Danny Picard Videos

Videos by Danny Picard. A fun twist on amazing information to heal yourself and create change in life. Danny Picard, founder

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Other Danny Picard videos

Identifying the beliefs within you

The Light of Two Worlds is a unique collaboration between Danny Picard CHt and Jade Lyons. Jade brings timeless sound and alchemical movement through frequency of his gongs and other instruments which he intuitively uses, and it merges effortlessly with Danny’s extremely unique way of toning his voice and intuitive knowing which appropriate words to use in his meditations and hypnotherapy. When these two get together, they revel in creation and joy for creating a soundscape journey which reaches the subconscious depths of truth and often help remind you what a joy it is to be alive. Believers in magic, love, and the ability to make a difference in this world through a “next level” sound experience extremely exciting for both gentlemen. This journey will be focused on the topic “Self-Worth.” Often circumstances, lessons and especially expectations of society leave different subconscious habits within a person which contribute to not always feeling or knowing one’s self worth, value, or knowing how much your presence truly makes a difference. This topic has been important to both Danny and Jade. The benefits of repatterning your way into knowing how much you matter to all of creation will leave you feeling freer than ever before. #soundhealing #selfworth #selfvalue #hypnotherapy #sedona #unitychurchofsedona #magic

Why is everything all wonky? Or is everything just lighting up?