Purchin Consulting

Purchin Consulting

Alternative Dispute Resolution Services by Marc Purchin. Welcome to Purchin Consulting, specialists in Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Our purpose is to assist you or your company to resolve difficult or complicated disputes. These services may entail mediation, training and/or negotiation coaching.


Had so much fun with my colleague Amy Nash earlier this month, facilitating a week's worth of workshops at Rancho LaPuerta. Can't wait until we get to do it again.


I had so much fun presenting at the CalECSE Symposium. My session was titled: “We Are ONE Team (Let’s Prove It)”. It was proven! So great to work with the CALECSE community.

Thank you CalECSE for the opportunity, and for providing my book to all of the conference participants. And thanks Gary Ware for helping facilitate this great session.

California Early Childhood Special Education Network - Cal ECSE


Rancho La Puerta is an amazing wellness resort and spa in Baja California. I have been there as a guest before and thoroughly enjoyed my experience. It’s beautiful and peaceful.

This March I will be leading a workshop called: “Your Life Is Your Stage: Improvisation for Non-Performers” using applied improvisation techniques for mindfulness and everyday experiences, especially for non-performers. I am very excited!

If you want more information, let me know or click the link for more info. And I have a discount code for friends and colleagues! Send me a message if you want the code.



I am so honored to be joining the international Board of Directors of the Applied improvisation Network (AIN).

I've been a member of this amazing organization for over 20 years now, and I love it.

AIN was created in 2002 to bring together professionals with a keen interest in the study, practice, and teaching of applied improvisation, and is a global community of over 8,000 participants online and across numerous regional and local groups. So much fun. Check out their website or message me if you are interested in more information. I love talking applied improvisation.



This week we had a wonderful virtual training hosted by CALECSE called "Building ONE Team in Early Childhood". This was a collaboration book study in which we looked at my new book "Building Positive Parent and Student Partnerships: Using Alternative Dispute Resolution Communication Skills and Strategies". Thanks CALECSE!


We’ve had several inquiries about purchasing our workbook: Building Positive Parent and School Partnerships. At this time we are only offering the workbook as part of a package, for school districts, parent resource center, and similar institutions. The package includes the workbook (hardcopy and/or digital versions available), virtual office hours and access to a series of conversational podcasts. For more information about the package click here
or contact me directly at [email protected]


I love doing team building trainings, and I am so thankful to the Gilroy Unified School District for this year-long contract working with principals and schools.

This is where the work is at, at the school sites, making sure that everyone, including parents, is on the same page for students.


So honored to have been able to present at the ACSA Every Child Counts Symposium with my two amazing colleagues Dr. Rachel Heenan and Shelly Ota. Our session was titled “Tips and Tools to Ensure ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) is Educational and Not Punitive”. The participants were great. So much fun. Thank you ACSA for this opportunity!



This workbook has been 9 years in the making. I am so grateful for all of the teachers, administrators, specialists and especially the students and parents who I have met during countless mediations, and so many trainings, in-person and virtual, over the years. I hope that everyone will find these tips, tools and skills to be as helpful as I do, and I hope that this workbook will genuinely help build positive parent and school partnerships.


We are so excited to announce the launch of our new workbook: Building Positive Parent and School Partnerships: Using Alternative Dispute Resolution Communication Skills and Strategies.


Great group of teachers at a team building training with Pomona USD last week.


Honored to have just completed a 4 session Making Meetings Work Training Series with the NW Santa Clara County SELPA. A great group of participants!