Videos by LT360. LT360 is an integrated medical clinic that helps you get healthy at the cellular level all naturally
3 TIPS FOR YOUR MORNING: 1. Before your coffee, drink cucumber and lemon water. Cucumber and lemons are FULL of nutrients and antioxidants 2. Drink HEAL and RECOVERY (find that on our website!). It is designed to strengthen the body’s systems on a cellular level by regulating growth, immune system functions, and metabolism that keep the body’s cells functioning at an optimal level.3. MEAL PREP! Meal prepping on your day off or one more calm night will set you up for success. If you meal prep the right food, it saves you money but most importantly it saves you from going off your plan of a healthy lifestyle. It saves you from those “Oh I forgot my lunch, I’m going to run to McDonald’s because it close by” Comment down below what else you do for your morning routine ☀️Not featured: LT360 HEAL products are also added in our daily morning routine. All products can be found on our website!
3 TIPS FOR YOUR MORNING: 1. Before your coffee, drink cucumber and lemon water. Cucumber and lemons are FULL of nutrients and antioxidants 2. Drink HEAL and RECOVERY (find that on our website!). It is designed to strengthen the body’s systems on a cellular level by regulating growth, immune system functions, and metabolism that keep the body’s cells functioning at an optimal level.3. MEAL PREP! Meal prepping on your day off or one more calm night will set you up for success. If you meal prep the right food, it saves you money but most importantly it saves you from going off your plan of a healthy lifestyle. It saves you from those “Oh I forgot my lunch, I’m going to run to McDonald’s because it close by” Comment down below what else you do for your morning routine ☀️Not featured: LT360 HEAL products are also added in our daily morning routine. All products can be found on our website!