Tea mug

Tea mug

a small, usually round-shaped, drinking vessel with a handle.


As the first cups, people used all sorts of devices that vaguely resembled modern cups: these were the horns of wild animals, the shells of ostrich eggs, later clay cups and products made from a single piece of amber appeared. Yes, such dishes looked quite impressive, but drinking from them was hardly very convenient. Firstly, such cups could not be placed on a flat surface and had to be constantly held in the hand. Secondly, such cups practically did not retain the heat of the contents

Timeline photos 18/10/2023

Intro Dog, Zero!


The first to taste the taste of tea were the Chinese. Even today, along with the Japanese, they are considered the main admirers and producers of this drink. You can’t argue with history, because it was in China that the tradition of the tea ceremony with all the rules that followed from it was formed over centuries. Today in the world, for some, a mug of tea is a reason to get together to communicate and have a good time; for others, it is an opportunity to take a break and cheer up; for others, it is a whole leisurely procedure that requires a special attitude and skills.
