Tom Herrick Real Estate

Tom Herrick Real Estate

For more real estate info With over 30 years of experience in real estate sales, he has a proven track record of success.

Listing with Tom
Whether you are new to selling, or have sold properties many times before, Tom can meet you where you are in your real estate life and provide you with the information and resources you need to achieve an expeditious sale. He maintains constant immersion in the marketplace and is always ready to feed you information on the market statistics both for your area and the larger commun


I would like to Thank you all for remembering my brother Scott. He was a great guy and he had many friends all over the country. He was my best friend and will be sorely missed. Thank you again.


Thank you guys for all the Birthday wishes. It was fun hearing from all of you.

Preparing For the Journey From Renting To Buying 18/03/2015

Preparing For the Journey From Renting To Buying As a renter, the life of a home-buyer can look so glamorous. The monthly mortgage payments calculate to cheaper than monthly rent AND those payments build equity instead of disappearing into your l...
