Barbara Bridgman

Barbara Bridgman

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Barbara Bridgman, Health/Beauty, .


So Monday I thought Ivy (who is 4.5) had a field trip (actually it's Thursday) so I rushed to the store early Monday morning to get a lunchable because I had put down she was bringing lunch.

She has been eating lunch at school since day 1. Everyday she comes home super hungry and thirsty from school because she mostly either eats just the fruit or veggies depending on what is being served at school. However, everything changed Monday. She came home from school super excited because she had eaten all of her food but most importantly she wasn't complaining that she was super hungry or thirsty either.

So I asked her if she liked the lunch at school and she said no, which I had asked her before and she just said sometimes. Then I asked her her if she wanted to take her lunch from now on and she said yes. Let me tell you..huge improvement in her after school just since Monday.

She gets to pick what she wants for lunch too and that makes it more exciting for her.

Her lunch today:
2 pcs uncured Turkey
Montery cheese slices
Unsweetened apple sauce
Hummus chips with rosemary and olive oil (yes she picked them and likes them šŸ˜)
Rice Krispy Treat (only non fix approved item)

Water to drink


When things try to get in the way of your progress you have to keep pushing forward. Your sucess depends on you and not those around you.

With that being said I chose to workout in the evening yesterday instead of earlier during the day knowing I had a meeting at church to attend that evening. Well I got home later than expected and was still going to workout but I had to take my 3.5 month old to the ER because he was running a fever and was diagnosed as having an ear infection. I did not workout after coming home from the ER.

I am not telling you this to make excuses but rather make a point in stating that I had a choice to make and I chose poorly and thus letting it effect my workout for yesterday.

That is what this journey is about..choices. You choose to eat healthy, you choose to workout, and you choose whether or not you let obstacles define your journey. I am not going to let one poor decision get in my way. Today is a new day and yesterday is in the past and I choose to live in the now and not the then. I choose me!!


"Conquer your mind, Transform your life"

What do you choose? What do you let get in your way?


I started late..but I started and that is what is important!! Just finished up day 1 of the hybrid work out and let me tell ya it wasn't easy but it felt soo good!! Today was the restart on my journey. I am getting my nutrition back on track as well as my workouts!! I never thought I would say I missed working out or even enjoyed it, but here I am :)

I am letting go of feeling bad for myself over the last year that I could not work out and the fact I let my nutrition slip up some while I was pregnant (mostly because I could only eat what the baby would let me ;) )

Here is to getting me back and moving forward to a healthier me

What do you need to let go of?


Dinner tonight!! Roasted cabbage salad, stuffed tilapia, and mashed potatoes


Dinner for tonight. Stroganoff with swedish meatballs and broccoli salad. It was a win with the husband šŸ˜²šŸ˜²šŸ˜šŸ˜. 1 step to a healthier me as my journey continues!!


Being a Beachbody Coach sometimes means you have to make sacrifices!! Drove 3 hrs to attend a "conference" what we call Super Weekend. Getting all the new information coming up!! Grateful for all Beachbody has to offer!!


Can I just take a minute and be real open and honest? So, I have a 1 month old, 4 yr old, and 18 yr old. I am also a Navy wife and at the moment my husband is currently gone for at least 3 more weeks. Anyhow, learning to adjust to having a newborn and a 4 yr old has kinda been a struggle for me lately. Being a breastfeeding mom is rough sometimes. I can't just go and make a bottle real quick, change him, and have him fed and back to bed within 30 mins. He has to nurse and be changed and nurse again. So by the time that is all said and done and he is back to sleep I may get at the most 1 hr of sleep in between his feedings. He is currently congested so he wants to comfort nurse which is taking more energy from me. My 4 yr old needs my time as well and she is in school so I have to make sure I am up in time to get her ready for school and on the bus and then off the bus in the evenings. Then she needs dinner, read to, a shower, and put to bed. I am just exhausted!! My 18 yr old has 2 jobs so she isn't here that much either, but when she is she steps up and helps me when I need it! I am so thankful for her assistance as well.

In all of that where does taking care of me fit in? Well, let me tell you at times it doesn't. At times I may be lucky to get something to eat or drink. I take my showers in the middle of the night when I know the baby will be asleep the longest and after he has been fed. The showers are usually quick and by the time I am done I have to feed him again.

The struggle is real y'all!! As mom's we need to remember we need to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. No one else is going to do it for us!! I had a hard lesson in this yesterday after developing a migraine early this morning. I realized that I haven't drank much over the past few days and had became dehydrated which in turn gave me the migraine. We have to learn to take care of ourselves as much if not more than we take care of everyone else. If not then who will take care of them when you are not able to?

In the midst of it all though I know that God his there keeping me strong and with God is how I can make it all possible. Even when the enemy tries rear his ugly self in the situation. The devil is a liar!! He will not bring me down and God will continue to build me up!!

Stay strong, be strong!!


1 month post baby. I am starting to get my figure back. Still away to go but I am getting there. Can't wait until I get cleared to start working out again!!


It is crazy what pregnancy does to your body!! Your body gets stretched this way and that and then after you have the baby it slowly starts forming back to where it was before.

This pregnancy has taken a toll on me. I had gestational diabetes and just felt awful most of the time and could barely do anything without getting out of breath and feeling as if I was going to pass out. Thankfully I made it through and the baby was born without any issues as well.

He was born at 8 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long. He is currently 3 weeks old today. However, my struggles didn't stop after I gave birth but just progressed. I had a scheduled c-section after my previous 2 children and having issues with delivering them the doctors said it was my best option.

Anyhow, so I retained A LOT of water after giving birth this time. So much so that I had actually gained about 4 lbs after giving birth. I had to prop my feet up a lot and could barely walk because my feet were so swollen. The swelling is almost gone now, but there is a little left in my feet and my stomach. I am down 24 lbs and only have 36 lbs to go before my pre-pregnancy weight. I gained 70 lbs with this pregnancy which included the extra water retained after giving birth.

I cannot wait to be able to start working out again since I was not able to do so while I was pregnant it has been over a year since I have worked out. I have however, be able to still continue eating healthy and watching my portion sizes so that has helped as well. Stay tuned for more posting and updates. I will be looking for people to join me soon to get back into shape so be on the look out!!


Michael Cadwallader


13 more days until my baby boy will be here!!


Why is it that people are more willing to believe in Santa Clause than the birth of Christ?
Why is it hard for people to teach their children about God and Jesus, but when it comes to fictional characters like Santa, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and various Super Heroā€™s they get excited about it and are willing to go to great lengths to prove their existence?
I raised my kids to believe in God and his son Jesus Christ. That the Easter Bunny, Santa, Tooth Fairy, and Super Heroā€™s were not real. They do not exist and there is no proof that they do except for in a worldly view.
Now I will agree that there once was a man that would go around to orphanages and give the children giftā€™s and put treats in their socks because they had nothing nor on one to get the anything.
The idea that man had has been so hyped up over the years that it has led to chaos. People are more concerned about what to get their children and they need the next big thing in life. Some people believe that they need to get their children EVERYTHING that they ask for no matter what the cost.
They want to make sure their kids hold onto the idea that there is a man dressed in a red suit who can fly around the world in a magical sleigh pulled by flying reindeer in one night that even when their kids come to them about the fact they no itā€™s not real they find ways to convince their children it is.
I have also found that this to be true even in the Christian community. Pastorā€™s of young children will also tell their children about Santa; however, they will also tell their children about God and Christ his son. They will go along with the worldly views about Christmas while still trying to instill the Christian view about Christ. This brings confusion to these children as well. On one hand they are told that Santa is who brings them at least one present on Christmas and all the stories that go along with that, but on the other hand they are also being told about Christ and he was born on Christmas day and that is why we celebrate Christmas. So then why the need for Santa then? When these children grow up and discover that they were lied to by their parents about Santa how will they react? What will they think? They will be being told a lie by their parents who have told them not to lie. That It says in the Bible that lying is a sin. This will also put doubts in their heads about Christ as well. They could think if they lied about Santa then could they be lying about Christ as well?
On the flip side you have the son of God who was born to a Virgin. God blessed Mary with the gift of his child. This was a miracle, magical if you will for a woman to have born a child who was still a virgin. When told of the birth of Christ people cringe and cover their kidsā€™ earā€™s. Donā€™t believe the story people say it isnā€™t real. There is not such thing as God people say.
So, parents agree that it is easier and better to tell their kids Santa is real because you can have someone dress up in a red suit and beard and pretend that he is Santa. However, they cannot bring themselves to tell their children about Christ and how he was born and the miracle that took place that day because you cannot provide a concrete proof that God exists.
God does exist though. He lives in our hearts. He is everywhere and everything. He is always watching over us and making sure we do the right thing. God is protecting us when the enemy tries to attack us.
Christmas isnā€™t about what you get people or what you get from people for that matter. It is about Christ and the birth of Christ that took place upon that night many, many years ago. It is about love and compassion, joy and harmony. Christmas it about family and friends, smiles and hugs, comfort and love.
When kids grow up and they figure out that Santa isnā€™t real they will start to question you. They will have a hard time trusting you as well. They will be wondering what else they have been lied to about.
We need to teach our children the true meaning of Christmas and stop instilling fictious ideas in their heads just because that is what the world wants us to teach them.

Why Do I Overeat? 7 Habits to Break 07/12/2018

Why Do I Overeat? 7 Habits to Break Why do I overeat? Have you found yourself asking that question at the end of the day or perhaps the next morning when you step on the scale?


So it has been a long while since I have posted anything and with good reason. Since my last posting my family and I moved from IL to VA and I also discovered right before we moved that I was pregnant with our 3rd child (and last).

Since being pregnant I have some complications.
1st Trimester complete exhaustion and nausea

2nd Trimester half way through I started feeling better and was able to be a little more active than what I was in the 1st trimester.

3rd Trimester (current and final) I am back to being tired which is expected since I have to get up and go to the bathroom constantly. Baby boy is getting bigger so it's harder to get comfortable. Also just found out 2 weeks ago that I have gestational diabetes.

I am blessed and grateful for all of my children because at one point in my life I was told I couldn't have any, but God had different plans (thankfully). With that being said at the age of 37 I am on my final pregnancy. This one has been by far the hardest on me for lots of reasons, but I am grateful to God for allowing me to have one more.

With all of that being said stay tuned for updates....


29 weeks

Photos from Barbara Bridgman's post 20/04/2018

Beachbody's new product..Beachbars!! These are amazing and even my 3.5 yr old loves them!! 10g of protein and only 150 calories!!


Love yourself!! Who wants to join in me in a 7 day private FB group?

What are you doing?
Learning Self Love
āœ”Talking/thinking about yourself better
āœ”Love who you are and who you see in the mirror
āœ”Evaluate the ones closest to you and how they impact your happiness
āœ”Plus more

When was the last time you did something for you?

7 Days of Self Love Starts March 5th

Comment ā¤ to join me and I will send you the link

Photos from Barbara Bridgman's post 23/02/2018

It has been a while since I posted updated pics of my scrap veggies. As you can see they are growing really well.

Photos from Barbara Bridgman's post 12/02/2018

4 can see how much they have grown

Photos from Barbara Bridgman's post 07/02/2018

Celery and lettuce are doing well. I started 2 new celery and some romaine lettuce. The green onions are growing

Photos from Barbara Bridgman's post 06/02/2018

This is so awesome!!

Photos from Barbara Bridgman's post 06/02/2018

These were taken yesterday

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Push through even when it is hard