Kent Business TV
Kent Business TV is an online news channel for Kent The business video channel for Kent
Medway are upping their game, investing in a campaign, which puts children at the forefront of their plans for the future.
Councillor Jarrett and Councillor Illes briefly discuss the project in this heart-warming film, but it is the children that steal the show as they explore parks, gaming fairs and the Historic Dockyard Chatham, demonstrate their passion for their sports and the arts and learn new skills to take them into adulthood.
Who even knew that there was a forest school in Luton?
Channel your inner child and broaden your kid's horizons, there's a lot on offer in Medway!
MedwayTri, Black Lion Swimming Club , BMX & Pump Track Directory Rapture Gaming Festival Medway Council Icon Theatre
You know that buzz you get when working with people that inspire you?
Well the Medway Task Force is full of them and they're staging an event at MidKent College for young people to find out more about the opportunities that are available to them. Everything from The Duke of Edinburgh's Award, volunteering and apprenticeships to CV writing and job opportunities.
Please share with anyone in Medway that might be interested and get our young people inspired!
Louise Warn, Dean Painter, Peter Stawowski, Alexandra Gilliam, Jacqui Bailey, Emma Garthwaite , Julie May , Neal Ashford, Mark Rose, Emma Teresa, Tracey Loughlin