AMC Fit Works

AMC Fit Works

My goal is to guide women on how to live a healthier lifestyle so they can feel their best!


Join me and get strong for summer!

I am running an 8 week challenge starting on Monday June 3 through Sunday July 28. This challenge will focus on following a strength training program customized to you! It will also include nutritional guidance, weekly virtual check-ins for accountability and guidance AND 4 personal training sessions with me at J. Everly Salon & Wellness

The workouts will consist of using dumbbells and your own bodyweight so they can be done anywhere! It will consist of a 5 day program to follow and the workouts will be around 30-45 minutes per session. They are designed to build strength and help to create definition for a more leaner, sculpted look. I will customize your plan based on your training level so beginners to advanced can sign up!

To register: email me [email protected] or type in the comments: I’m in!

I am so excited to help build some strong and healthy bodies this summer! 💪🏼

Photos from AMC Fit Works's post 06/04/2024

Chocolate that is good for the belly? YES PLEASE!

If you’ve followed me for a bit, you know my love for keeping my gut healthy. I struggled for years with digestive issues, dairy sensitivity, skin issues, bloating, etc. I thought those were just symptoms I would be dealing with.

It wasn’t until I learned about gut health and how important it was to my overall health. I also learned how easy it was for gut health to be thrown off balance. From stress to medications to poor diet, my belly had been put through it all.

I knew I wasn’t consuming enough fermented foods to maintain a healthy gut so I started looking into supplements to help and that’s when I found Opti-Greens. Within weeks of using it on a daily basis, I noticed improvement. I wasn’t fearful of an upset stomach when I ate. I felt energized from my foods rather than discomfort. It truly helped transform my digestive system. And the best part….it comes in a chocolate flavor now! I consider myself a chocolate expert and this definitely passes inspection. 🤤🤤

Opti-Greens helps provide digestive enzymes to break down the food we consume to be properly digested and nutrients to be absorbed for better use. By doing so, it promotes a healthier gut which can improve many areas of our health like digestion, mood and immune health just to name a few!

If you struggle with any type of belly issues, message me and we can chat about how to get you feeling better or try some Opti-Greens for yourself!


To my Saturday J. Everly Salon & Wellness clients scheduled for tomorrow: please be on standby for sessions tomorrow morning! As of now, I am planning on being there and am hoping they are off with their estimate about the weather! However, if it is as bad as they say, I will be looking to reschedule sessions.

Workshop people: keep an eye out for an email today regarding what will happen if we need to reschedule!

I will message all of you by 6:00 tomorrow morning for the final decision if I will be holding sessions or not!

Thank you all for understanding!


New protein bar alert! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

Level-1 carrot cake! 🤤🤤🤤 Had one this morning and it was absolutely delish!

Highly recommend them!


Join me at J. Everly Salon & Wellness for a nutrition and fitness educational workshop! I still have 2 spots available!

This is an introductory workshop where I will cover the basics of nutrition and fitness to help any level of health get started on improving your lifestyle!

We will customize a macronutrient plan for you to follow and I’ll go over the basics of strength training, including proper exercise form!

Cost is $45 per person and pre-registration is required. Email me amanda@amcfitworks to reserve your spot!


Majority of your health and fitness results will come from what you are doing outside of the gym.

Don’t get me wrong, physical activity is a crucial part of your health.

But are you focused on what you’re doing outside of that workout? If not, you probably should start.

30-60 minutes of physical activity a great goal to shoot for, but what does the rest of your day look like? Do you spend most of it sitting behind a desk or staring at some type of a screen? Do you spend your time fueling your body with mostly nutrient based foods or do you have no clue what you are putting into your body? When is the last time you spent some time moving around outside in the fresh air?

The truth is, majority of your health improvements will happen with what you’re focused on outside of the gym. Movement outside of your workouts, fueling your body with nutrients that make you feel good physically and emotionally, hydrating with plenty of water, allowing proper rest and recovery, making an effort to be a good person.

Not every day is going to look like the pillar of health for you, but it’s what you’re consistently doing throughout your days that make the difference. It’s more than just showing up to workout for a bit and then showing up to your job for the day. Focus on positive daily habits consistently and you’ll consistently improve your health and wellbeing. It’s all about trying to improve a little bit each day!

If you’re wanting to improve your health and struggling on where to start, I offer a free 30 minute consultation call to help get you started! Send me an email if you’d like to schedule a call and get started on improving your health!
Email: [email protected]


Upcoming happenings at J. Everly Salon & Wellness

Click here to book a personal training session in February:

Email me if you would like more details or to be added to the pre-registration for the fitness and nutrition workshop! [email protected]


I completely understand that life gets busy and things can happen! However, I also plan my schedule, my family’s schedule and the schedule of my clients around my availability. I will be implementing a cancellation policy for all in person sessions with me at J. Everly Salon & Wellness I totally know life can happen, but I do ask that you give 24 hours notice if you are not able to attend your session. If you cancel in less than 24 hours, there will be a 30% fee charged for your next visit. If it’s a prepaid session you are canceling, there will be a $15 fee or you can choose to give up your session instead of the fee.

I want everyone to be able to get their sessions in so giving the 24 hours notice will allow me to accommodate moving appointments around to do so!

My current personal training pricing in effect: $45 for single person 60 minute session
$25 per person for group sessions of 3-4 people.
Package options are available at a discounted rate as well!

I appreciate your understanding! 🖤


All my pumpkin spice fans! The day is here to get your pumpkin spice protein goodies! These are so delish and such an easy way to boost your protein intake!

Photos from AMC Fit Works's post 04/08/2023

The biggest tips that have helped myself and my clients with sustainable fat loss results:

Know your calorie deficit and eat within range of it daily. So many people focus on restricting their diet and eating as little calories as possible. Know your proper calorie deficit and stay within 10% of that overall target consistently.

Focus on daily movement and hitting 10,000 steps per day. Resistance train at least three times per week to build muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is what gives that defined or “toned” look everyone wants to achieve. Excessive cardio will not provide this.

Eat adequate protein. A minimum of 1 gram per pound of goal bodyweight. If you’re not focused on a specific number on the scale, focus on consuming between .8 to 1 gram of protein per your current bodyweight. Protein consumption is needed to help build your muscle tissue. Calories determine what you see on the scale, protein determines what you look like when you get there.

Don’t try to find a quick fix. Know that this is a lifestyle and find ways to live it. Quick fixes don’t give long term results. Be patient with yourself and focus on progress and not perfection. Consistency will win results.


One of these scales measures your bodyweight, one measures food.

The problem that often happens with a weight or fat loss goal is too many people focus on what the scale says for bodyweight rather than what the scale says for the weight of your food.

I’ve been there before. We all have that magical number we’d love to see on the scale for what we weigh. It wasn’t until I put more of my focus on a food scale that I started seeing results.

I know measuring and tracking our food isn’t at the top of the list of things we love to do. I know all want to see that progress when we step on the scale, but until you’ve mastered fueling your body properly, keep your focus off your bodyweight and switch it to focusing on what you food weighs.

Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with checking your weight. But if that’s the number you’re putting all your focus into and not the process it takes to get to your goals, your progress will stall.

Proper nutrition is the driving factor in how we feel and how our bodies look. If you don’t get to learn this process and put it into action, no number on the scale will ever feel great.

Focus on fueling your body to move. Focus on fueling yourself to feel good. Don’t spend all your time focusing on what you weigh.

Struggling with your nutrition? I can help! Setup a free consult:


Your health is more than just the time you put into your workouts. It’s your overall lifestyle.

The picture on the left, I spent time working out each day. My nutrition was definitely not where it should be, but not the worst. My lifestyle was not a healthy one. I had a sedentary job (still do today), but my time outside of work and that 30-60 minutes of working out was not focused on a healthy lifestyle. It was spent sitting on the couch after work. Or reaching for that bottle of wine after work. Weekends were spent drinking and then being lazy, lying around recovering from drinking. I had a blast and thought since I was socializing there was nothing wrong with how I lived. My health told me otherwise.

Now, first there is absolutely nothing wrong with my physical shape on the left. But it was my mental and overall health that was suffering. Anxiety, fatigue, skin and digestive issues. Just to name a few issues.

What’s different today? My workouts are relatively similar, my days are spent working pretty similarly, but the way I spend my time outside of that is different. I focus more on moving more often, being more productive, being present when socializing rather than just drinking my time away. Getting outside more and being more active with my kids. Doing whatever I can to make the most of my days and not taking my health for granted.

The time we spend working out or exercising is such a small part of our day. An important one for sure, but it really is a small part of our day. What is your lifestyle looking like? That is just as and if not even more important than exercising regularly. Think of how you physically and mentally feel outside of your time spend exercising. Are you focused on making choices to help your health or harm it? That 30-60 minutes of exercise isn’t going to help much if the rest of your day is spent sitting around making unhealthy nutrition choices.

Bottom line: focus on improving your health as a whole. Move as much as you can, fuel your body properly, rest and recover properly. Live a life that matches your goals. Prioritize your health now so that you’re not forced to later.

Photos from AMC Fit Works's post 26/05/2023

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted so I figure why not come at you with some tips on how to start feeling your best for summer!

Now, before I share this, it’s not a “how to lose 20 pounds before summer gets here” post. This post isn’t meant to give you some temporary solutions on the quickest way to lose weight. This is some basic steps to follow if you’re looking to lose weight and start changing what you see in the mirror. These are some great tips on where to start if you’re not sure how to lose weight or start changing your physique. Because if you’re looking for some quick fix or a temporary solution, you will only see temporary results. Changing your health shouldn’t be looked at as a temporary goal.

Swipe through for my basic tips to help with weight loss! If you're still struggling on where to start, click the link below to setup a free consult call to get you started!


Reminder to all my clients at J. Everly Salon & Wellness for Saturday morning: the weather forecast is showing snow so please plan accordingly! Allow extra driving time to make it to your session safely or if you do not feel safe driving, please contact me ASAP to get your session rescheduled! Stay safe everyone!

Photos from AMC Fit Works's post 23/02/2023

Lighter calorie protein shamrock shake! ☘️

If you’re like me and love the shamrock shake, try this lighter , high protein version of it!

•1 scoop of 1st Phorm Level-1 Mint Ice Cream Sandwich (
•1/2 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
•4 Mini Oreos
•8ish ice cubes

Blend and enjoy this delish high protein treat!

210 calories
27 protein
16 carb
8 fat

Enjoy! ☘️☘️☘️


Fitness reminders:

If you’re doing burpees or any type of cardio during your rest between strength training reps, you’re not lifting heavy enough. Save your cardio for cardio time. Focus on lifting during your lifting time.

If you have to hold the sides of the treadmill while walking because of the speed or incline, lower speed or incline. Focus on increasing those only when your balance can handle it.

Ladies if you’re saying you’re just looking to “tone up”, that is actually building definition which is done by building muscle. Eat your protein and pick up the weights.

Nobody walks into a gym for the first time or even after the 100th time feeling completely confident. Everyone has insecurities, but we all have a right to be there. Don’t let insecurities keep you from going.

Lastly- no one is superior in a gym. Don’t think because you’re more experienced that you have any more right than a brand new person. We all start somewhere.

Now get out there and get moving 🖤


If you can figure out social media, you can figure out how to measure and track your food.

I know it’s overwhelming to learn anything new. Understanding how to measure and track food didn’t happen overnight for me. It took time and consistency to understand it and also understand how helpful it would be to see results.

I had an idea of what foods to be eating, but was frustrated with not seeing results now matter how healthy I felt I was eating. It wasn’t until I really started measuring and tracking what I put into my body that I started seeing the changes I wanted to see.

It didn’t lead me to feel restricted or into disordered eating, but rather helped me come out those behaviors. It helped me to see what amounts I needed to fuel my body and also that I can still enjoy the foods I love while getting results.

Will I need a scale and have to track forever? No. It’s been a great habit to teach me about food portions and what works best for my goals!

If you’re struggling with results and feel like you’re doing all the right things, let’s chat! Hard work deserves results and I want to help you get them!

I offer both virtual and in person nutrition coaching! Get your free phone consult setup!


When we think of improving our physique, we can often overlook our foundational health, but you can't build from a weak foundation.

We focus a lot on macronutrients (carbs, fats and protein), but we should also be focused on keeping a strong foundation by consuming proper micronutrients!

Where do micronutrients come from? Our fruits and veggies! In order to ensure we're consuming the proper amount of micronutrients each day, it's recommended that we consume 5-7 servings of DIFFERENT fruits and veggies each day. While many of us consume enough fruits and veggies, that variety is lacking. (I eat the same fruits and veggies every single week!).
So what happens if we aren't eating enough variety and missing micronutrients? Our foundational health will suffer. We may have less energy, digestive issues, skin issues, slower metabolism, some brain fogginess, longer recovery time so our muscles are sore and slow down our performance, etc.

We can either make sure we're increasing our variety of fruit and veggie intake or you can also supplement with Microfactor! Microfactor is a daily micronutrient pack that provides all your micronutrient needs! I take this daily to ensure I'm not missing any!

So what's included in it:
•Antioxidants to help slow down the aging process and protect against free radicals
•Multivitamin to help with energy, muscle recovery and cognitive function
•Probiotic to keep gut health in check, boost immune health and maximize nutrient absorption
•Fruits and Veggies for heart health and keeping cholesterol down
•Essential Fatty Acid to reduce inflammation, blood pressure and keep joints strong and healthy
•COQ10 for even more heart health and increasing cellular energy (metabolism)

If you are struggling to hit those variety of fruits and veggies, I highly recommend adding in Microfactor to your daily routine!


Opening up my training schedule on Saturday mornings at J. Everly Salon & Wellness. One on one and semi-private (groups of 2-3) training sessions available!

Email me to book your session! [email protected]


Nutrition can feel so overwhelming when you’re trying to improve your health. There’s a million different diets out there. People label food as good and bad. And everyone and their brother is somehow an expert now.

I’m not here to preach that I’m an expert, but I have learned a thing or two about what’s helped with my own results and also results from my clients. I can say this: proper nutrition is simple. It’s hard to make the healthier choice and to do it consistently, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

If you are new or have never found something to work at seeing results and keeping them, here’s some tips to start!

Know your caloric intake, aka how many total calories you need to reach your goals. Want to lose weight or fat? You need to be in a caloric deficit (burn more than you consume). Want to gain size? Eat in a caloric surplus. (You eat more than your burn). Now this doesn’t mean you’re restricting yourself to lettuce and chicken with only 1200 calories or you’re automatically consuming 10,000 calories in chicken and rice. This means you are eating the proper amount of calories to fuel your body to reach your goals. Your total amount of calories consumed will control what you see on a scale.

Eat your protein. I can’t stress enough: calories determine what you see on the scale, protein determines what you see on your body. Doesn’t matter if your goal is to gain muscle, lose fat or just “tone up”. You need proper protein to build your muscle tissue. How to determine an idea of a protein goal? Eat one gram of protein per pound of your goal bodyweight each day. Now, some people who have some more advanced or specific physique goals may differ from this, but that is a good ratio to start with.

So how do you know you’re eating enough calories or protein? Starting out you really won’t unless you are measuring your food with a scale and tracking in an app. I know this is not everyone’s idea of fun and it can feel overwhelming or confusing. But look at it this way: you can’t continue to spend money from a bank account without knowing what you have in there or you’ll overdraft your account. You can’t fuel your body without knowing what you’re putting into it or you won’t get the results you want.

So keep it simple: eat the right amount of calories and protein with the carbs and fats you enjoy and plenty of fruits and veggies. Measure and track what you eat to know you’re eating what you need to see the results that you want.

Need a little more guidance? I’m here to help!


Excited to get back into doing what I love and helping people feel their best!

Join me at J. Everly Salon & Wellness for an 8 week challenge and start 2023 off strong!

Email to register or for more details: [email protected]


Summer is always such a busy time so it’s easy to fall out of your health and fitness routine! Let’s fall into fitness and get you back to feeling like your best self!

Don’t wait till the new year to start focusing on your health goals! Let’s finish this year strong!

There is limited availability to this challenge due to the time and attention I want to dedicate to help you reaching your goals!

Sign up through the link below to get started! PLUS! You get a free one month gym membership when you sign up!
(Click service bundle, then gym!)

Message me for more details!


Book here or message me to sign up! This Saturday from 9-10!


As my love for protein coffee has grown, so has the size of my mug.

I struggled for a long time with nailing down my nutrition and seeing the results that I wanted to. It wasn’t until started prioritizing that in my daily nutrition that I finally started seeing results.

I was just looking for that toned look and thought by eating low calories and doing lots of cardio I could burn fat and that’s how I would get that look. I didn’t realize that “toned” look actually came from building muscle which I would need to have adequate protein to do.

Now fat loss can really only be achieved through being in a calorie deficit, meaning you are burning more than you’re using. However, the more lean muscle tissue our body builds, the higher metabolic rate our body maintains. So think of it like this: the more muscle tissue our body builds, the less fat tissues our body will have room for!

Consuming the right amount of protein source can help induce muscle protein synthesis. This basically allows your muscles to be in a state of building and repair, in which your body then uses fats and carbs as a primary fuel source.

A good way to do that is by replacing some of your carb and fat calories with protein calories. This will allow you to feel fuller and less hungry while being in the deficit. It’s been shown that a high-protein diet actually increases levels of hormones that make you feel full while reducing your levels of the hunger hormone, ghrelin. This makes it easier to eat less, because you simply won’t have as many cravings or desires for high-carb and high-fat foods that are not on your nutrition plan.

So what’s a good goal to aim for protein? Many studies have been done on people consuming 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per POUND of lean body mass and the favorable influences it has on fat loss results. If you don’t know what your lean body mass is, you could just start with eating somewhere around 1g of protein per pound of goal weight.

My favorite protein sources: chicken, ground turkey, steak, Greek yogurt, shrimp, salmon, egg whites, Level-1 powder and bars. Do you need a protein supplement to hit your protein goal? All depends on your diet! I would not be able to reach my protein goal and stay within my calorie range through whole food alone, so I prefer to add a supplement like Level-1 powder to my coffee every morning! It also makes my coffee tastes delish!

Have more questions on protein? I’m here to help!


Just some Monday reminders for you:

Fruit doesn’t make you gain weight.

Ladies- don’t be afraid to pick up the weights and eat some protein. Toned bodies aren’t built during cardio.

Excuses don’t get you results.

Don’t be a jerk.

Pineapple belongs on pizza.

Hope you all have the best Monday ever!

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