Leafy Laura Art

Leafy Laura Art

Original art by Laura. After 40+ years and semi-retirement, I decided to pick up my art again. When I draw/paint/create, it is a spiritual experience.

It does not feel like I am the one creating but that I am allowing creation to flow through me! I intend to provide you with a cause to pause, breathe deeply, and smile at the abundance of beauty surrounding us. .


After painting ‘We’re all just walking each other home,” I had a hectic schedule for about a month. Bill kept asking me what I would paint next, and I would shrug, knowing I had time before returning to the studio. I made sure I had some quiet time built into the travel schedule, and, sure enough, during a time of contemplation, it was laid on my heart. “Paint a Mary Magdalene icon. Paint the many faces of her. A series.”

I was resistant at first, but one of my 2024 intentions is, no matter what, to say yes to what Spirit lays on my heart. There is much more to the story of my relationship with MM. I will say she surprised me. She emerged as I painted her. Her face has changed each time I’ve sat with this painting. But art is about the viewer's experience, so I invite you to sit with her, listen, and maybe be surprised as well. 🙏🏼🌬️💞

“Mary Magdalene 1”
8 x 10 acrylic on canvas board


I've always experienced painting as a flow of energy, rather than a conscious effort. The spiritual experience of creating 'We're all just walking each other home' opened up new aspects of myself. As Kurt Vonnegut so eloquently put it, 'The practice of art is not to make a living, but to make your soul grow.' A resounding YES! 💞🌬️🕊️❤️


Painted with permission from a photo taken by Deb Billups and posted to FB. Ocean on NC coast. 8 x 10 acrylic on canvas board.


This commission hangs in Ruffin, NC. Acrylic on canvas board, 8 x 10. Painted from a photo of our dock taken over the summer on the ESVA.