Wenling high school

Wenling high school

Wenling High School

Zhejiang province wen high school is one of the few century-old.前身宗文书院 , 创办于鸦片战争后之清道光 27 年(公元 1847 年),首任山长黄濬系进士出身,为民族英雄林则徐之挚交,其办学以启蒙化育、重士兴氓、报国振邦为己任。Predecessor Pope documents courtyard, founded in after the o***m war of qing dao 27 years (A.D. 1847), first shanzhang 黄濬 department jinshi background, national hero Lin zexu hankering for s*x, its school of enlightenment to educate, heavy and Mang, Zh