Stepping Out Coaching with Karin Marcus

Stepping Out Coaching with Karin Marcus

Change is the only constant in life. Karin invites you to step out of your comfort zone, learn to embrace change, and create sustainable personal growth.

Karin’s personal coaching style combines her love of the outdoors and respect for the human spirit. Her practice includes “walk and talks” or phone sessions with individual clients, as well as a variety of outdoor retreats, support groups, and adult education programs. Her goal is to help everyone become an environmentalist of the heart. She is also the author "Birding Through Cancer: A Seasons o

What do you practice?? 12/01/2018

Words of wisdom that the world needs now!

What do you practice??

Five Ways to Connect to Nature in 2018 11/01/2018

My intention was to write an insightful New Year's message but then I had a brain freeze. Literally! On the coldest days of the year our heater died. For three days the house was at 37 degrees.
Then I found some one had written the article for me and expressed all I want to say! Enjoy!

Five Ways to Connect to Nature in 2018 The new year is a fantastic time to rediscover how being in nature can help reduce stress and increase effectiveness. You do not have to make a large commitment of time, just block out some space i…


This snowy and cold, beautiful morning I went on the Christmas bird count at John Heinz NWR. About 3 hours in, we were suddenly surrounded by a murmuration of 2,000 starlings landing in the trees all around us. The sound of their whistling and chattering was deafening. Then in an instant they all went completely silent and flew away. We never spotted what spooked them, but slowly the quiet woods returned to normal. First with a Carolina Wren calling,"I'm still here!" and it's friend, "And I'm over hear too."
Whenever I have an unexpected meeting in the forest, I like to google the totem of my visitor to see what message was being conveyed. This one is a timely message for us all:

The Starling Totem
Starling: Group Behavior

Starling teaches how to behave within a group setting - how to be effective and assertive without becoming a bully. Communication is important to Starling people; however, you must be careful what you say, for people may take it incorrectly or blow it out of proportion. Watch your own sensitivity to other's words. You might be reading more into it that is truly there. By learning Starling's behaviors, you can live peacefully within your community of friends and family.

Starling teaches lessons of group etiquette, social standing an family relations and how you appear to the world in those relationships. He will show the nuances of the art of communication and vocalization which needs to be clear and expressive. It's time to speak your voice. Starling can show how to be a fierce competitor to achieve goals along with using all the resources available to do such. Are you balancing your feminine/masculine qualities? It is time to accomplish tasks early and not wait until the last minute. Are you clinging to an idea, perception, people too tightly? Starling will teach much about sensitivity to others and working as a unity either in this world or another and will instill a sense of protection and hope.

Opinion | How to Bring Your Vacation Home With You 25/09/2017

The importance of unexpected, immersive experiences-- I love that phrase. It came from this interesting article about the value of vacations :

Opinion | How to Bring Your Vacation Home With You Be open to unexpected, immersive experiences.

A Cancer Survivor Designs the Cards She Wishes She’d Received From Friends and Family 13/08/2017

I love these empathy cards! When I was ill i really appreciated the written notes I received. If you know someone going through a difficult illness, these are cards are perfect!.

A Cancer Survivor Designs the Cards She Wishes She’d Received From Friends and Family Los Angeles–based designer Emily McDowell was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkin’s lymphoma at age 24, enduring nine months of chemo and radiation before g ...


Need to unwind and can't get away? Watch this wonderful video
Take 5: The Forest Awakens - Nature Sounds for Stress Relief
Want to carry the soothing sounds and images of nature with you wherever you go? Check out our Wellscapes app:

Connecting to the iTunes Store. Connecting to the iTunes Store.


Happy birthday Victoria, I've been thinking of you every time Azarenka plays. Wishing you both a great week!

About Book 04/01/2017

I was fortunate to be interviewed for the Hay House Radio program Bright New Voices. I just uploaded it to my website if you would like to listen:

About Book Birding Through Cancer: A Seasons of Change Journey, by Karin Marcus - free sample chapter, updates on book launch events, and testimonials about the book.

Fox Medicine 18/11/2016

Lately I’ve been going lots of long walks, savoring the sun shining on the glorious fall trees. It comforts me to be embraced by nature in the beauty of the present moment.

One day as I was walking the periphery of a field, there was a fox hunting for rodents in the tall grasses. We both froze, when we spotted each other at the same moment. The fox stealthy crouched down and disappeared. I could not see him but I knew he was cautiously watching me.

This was the third fox I had seen at different locations this week which is unusual. So I looked up the fox totem on my phone. This is the message that spoke to me with this particular encounter:

“The Fox's ability to meld into one's surroundings and be unnoticed is a powerful gift when one is observing the activities of others.
If Fox has chosen to share its medicine with you, it is a sign that you are to become like the wind, which is unseen yet is able to weave into and through any location or situation. You would be wise to observe the acts of others rather than their words at this time. Use your cunning nature in a positive way; keep silent about who and what and why you are observing.”

Once again nature has shared her wisdom and shown me the path to walk.

Fox Medicine

Timeline photos 27/10/2016

I was out birding this past week end and appreciating a beautiful Wood Drake which reminded me of this wonderful poem:

When despair for the world grows in me
And I wake in the night at the least sound
In fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
Rests his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
Who do not tax their lives with forethought
Of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
Waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

Wendell Berry

Finalists of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - Bird In Flight 19/10/2016

These photos will bring a smile to your face.

Finalists of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - Bird In Flight The judges have selected the best works from over 2,000 submissions.


Can you join me Thursday 20th for "A Celebration of Hope", a free day of education and inspiration by the Cancer Support Community of Greater Philadelphia. I will have a sponsor's table and giving away free eBooks as well as selling signed copies of my book, "Birding Through Cancer: A Seasons of Change Journey." To

Free Philly Event for Cancer Patients, Survivors, Caregivers Free Philadelphia cancer conference October 22, 2015 for Philadelphia-area cancer patients, cancer survivors, and cancer caregivers.

Blog – Mourning with the Seasons 23/09/2016

Another blog to share:
A fellow Seasons of Change colleague Elsa Weber also shares her poignant journey in her book "A Beautiful Mourning."

Blog – Mourning with the Seasons “Unexpected Moments of Grace” This is my first blog post on Mourning with the Seasons and I couldn’t be any more grateful to be able to recommend the book “Birding Through Cancer.” This highly original book was written by fellow Seasons of Change coach, Karin Marcus, who also happened to be my trai...

2016 Recovery Big Year – Purpose & Goals 23/09/2016

I've entered the fun stage of receiving feedback from people who resonate my book. One person shared how nature and birding has helped her cope with debilitating migraines. Here is her blog:
Would love hearing from more of you!

2016 Recovery Big Year – Purpose & Goals Like last year, the primary goal of my Recovery Big Year is to expand my physical limits through birding. I had great success in 2015, going from bedridden to driving myself an hour. It’s incredible to witness the power birding has over my recovery mindset; the drive to explore, adventure, and bird…

Timeline photos 14/09/2016

Thank you everyone who came out for and sent well wishes for my book launch this past Sunday. The highlight was a cake from my daughters and husband with the book cover icing!

Timeline photos 02/09/2016

I'm so excited to announce the publication of my book, "Birding Through Cancer: A Seasons of Change Journey. In celebration, I am extending my author's discount to my first readers. Please go to my website to learn how you can order a personalized signed copy..


Last week’s Crpytoquote in the local paper was a welcome and much needed reminder:

“Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves, we give away.” Barbara de Angelis

So often my quality downtime becomes overshadowed by the endless to-dos of everyday life. I may think I’ve fully embraced the importance of extreme self-care, then an unexpected reminder like this appears and I realize I’ve fallen off track again.

I’ve come to learn that my richest moments of self-reflection come during walking-meditations. Sitting still in prayer seems to just open the door for my mind to go a wandering. And while I often find journaling cathartic, for me it is rarely insightful. I also know my most satisfying solitude is found in nature where I never feel lonely or bored. Nature always welcomes me into a state of quiet mindfulness and blessed interconnectedness.

Where do you find your best moments of solitude and self-reflection? How frequently do you go there?
