Hiroki Kondo Photography
Hiroki Kondo's photo page
使用機材/My photography gear
・SONY Vario-Tessar T* FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS SEL1635Z
・SONY FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM SEL2470GM
・SONY FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS SEL70200GM
・SONY Sonnar T* FE 55mm F1.8 ZA SEL55F18Z
・SONY FE 85mm F1.4 GM SEL85F14GM
・SONY FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS SEL90M28G
・Canon Speedlite 600EX-RT
・NISSIN JAPAN i60a for Sony
・Cactus V6ll ワイヤレスフラッシュトランシーバー
I can't wait for spring.
Papa loves you forever.
佐々木 郷美 さいたま市議会議員
“認知症”のスペシャリストとして活躍する医師に聞いた!認知症ケアの最前線と、これから。 (KAIGO LEADERS10周年イベント #3)
ケアテックは敵? 味方? 人と一緒に未来を歩む、テクノロジーの在り方(KAIGO LEADERS10周年イベント #2)
介護の仕事は、高齢者の心を輝かせること。『シン・ニホン』著者・安宅和人が見据える介護の未来とは?(KAIGO LEADERS10周年イベント #1)
訪問看護ステーション ココパレ 代表 樋口敬子
石井英寿 / Hidekazu Ishii
#ホンダ #ホンダバイク #ほんだのばいく #バイク写真部 #バイク女子 #バイクライフ #カプ主 #カブスタグラム #東京カメラ部
Have a good night seeing super moon😪🌕
#スーパームーン #満月
Thinking why I haven’t taken a picture of flowers. Ah, I’ve been freaking busy but I realize working too hard makes me blur. I’ll restart it after this disgustingly hot summer.
Harumi area has been changing a lot. If I lived here. I’d take a picture of a beautiful bay area view on a high floor.
I was so busy that I couldn’t take a few pics of cherry blossoms but I’m enough of this picture. I just take a picture when I feel something.
It was an early cold morning but just beautiful. It takes 4 hours to south Izu by car. If you like a peaceful place to see without too tourists, it is worth going this area.
The combination between the Milky Way and the color before the dawn is just breathtaking.
#天の川 #東京カメラ部
In an early morning before 5 am, the milky way appeared on Yumigahama Surf. The temp of the sea was lower than the temp of the air so some fog was flowing on the sea. It was just beautiful.
#天の川 #東京カメラ部
After I drove down mountain paths to Minokake Rock, there were so many stars above me. The Milky Way will be on the rock in summer so I'd like to come visit again.
I just waited for this golden fish to swim up to the surface of water. I wanted to take this picture like a painting.
#金魚 #東京カメラ部
Would you like to fly high?
I’d highly recommend shooting spotted garden eels!!
#チンアナゴ #東京カメラ部
Sorry I haven’t uploaded my pics here. I’ll show you what I see and feel this year.