Chrysalis Life Coach - awaken. evolve. become.

Chrysalis Life Coach - awaken. evolve. become.

Are you living your most audacious and wildly fulfilling life? Isn't it time? Helping women live their most audacious and wildly fulfilling lives!

Get a taste of the possibilities, sample greater satisfaction, and discover what your life can be! Experience the no-cost / no-obligation Rapid Change coaching session.

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 31/12/2015

Free gift to help you examine your
past year and open to the possibilities of your New Year - Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin AndersonCheck out our most recent newsletter!

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 23/12/2015

No Expectations = No Resentments - Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 25/11/2015

Where are you letting the little things get in the way of your joy?

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 03/11/2015

Why you Need to Slow Down to Catch Up, Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 28/10/2015

Still comparing yourself to others? Try this instead...

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 21/10/2015

Are you moving forward, or sitting on your But

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 14/10/2015

A new take on being overwhelmed - Wednesday's Wisdom from Coach, Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 07/10/2015

Sanctuary! Sanctuary! Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 23/09/2015

The power of choosing "I must DO something!"

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 16/09/2015

Why you should accept "it is what it is."

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 09/09/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom: Life, Uncomplicated

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 19/08/2015

Why you should choose important over urgent.

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 12/08/2015

Gotta a problem with patience? Me, too...

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

 Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 29/07/2015

 Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

 Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday\'s Wisdom from Robin Anderson 22/07/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday\'s Wisdom from Robin Anderson Sometimes my clients will have a goal in mind but they're waiting...until their children leave home, they retire, their promotion comes through, and on and on.

Wednesday\'s Wisdom from Robin Anderson 15/07/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday\'s Wisdom from Robin Anderson Why is it so hard for some of us to accept a compliment? Why do we offer some excuse to minimize what has been said about us?

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 08/07/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 01/07/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday\'s Wisdom from Robin Anderson 24/06/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday\'s Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 17/06/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesdays Wisdom from Robin Anderson 10/06/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesdays Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 03/06/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson 27/05/2015

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Wednesday's Wisdom from Robin Anderson

Are You Pitiful or Powerful? 06/10/2014

Are You Pitiful or Powerful?

Are You Pitiful or Powerful? Ever run into people who just seem stuck? Who continually have bad things happen to them--and want to bend your ear about it? There doesn't seem to be a ray of sunshine in their lives. And being around them feels very uncomfortable.

How to Change the World 18/08/2014

How to Change the World

How to Change the World Someone recently shared with me that the current state of the world is weighing heavily on his mind. Violence seems to be escalating and is the go-to tool for resolving conflict. The "us v. them" mentality is rampant, creating a sense of hopelessness that we will continue fighting amongst ourselves.

Why You Should LOVE Getting Older 04/08/2014

Why You Should LOVE Getting Older

Why You Should LOVE Getting Older Our youth-obsessed culture makes it hard to get older as a woman. Often our self-image and self-esteem decline as the grey hairs increase. We can get lost in all of the changes that are occurring to our physical appearance.

Letting+Go+of+Your+Whip+ 22/07/2014


Letting+Go+of+Your+Whip+ Ever beat yourself up for things you've done in the past? Maybe you can't quite allow yourself to make mistakes. Or you don't think you're improving fast enough. Are regrets holding you back?

What+You+Leave+Behind 07/07/2014


What+You+Leave+Behind Many of us are so busy looking ahead, planning our future, or waiting for something. We don't allow ourselves time to stop and take a breath.

Are+You+Enjoying+What's+Important+to+You? 23/06/2014


Are+You+Enjoying+What's+Important+to+You? I've been reading a really interesting book, Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play when No One Has the Time, by Bridgid Schulte. She was intrigued after being told that she has 30 hours of leisure a week; this from a sociologist who has spent years studying how people use time. Hearing this did not sit w…

6+Way+to+Know+Your+Inner+Critic+Is+Lurking+Nearby 16/06/2014


6+Way+to+Know+Your+Inner+Critic+Is+Lurking+Nearby Lately a lot of my clients seem to be struggling with outside voices telling them what they should or shouldn't do. This isn't a sign of mental illness but they do seem to be stuck, putting too much emphasis on what others think.