

Creativity & Positive Living

Sounds of silence: 'We should have been listening all along' — CNN 26/05/2020

Sounds of silence: 'We should have been listening all along' — CNN The world has recently grown quieter, bringing attention to some of earth's most mesmerizing sounds. Listen in awe in these eight acoustically rich places.

The Creativity Post | Systematizing Creativity: A Computational View 01/03/2020

The Creativity Post | Systematizing Creativity: A Computational View This article is an excerpt from the book “Computational Creativity. The Philosophy and Engineering of Autonomously Creative Systems” edited by Tony Veale…

Dancing can reverse the signs of aging in the brain 04/06/2019

Dancing can reverse the signs of aging in the brain As we grow older we suffer a decline in mental and physical fitness, which can be made worse by conditions like Alzheimer's disease. A new study, published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, shows that older people who routinely partake in physical exercise can reverse the s...

Kids' Work Ethic Crisis: Reasons and Solutions 29/09/2017

common sense parenting

Kids' Work Ethic Crisis: Reasons and Solutions While work ethic is proven to be one of the key factors for success in life; the struggle with children work ethic is one of the most common concerns voiced by parents, teachers, and professionals. Below are concerns expressed by a mother of a 6-year-old boy, who came to get parenting ad

Timeline photos 23/02/2017

"Do we miss beauty when we see it unexpectedly?"

Uncertainty is more stressful than pain, say neurologists 03/04/2016

Uncertainty is more stressful than pain, say neurologists Most of us are familiar with the idea that uncertainty causes stress, but now research has quantified it, also suggesting that stress can be useful when it comes to judging risks.

Timeline photos 22/03/2016

It's not about stuff.

How To Make Sure Your Kids Have Grit, 6 Secrets Backed By Research 22/03/2016

How To Make Sure Your Kids Have Grit, 6 Secrets Backed By Research Stanford professor Carol Dweck, creator of the "growth mindset" concept, explains how you can use it to make your kids more resilient and successful.

Timeline photos 10/03/2016

Repeatedly focusing on the positives can actually change your default neural pathways—making you a more optimistic person!

Using the Arts to Promote Healthy Aging 10/03/2016

Using the Arts to Promote Healthy Aging Music, dance, poetry, painting and other arts are pumping new life into old

49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child 08/03/2016

49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child It happens to every child in one form or another – anxiety. As parents, we would like to shield our children from life’s anxious moments, but navigating anxiety is an essential life skill that will serve them in the years to come. In the...

4 Body Language Poses that are Hurting Your Success (and 2 That Help) 03/03/2016

4 Body Language Poses that are Hurting Your Success (and 2 That Help) Avoid these 6 body language poses and gestures (and what to do instead).

What Your Gut Feeling Is Actually Telling You 01/03/2016

Pay attention to that gut feeling—your subconscious mind is always taking notes!

What Your Gut Feeling Is Actually Telling You What Your Gut Feeling Is Actually Telling You by Donald Miller I make a lot of decisions using intuition, which researchers are beginning to understand as more reliable and less mystical than previously thought. Intuition is really about pattern recognition, about subconsciously picking up on confli…

Timeline photos 14/02/2016

Love is something you DO, not something you FEEL.

Timeline photos 21/01/2016

7 pm Thurs Jan 21 at Pequannock Twp Public Library.
Breakthroughs in behavioral neuroscience show us how to create enabling conditions for ourselves. Simple strategies to benefit you immediately. Free & open to the public.

Timeline photos 14/01/2016

Free talk tonight (Thursday). Come and find out what neuroscience research shows us about creating enabling conditions for ourselves! The BrainZipper Advantage: 7 PM at the Kinnelon Public Library, 132 Kinnelon Road, Kinnelon, NJ.

Timeline photos 04/01/2016

Happy New Year! The BrainZipper Advantage contains a lot of helpful information for making 2016 your best year, ever. Available on Amazon.

What Makes a Great Leader? 10/11/2015

Habits and aptitudes are the key.

What Makes a Great Leader? We know that leadership matters - but what are the personal characteristics that separate the average leader from the great leader? What makes remarkable leaders tick?
