Acadia University Sexual Health

Acadia University Sexual Health

Inclusive and comprehensive s*xual health education for the Acadia Student Body. Do you have a question?

You can submit it through Facebook or Instagram OR
Come drop-in to the Acadia Student Health Centre in Dennis House for a private and supportive chat with S*xual Health Educator, Emma Van Rooyen.

Timeline photos 25/04/2018

This will be my last post for the year. It’s been a slice! I hope you have a glittery summer, full of new and tasty experiences 😘😁😎⠀

*xualhealth ⠀

Repost from sh24_nhs

Timeline photos 23/04/2018

The only sure hung is that no one is easy to read. We’ve all got depth and a whole life worth of complicated experiences that make us who we are. ⠀

And if you’re a s*xy, bitchy, well-dressed person with depth don’t ever apologize for it!⠀

Timeline photos 23/04/2018

Today from 10-12. Come find me in the health centre if you’re still on or around campus. Last door on the right 😎 *xualhealth

Timeline photos 21/04/2018

Ever feel like you’re drowning in expectations? Ever feel pressure to be part of a couple? To hook up? To be someone you’re not interested in being? Does it ever make you feel grumpy? ⠀

You’re not alone. The pressure to meet social expectations affects most every one of us. These are lonely feelings, but remember: you don’t feel them alone. ⠀


Timeline photos 20/04/2018

It’s almost the end of the year, and drop in is winding down. Come by anytime between 230-430 to the Dennis health centre. See you there!

Timeline photos 19/04/2018

One more of these... exams are winding down. Time to relax ;) ⠀


Timeline photos 18/04/2018

I’m working on being a grown up, but this is still hilarious 😂 ⠀
*xisfunny *xualhealth

Timeline photos 16/04/2018

Good luck with your finals! Don’t forget to take a break and let your mind and body relax. S*x is a great stress reliever (so is a nap). summer is almost here! ⠀
*xbreak *xualhealth

Timeline photos 16/04/2018

Yawn through it! It’s Monday again, and that means drop in between 10-noon at the Dennis Health Centre *xualhealth

Timeline photos 14/04/2018

I talk to a lot of folks about s*x, and almost across the board people learn about gender identity and non-heteros*xual s*xualities through friends or online, not at school. Not teaching inclusive s*x Ed sends the message that there is a “normal” and a “not normal” way to have s*xual, identify or fall in love. ⠀

Obviously that’s BS.⠀

Teaching inclusive s*x Ed that includes in depth factual information about gender identity and the wide range of s*xualities that exist helps to normalize “difference” until there’s nothing “different” about it. ⠀

Smash stigma, smash patriarchy, smash transphobia. Elevate the voices of people who have been “othered” by including them. ⠀

*xualhealth *xualhealth

Timeline photos 13/04/2018

No Drop in today. Sorry to miss you :)

Timeline photos 13/04/2018

A gentle reminder and an empowering thought: Your body is not a project; not something to be mastered. Care for it, give it a break and show it some kindness if you can. ⠀

*xualhealth ⠀

Repost .bratcomics

Timeline photos 12/04/2018

Pupper snuggles are great for stress relief.

This FRIDAY! PAWS ROOM - Study Happy at the Acadia Library! Friday April 13th from 11am to 2pm! Learn more about this event and all our Study Happy events at

Timeline photos 11/04/2018

Happy finals everyone!⠀
*x *xualhealth

Timeline photos 11/04/2018

Boys and other masculine presenting folks are not 2 dimensional. We are socialized to think that these folks should be strong and hard and feel no pain. That’s a completely unrealistic expectation, and one that can lead to violence.⠀

Cis men are statistically the largest group of people who die by su***de. They’re also the most likely group of folks to perpetrate s*xual violence. Part of the way to combat these statistics we need to shift our expectations of masculine folks, and hold space for them to be multi-dimensional people. ⠀


Timeline photos 10/04/2018

This bear knows what’s up. You’re super cute, and that’s the truth. ⠀


Timeline photos 07/04/2018

More and more young folks are learning about s*x from p**n. Some studies have found that 11 is the average age when folks start looking at p**n, so chances are p**n shapes our understanding of what s*x is, how it happens, how it looks and what we’re expected to do. ⠀

**Let me say, before I go on, that I am not anti-p**n. P**n itself isn’t inherently harmful, and I don’t think a p**n prohibition will solve anything (there’s a lot of folks who think it will).⠀

Now, back to s*x Ed. A lot of p**n plays on stereotypes and cliches of s*x, so when we learn about s*x from p**n we can get a twisted idea of what s*x is really like (ex. there’s not a lot of intimacy in p**n).⠀

So watch it for fun, watch it to get off, but know it’s a form of fantasy. P**n stars are people, but people don’t always want to be treated like p**n stars. ⠀

**n *xeducation *xualhealth # Acadiau⠀

Repost from .ed

Timeline photos 06/04/2018

Slight time change for the drop in today.
Come by and see me anytime between 1:30 - 3:30 in the Dennis Health Centre!

Timeline photos 04/04/2018

Talking about body positivity, self love and self care is great! But also, if you can’t get there, can’t feel love for yourself, that’s ok. ⠀

Self love takes a lot of work, and even after doing the work, we don’t always feel love for ourselves. That’s ok. ⠀

Keep taking care of yourself as best you can, and give yourself some credit for trying.⠀


Timeline photos 02/04/2018

I support inclusive, intersectional and pleasure-focused s*x Ed! But most schools aren’t quite there yet. ⠀

A lot of folks find the kind of s*x Ed they’re after on YouTube and Tumblr. Online resources are awesome, just make sure the resource is reliable and not biased. ⠀

Ask yourself:⠀
Who is providing the information?⠀
Can I fact check this from another resource? ⠀

Repost from

Timeline photos 02/04/2018

Stop by for a chat, to organize a s*x Ed activity or what have you. *xualhealth

Timeline photos 31/03/2018

“And if you don't like abortion⠀
Don't have an abortion”⠀
- Ani Difranco, Amendment ⠀

There are a lot of taboo subjects related to s*x. There’s a whole list of things we are told not to talk about, things we are told are shameful. ⠀

Abortion is pretty near the top of that list. We need to talk about it, because silence and shame undermine the reproductive rights and physical health of every person who can become pregnant. ⠀

*xualhealth ⠀


Timeline photos 30/03/2018

Whatever birth control you choose try to pick the one that makes you feel like dancing... or at least have s*x that makes you feel like dancing 💃 dancing 🕺 dancing with or****ic delight. ⠀⠀
*xualhealth ⠀⠀
Repost from

Timeline photos 28/03/2018

Did you hear? Early Easter drop in will be today 230 - 430 at the student Health Centre. Hop on by!⠀
🐣 👩‍🎓 👨‍🎓😁⠀


Timeline photos 27/03/2018

Liking, wanting and enjoying the s*x you’re into doesn’t make you any less valuable as a person. ⠀

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If they try to, they aren’t worth your time.⠀

*xyhuman *xualhealth

Timeline photos 26/03/2018

Naked bodies are not s*xual, we s*xualize them. ⠀

Being s*xualized when we want to be can be hot and fun and naughty. ⠀

Being s*xualized when we don’t want to be can be so many other things, including harassment and assault. ⠀

No one has a right to any one else’s body. ⠀


Timeline photos 26/03/2018

Sorry folks, I’m under the weather today.
is a holiday, so there will be a Wed drop in, keep posted!

Timeline photos 25/03/2018

A reminder that *xworkers people living with a or a and folks all deserve respect and access to equal human rights. AND that recognizing someone else’s rights and humanity does not take away from your own. ⠀


Timeline photos 23/03/2018

Exactly how I feel about the snow. Come drop by and talk about the weather, or whatever ;)

Timeline photos 23/03/2018

The is a wise and beautiful blob.⠀

Creating and maintaining personal boundaries (emotional, s*xual, mental etc.) can be tough work, and people may not appreciate when we lay down the line (however kindly we do it).⠀

But boundaries are healthy, and can help to keep us safe and healthy too. ⠀
