Sarah Connolly Coaching

Sarah Connolly Coaching

I help females increase their body confidence by eating & training smarter. Leave your poor body ima


Become the woman you are meant to be…

A 12 week commitment to self.
To learn to love all of you and a huge step towards self-acceptance and steeping into your power.

Consciously clear out all beliefs and stories that are weighing you down and learn to be in a relationship with self.

Our physical body is a reflection of what is happening internally, and this is the self healing course to help you shine inside out.

So this is the opportunity to become whole,
To change the story and to fall in love with self.

With incredible weekly coaching sessions, you also get energy practises and regulation protocols to help you change.

Between meditations, EFT and nervous System practises to help release old beleifs and manage emotions and stress.

Spaces are flying out, but if you are on your spiritual healing journey and want to find your worth,

Allow me to guide to you.
Msg me for early bird rate.


If you find yourself on your spiritual journey, then I have the perfect coaching and practical program for you,

Starting In Sept and running for 12 weeks,

We will be getting to know yourself, rewiring new, more helpful beliefs and self-talk so you can release the old.

Everything in your life is formed through your thoughts, so even if weight loss is your goal, a diet is NOT the solution.

This program will help you heal the parts of you that are keeping you stuck, through conscious awareness weekly practises such as;

Journalling prompts,
Hypnotic Audios

Are you ready to become Whole?
Spaces are filling up and I want you to be apart of it so you don’t waste any more time on the stuff that doesn’t work.
Msg me NOW.


If you find yourself on your spiritual journey, then I have the perfect coaching and practical program for you,

Starting In Sept and running for 12 weeks,

We will be getting to know yourself, rewiring new, more helpful beliefs and self-talk so you can release the old.

Everything in your life is formed through your thoughts, so even if weight loss is your goal, a diet is NOT the solution.

This program will help you heal the parts of you that are keeping you stuck, through conscious awareness weekly practises such as;

Journalling prompts,
Hypnotic Audios

Are you ready to become Whole?
Spaces are filling up and I want you to be apart of it so you don't waste any more time on the stuff that doesn't work.
Msg me NOW.


Before the September madness hits, join me for some chill.

Glencull Primary school on Fri 30th August.

A journey of slowing down, catching your breath and releasing some mind:body tension.

You will leave feeling x10 lighter.

Small group to accommodate the reiki offerings.

Make a girls night of it and drop me a message to secure your space


If you are into spirituality and doing the inner work,

This is for YOU.

If you are looking for an alternative approach to change,

This is for YOU.

If you are looking for something that hits at a deeper level, for long lasting transformation,

This is for YOU.

Join me in September to become whole.

Be more than calorie counting and step challenges for change that lands.

Understand the power of your mind, how to befriend yourself and heal so that your body reflects what you want, inside and out.

A 12 week groul coaching program with weekly practises, such as Hypnotic audios and Somatics to help you think and feel brand new.

Msg me now, as the demand has been huge for this 🫶🏻


We get good at pushing down things, especially if we are not brought up in families that speak about feelings, which is pretty much everyone.

Hence why so many are stuck in freeze mode, wanting to change, but failing at every attempt,

Or are in chronic fight or flight as people pleasing, perfectionists,

Or have very little memory of childhood, but just know something feels stuck or blocked within.

Its why so many struggle with body image and relationship with food, even though the diet industry is hitting us on social media from all angles.

We are taught, to just get on with it.

But the body keeps the score, and is always trying to capture our attention to slow down and go inward.

Conscious Woman is about building a compassionate relationship with self, one where you can drop into your feminine and connect with how you are feeling.

Where you build trust in self, by having vulnerable conversations and do the healing work instead of just putting a sticky plaster on top.

If you are just tired, it's because your body is carrying the weight of your emotions and beliefs.
Although me to tap into your healing journey with you.

Coaching spaces available if you are ready to HEAL without the diets.

Or join my Wholisitic Woman group program starting in September.


Health comes from the root “to make whole”

Lasting weight loss and health comes from deeper healing.

The cause of everything is your mindspace.

As we find safety in the body and mind through energy practises such as
Nervous system regulation

The body let’s go of it’s excess pounds,
You attract more of what you want from life instead of settling.

Come with me on your WHOLISTIC WOMAN journey which is a group coaching program providing you with the tools, space and coaching to become whole.

*Its not a diet or a training program, but instead working with what matters when it comes to long term change, health and happiness.

Give yourself the chance to welcome and receive your worth.

I’m offering YOU a space, grab it now with both hands and you will be lighter physically and mentally come Christmas time 🫶🏻

Msg me to secure a space or get more info.


I’m hosting a Donation based breathwork session tonight at 7.30pm in the Edge gym Augher.
Open to everyone, drop me a message if interested 🫶🏻

Photos from Sarah Connolly Coaching's post 15/08/2024

Would you like to be first cohort of my Wholisitic Woman program starting in Sept?

*Its not a fat-loss program but I guarantee you will feel metaphorically and ohhsiy lighter for longer than any transformation plan.

Msg me now as I’m having lots of interest 😎


Before the September rush starts...

Would you like to join me for an evening of Yoga & Reiki?

I will guide you through a yin yoga style yoga session and integrate some healing reiki energy as we go.

Numbers will be small to allow for more 121 contact.

Expect a relaxing and nourishing experience and to leave feeling like a tonne weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

A few spaces are already gone, so if you would like to join drop me a message.


Feel like you have tried everything to change, but nothing is working...

This was me too.

But ever considered what the "holes" in you are from? Why you soo badly need to change?

It wasn't until I hit pause on the doing, and sat into the being, that I began to feel like I was becoming WHOLE again.

Everything changes once we work inside out.

Emotional eating stops.

The inner voices becomes friendlier.

Your body feels like it is working with you and for you, not against you.

Years ago, I found my spiritual journey and i have been on it every since, as it has allowed me to heal everything that I thought to be wrong with me.

Now, I wanna share my methods with you.

🧠 From subconscious reprogramming old beliefs and scripting the new version of you.

🧟‍♀️To embodiment practises that help regulate your nervous system and free yourself from anxiety, burnout and feeling like a wicked witch.

Each week you will join me for a coaching session and be provided with embodiment practises and journal prompts to help you befriend yourself and heal the old story.

Combined with hypnotic audios to rewire your belief system and EFT tapping follow alongs to build a new relationship with food and body.

12 weeks on you will feel like a new updated version of you, just in time for Christmas.

Early bird offerings and payment plans are available for this group coaching journey.

Message me now for more info.


Wholisitic is not a spelling mistake 😅

I want to introduce you to my group coaching program…

A mind body 12 week coaching program to help make you “whole”

As ladies, we carry the weight of standards, expectations and self imposed pressures and limiting beliefs that are literally weighing you down.

Our body manifests all of the emotions and beleifs we suppress.

So I have combined the tools and space to allow you to go on your healing journey and become whole.

Whole = creating boundaries, say YES to yourself and leaning into your true self, finding your mojo, libido and inner child in the journey.

On top of a weekly coaching session there will also be ;
✔️ 6x hypnotic sessions to rewire emotional eating, self-sabotage and food patterns etc ✔️ 6x tapping sessions around self image, confidence and self love

This program will be the complete HEALing journey.

Sharing with you stress management and self care strategies that allow you to release the old and become Whole again.

🧠Coaching will be around subconscious blocks and patterns that keep appearing and that are weighing you down and holding you back.

🧠Healing the inner child, mother line and low self worth.

🧠 Teaching you the power of the subconscious mind and how to manifest more health and happiness for yourself.

A spiritual and lifestyle program that will allow you to release the weight, and attract more of what you want into your life, whether it be love, career or body.

🦅 Early bird opportunities are available for the next 14days and payment plans are here to support you on your journey to becoming Whole!


I was trying everything in an attempt to change the feeling of being stuck.

From hypnotherapy, tapping, energy practises,

And it’s through these learnings that I realised the power of the mind.

12 years ago I went to London to learn NLP with the two founders and had the most insane light bulb moments throughout this week.

I learned how to shed old beleifs and rewire how I see and think about myself,
Even got over my phobia of heights 😅

We might think we are stuck, but it’s that story that keeps that emotion/beleif dominant for you,

But we can change.

And I have experienced and learned all the tools to help YOU change mentally and physically.

Your self concept is inherited and ingrained from childhood, so we pick up a lot from our parents and environment.

❤️ If you are an adult woman who huffs at her hubby for days, this is a learned behaviour that can be changed.

❤️ If you are a chronic people pleaser and puts everyone else first, this is an inner child wound that can be healed and released.

❤️ If you feel unsupported in your relationship, chances are I can identify the why and show you how to create boundaries.

I’m releasing my “Wholisitic Woman” program over the next few days and I have a few early bird opportunities if you have been watching on for days.

🧠 A holisitic mind:body healing program full of practises that help with rewire your self concept and beleif systems so you can become whole again.

🧠 If you are on your spiritual or healing journey, il be guiding you through the inner child and laws of the universe to deepen your practise.

🧠 If you are looking for mind and body change this will be incredible for you as it’s full of hypnotic and tapping practises to help you change for good.

Drop me a message if this is appealing to you for a chance of an early bird price.


When you say the things you think about yourself out loud with your coach…

It makes you feel, hear, see them totally differently.

And that’s one of the powers of coaching.

The ability to feel the weight of your beleifs.

To reframe your thought space.

When I shared with my coach, I said what I hear often with my own clients,

“I feel silly saying this…”

Coaching allows you to put your thoughts and beliefs out in front of you,

Which in turn allows you to actually emotional release them.

Conscious Woman Coaching goes is the perfect blend between talk therapy and embodiment practices that allows you gain perspective and reframe thoughts and beliefs that have been burdened you for a long time.

From relationships, to career.

From body image to food.

Facing your words and belief systems allows you to create positive change, release the old and step into new.

Drop me a message if you are seeking coaching support.


I’v been on my spiritual healing journey for many years now.

Exploring lots of alternative practises to allow me to connect at a deeper level, to learn more about the spiritual world and to release old emotions and beleifs from the body and mind.

If you are on a similar journey I’d love to connect as often times it can feel like a isolated solo journey.

I’d love to create a community to heal together.

10 years it all began with a Tony Robbins Book and an NLP qualification.

Since then, Iv explored lots of teachings ans energies and I’m always peeling back the layers.

What practises do you love?

Cards? Energy therapies? books? breathwork? yoga?


X1 slot for twice per week early morning PT available for Wed / Fri this week.


Are you ready to become a Conscious Woman?

Avail of my discounted offer at the minute if you have been waiting for the right time.

I had a lady commit last week to working with me and said she feels like a weight off her back, especially to start before the Sept rush kicks in.

So what you will find is my Mind:Body approach to helping you release weight, improve relationship with food and find your mojo.

Weekly coaching calls and personalised support based upon what your body is trying to tell you and the mindset work required to help you get unstuck.

Drop me a message if you are intrigued and want to know more, or if you have been on side lines waiting to jump,

This is your sign! Drop me a message to find out more.


X1 slot available for a 2-2-1 twice per week morning PT slot.
Msg me if interested


Self Care evening 💆🏼‍♀️
X4 spaces available for my in-person

Meditation, breathwork, reiki and journalling.

A powerful evening of self care and connection.

Tag and share with your friends and organise a self care night to destress from the constant go-go-go of kids at home during summer months.

Photos from Sarah Connolly Coaching's post 01/08/2024

Have this chat with your daughter...

We are never taught to listen to our bodies, but if we do it has lots of messages for us.

Girls are starting their menstrual journey earlier and earlier these days, and often times they can be alot more troublesome than back in the day.

That shouldn't surprise you, really?!

With social media, lower food quality, and more plastics in our diet.

PMS can commonly be very challenging, and alot of women suffer for years, as if you don't get to the root cause and HEAL, it just continues to pop back up.

Alot of my coaching is energetic based and connecting the emotion and the belief to the body symptom, and I specialise in female health .

Share, like, and/or drop me a message with a Question and Id love to help you out.


The Mid-Week self Care session...

A relaxing yet powerful combo of Meditation, Breathwork, Reiki, Journalling to help you reduce stress and find some headspace.

Small group session from my own home space, or if you want to gather a small group of friends I can come to you.

A much required gift with the final month of Summer holidays upon us.

Each Wednesday for the month of August.
Sessions will last between 75-90mins.
Groups of 3-4.

Please share and drop me a message if you would like to book in.


Ways in which I coach ladies to step into their powers...

And once they do they find the body that they had been working soo hard for.

- Speaking their truth
- Asking for support / what they want
- Showing compassion for their female body
- Setting Boundaries
- Saying No to others and yes to themselves
- Creating time for themselves
- Learning emotional coping skills
- Understanding love languages so they can have better relationships
- Balancing their feminine energies
- Ditching the all or nothing approach
- Being ok when life gives you its best shot
- Feeling their emotions
- Finding their worth
- Adding more fun to their days
- Creating a vision for the future

Amongst other things haha

If any of the above appeal to you, drop me a message and let me support you on your way to becoming an embodied Conscious Woman.


The body is the instrument of the mind…

Until we work on the mind, the body will never maintain the efforts of your training and diet regime.

Change the vision AND the story you live through for return you are working for 💪🏻

I’m creating a new mindset program specifically for this, so drop me a like if it sounds like something you’d be interested in.


If only we had the stress management tools…

Emotional eating wouldn’t be such a big thing.

Nor would fertility issues, anxiety or burn out.

These days everyone continue to seek an external solution to the inner game.

Ya’see your body holds ALL the emotions, thoughts and beliefs you hold on to.

So without an outlet these literally weigh us down!

Things that cost us nothing, and can make a huge impact on our head health, even done for a few minutes.

These are tools that can help you feel more content in your own mind and body, a thing I hear soo commonly said isn’t the case for many ladies.

With kids being off for the summer, feeling like the taken for granted taxi woman and maid,

It doesn’t take much to help regulate your nervous system, reduce stress and FEEL grounded, connected,safe.

Simple things like journalling, gratitude, breath work, tapping…

Like a simple reframe or communicating a boundary.

These are skills taught inside my Conscious Woman program.

Food is never the problem, it’s always an emotion.

Your body is not broken, it’s just weighed down with emotions.

Allow me to guide you to health and happiness in your body.
Message me for a coaching space 🫶🏻


X2 morning 221 PT slots available (from my home gym) over the next few weeks.
If interested msg me.


Thinking about starting up x2 weekly 2 person personal training sessions per week from my house…
Would you be interested?

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