written. I'm so bad at keeping up with things!

Catching up I know I vanished a little after my last post, but don't worry, my hobby mojo hasn't evaporated already! I'd love to say that I was just wa...

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 13/11/2023

Not a bad night's work. Long way to go on the Twins, but hopefully can get them done for Saturday.

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 07/11/2023

I haven't vanished again, I've just been busy finally getting these done, ready for the new year :)

God I love these old metal sculpts :)


Still a wip but been working on these Executioners that I've had for years.

Had to do a bit of improvisation with the sword blades as they're long gone, but I reckon they're shaping up nicely :)

I'm back! 15/10/2023

I'm back! I finally managed to break out of my hobby slump! After a few months of doing pretty much nothing, I've actually been able to coax my hobby...


Trying to work out if that looks decent or not.

What do you reckon?


Got a couple more Kakophonii finished for my Siege of Terra army

Figured the Kakophonii would be the most garish and 40k-esque part of the army, so I just rolled with it :)

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 03/10/2023

Managed to get myself up to the monthly Heresy night at Athena Games tonight.

Had an extremely fun game with my Imperial Fists vs World Eaters. Turned into a total bloodbath, as every good Heresy game should!

Everything boiled down to a massive 3 turn slugfest in the middle of the board between two Contemptors, my big Warder Squad, a sh*tton of Rampagers and my own Dread. Very little walked away from that alive!

Was great to get out and catch up with a some hobby friends who I haven't seen for a while. Was also great meeting a load of new people and generally have a fun night out.

Looking forward to doing again next month. It's also really got me fired up to get some stuff painted, so just good vibes all round right now :)


Testing a new recipe for the purple on my EC's. What do you think?


Had a really productive night stripping and rebuilding a bunch of Emperor's Children I got from a FB trade πŸ™‚

Feels good to be getting some decent hobby time in πŸ™‚

Need to source some Jump Packs for the Palatine Blades, but the core of the army is coming together nicely.

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 25/09/2023

Had a great Heresy game against my mate down at the club tonight.

My Imperial Fists got a whopping from the nefarious Alpha Legion, but it was great fun and really got my creative juices flowing for heresy again :)


Been making a start on painting the converted Kakophonii for my Emperor's Children.

Still very wip obviously, but it's the first painting I've done for over a month, so it's good to be working on stuff again!

I ain't dead! 05/09/2023

I ain't dead! I've stayed in my hobby funk pretty firmly over over the past few weeks. I had just been kicking my heels waiting for Epic to release, not r...

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 04/08/2023

Not the greatest of photos and still a lot to do, but finally getting somewhere with this corrupted Reaver.

It's been on my painting desk for over a year now. The approach of Epic is finally giving me the motivation to get it done :)

In a funk 03/08/2023

In a funk My hobby seems to be a bit all or nothing atm. After a few weeks of being productive, I've not really touched too much for nearly a month no...

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 02/08/2023

Finally finished something for the first time in weeks!

A few Kans and a Mek πŸ™‚

Old World Development Diary – The More Things Change, the More they Stay the Same… - Warhammer Community 24/07/2023

We have rules talk πŸ™‚

Liking what I'm seeing so far. The push/pull mechanic instead of just breaking seems interesting.

Full frontage fighting makes sense. Will have to see how that plays out in reality though.

Can guarantee the removal of magic phase will get the grognards up in arms XD

Old World Development Diary – The More Things Change, the More they Stay the Same… - Warhammer Community A quick look at some of the rules refinements in Warhammer: The Old World


Got my Mek Guns done. Bit of a quick and dirty scheme, but it does the job :)

Hobby Adventures 04/07/2023

It's certainly been an interesting few weeks for me.

Hobby Adventures It's been a strange couple of weeks for me in the hobby. First of all, I'm happy to report that I managed to finish up the last of the Cors...

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 01/07/2023

Excellent tournament today at Athena. Managed two wins, two losses and a draw :)

Was great to be playing Middle Earth again :)

The Art of 'Good Enough' 23/06/2023

It's too hot and horrible right now for painting, so I wrote a slightly ramble-y blog post instead.

The Art of 'Good Enough' I've been in a bit of hobby existential crisis this week. You see I've been painting up some new Corsairs I've got for a local Middle Earth...

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 23/06/2023

Got my Ork Index printed at A5 and bound for just under Β£20. Not bad at all πŸ™‚

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 19/06/2023

1st game of 10th Edition tonight vs a mate's Deamons. Seems a lot of fun and seems to play a lot smoother.

I have high hopes so far!

I did it! 17/06/2023

Very happy right now :)

I did it! I've reached quite a cool moment on my hobby.. For the first time in the 20ish years I've been playing, I've actually got a fully painted 20...

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 08/06/2023

Got the last of my league list painted, so I've got 2000pts of fully painted Orks done, ready for the new edition πŸ™‚

First time I've ever had a fully painted army done for 40k to a standard I'm really happy with in the 20 years I've been playing ^^

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 30/05/2023

And just like that, I'm done with 9th Edition!

Had my final league game last night vs Votann, where I lost by just 4 points!

69-73, so it was damn close!

Was good fun, but the bloated rules did seem to drag the game on. Looking forward to the cleanup and refresh of 10th.

9th had a lot of potential in the beginning, but it just spiralled out of control with power creep and rules bloat. Roll on a change I say!

I've now got a few weeks to finish up my Orks and play a few other game systems. Should be fun. :)


Another five Snaggas done. Had fun with the warpaint on these ones.

Only five more to go πŸ™‚

Gordakka Da Stompy 24/05/2023

Gordakka Da Stompy I had lot of fun this week painting up my Mega Dread. I had the night off work on Thursday with nothing else to do, so I really ...

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 23/05/2023

Had a fun Middle Earth game against a mate with my Corsairs last night.

Thinking I'm definitely going to be bringing them to the event at Athena next month.

Was good to be playing something other than 40k for the first time in ages :)


RIP Box Dreads. An iconic part of 40k history.

Makes me feel a little guilty for looting them for my Orks last week!


Despite my 6 hour 'nap', I had a fairly productive evening. Got this lot ready for Contrast-ing with the Slapchop method while listening to podcasts πŸ™‚

Contemplating 10th Edition 14/05/2023

Contemplating 10th Edition OK before I start, I need to confess that I've already gotten distracted from my Dark Elves. Hardly surprising to regular readers of this bl...

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 11/05/2023

Have I really gotten distracted so quickly?

Technically yes, but I do need a Mega Dread for a league game in a few weeks time, so I had to get lootin'.

Looking forward to getting this painted up :)

Looks like I'm back! 10/05/2023

Looks like I'm back! Well I was right, the Old World preview got me fired up. Even if the game's coming a bit later than I'd hoped, it still did the job of getti...

Photos from The Wandering Mind's post 08/05/2023

And they're done :) Not the most amazing of paint jobs, but I'm quite happy with how it turned out. My first Fantasy regiment in nearly six years!

Looking forward to cracking on with the rest of the army :)


I'm back on the hobby train :)

Started working on my Dark Riders. Got base layers and washes down. Just highlights and basing to go.

Feels lovely and pretty nostalgic to be working on Fantasy models again :)


Been sorting through my Dark Elves in anticipation of the release of The Old World.

It's in a bit of a sorry state, as most of it was in the process of being stripped for repainting when it went into storage. It'll take a lot of work to get it sorted and ready to play, but luckily I like a challenge.

Wish me luck!