Pensiero Healing Arts

Pensiero Healing Arts

Pensiero Healing Arts offers personal healing sessions, healer training courses, and group workshops

Photos from Pensiero Healing Arts's post 28/04/2023

✨Inner Child Healing Workshop✨

May 18th from 7-9pm EDT

⚡️Even though my inner child healing journey started long before I became a mother, motherhood has opened up the floodgates for immense healing. This time with my son is sacred, playful, joyful, and full of love. Every moment with him is a chance for my inner child to play, to feel love, and to explore.

⚡️This has been a powerful time of reflection and prioritizing. I am slowing down, taking on less, and nourishing my inner child as I nourish my son. It is truly a blessing to have this time with my son and also be able to do the work I love. I am incredibly grateful for the life I’ve cultivated. It is a blessing and a privilege.

⚡️Breathwork, Reiki and hypnosis are incredible modalities that can connect you to your inner child, help you tap into your intuition, and inspire profound clarity and insight. During this workshop you will explore how to nourish and love your inner child enabling you to cultivate the life that is yours to live.

Here are a few questions to meditate on and journal through:

✨Is there something my inner child needs that I’m not providing them?

✨How would it feel to embrace the needs of my inner child?

✨If I could spend the day completely focused on my inner child’s needs, what would I do?

Please email with questions. I hope to connect on May 18th ❤️


✨My authentic expression and vision✨
I truly love holding space. I feel the most connected, aligned, in flow, and creative when I am facilitating healing work. It is a gift to be able to do what I love and support others.

✨Gratitude was a theme that came through strong in last night’s group. Group work is so powerful because there tends to be a connection with the people who show up. There is a through line with the shares and they always resonate.

✨I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the courageous spirits who blessed the space last night. If you are curious about this work please email me. I would love to have you join our loving, nourishing and magical container.

✨The next group is Thursday, May 18th, from 7-9pm EDT for Inner Child Healing. It is a hypnosis, breathwork & Reiki experience to connect with your inner child, listen to their needs, and shower them with unconditional love and support.

✨link in bio to enroll✨

Photos from Pensiero Healing Arts's post 06/04/2023

✨New Workshop April 20th 7-9pm EDT✨

Are you on the precipice of a major shift or change? Do you wish you had the courage to expand into your fullest self? Are you ready to transform the energy holding you back?

Please join me for a dynamic evening of Hypnosis, Breathwork, and Reiki to build self-trust, reparent through loving attention, and gain the courage to transform. The solar eclipse represents rebirth and is a portal for exponential growth. It is a powerful time to set intentions, tap into your intuition, and plant seeds for expansion.

I will guide you through self-hypnosis to connect you to your subconscious. The subconscious mind is receptive to positive suggestions and affirmations. You are in full control of the process. I serve as a guide, holding the container of love and support, allowing you to have your own healing experience.

Hypnosis relaxes the body and focuses the mind making it a powerful precursor to Breathwork. During active breathing, you will pull up and clear out stagnant energy, safely transmuting emotional pain and trauma from the body. This allows for deep mental clarity and encourages the relinquishing of limiting thought patterns.

You will gently transition to a rest breath while receiving Reiki to further facilitate the clearing out of energy. Reiki translates from Japanese to Universal Life Energy. It is a high vibration loving energy that promotes alignment, balance, and healing.

During this workshop, you will reconnect to your vibration, tune into your needs, and harness the solar eclipse energy to propel forward. The healing space serves as a catalyst for change and transformation. Are you ready to take the leap?

✨Scroll for a few client messages from last session (shared with permission)

Investment: $40, link in bio to enroll


It felt amazing to be back in the virtual healing space for group work last night. Thank you to everyone who joined and expanded into energetic freedom. The energy was potent and powerful!

I love this work, I love holding space, I love connecting with you. The next group is Thursday, April 20th, from 7-9pm ET. Details coming soon…


✨Energetic Freedom Workshop✨

March 21st from 7-9pm ET

During this workshop, I will guide you through self-hypnosis to connect you to your subconscious. The subconscious mind is receptive to positive suggestions and affirmations. You are in full control of the process. I serve as a guide, holding the container of love and support, allowing you to have your own healing experience.

Hypnosis relaxes the body and focuses the mind making it a powerful precursor to Breathwork. During active breathing, you will pull up and clear out stagnant energy, safely transmuting emotional pain and trauma from the body. This allows for deep mental clarity and encourages the relinquishing of limiting thought patterns. 

You will gently transition to a rest breath while receiving Reiki to further facilitate the clearing out of energy. Reiki translates from Japanese to Universal Life Energy. It is a high vibration loving energy that promotes alignment, balance, and healing. 

The combination of Hypnosis, Breathwork & Reiki unlocks your authentic vision and expression. Witnessing yourself through this compassionate and loving lens enhances connection, acceptance, and energetic freedom.

✨Link in bio to enroll✨

Please email with questions



✨Do you need to feel safe in your space?

Healing work can be intimidating. Cultivating a supportive space at my events is a priority. All of my workshops are live via zoom and I do not send recordings. You are in the safety of your home which allows for profound transformation. The body is more open and relaxed in familiar environments.

I am passionate about holding an intimate and safe container that is unique to each workshop. I believe the power of witnessing and being witnessed is integral to healing and evolving. Being vulnerable and sharing with the group creates deep connection.

Creating this safe and loving bubble from the group energy is what makes these sessions so powerful.

Please join me March 21st from 7-9pm ET for Energetic Freedom Workshop. It is an immersive self-hypnosis, Breathwork, & Reiki experience. It is safe to hold space for yourself.

✨Please email with questions or for sliding scale; Link in bio to enroll✨



✨Energetic Freedom Workshop✨

March 21st from 7-9pm on Zoom

How would it feel to put yourself first?

This workshop is an immersive Self-Hypnosis, Breathwork, and Reiki experience for energetic freedom. You will learn how to reconnect and recommit to yourself in relation to only yourself. You will explore what it feels like to embody the freedom to be your authentic self. When we are energetically free and living in our authentic vibration, there is ease in our lives. When we are energetically free we are able to show up more fully for ourselves and for those we love. Your energy is yours. Are you ready to expand?

✨Link in bio to enroll ✨



The last couple of months have been a whirlwind. The dive into motherhood has been intense, rewarding, challenging, beautiful, magical, empowering, and transformative. I lack the words to fully describe the expansiveness of my heart. The love I have for this little guy is immeasurable.

Even though my energy has been focused on nourishing this tiny human, I miss holding space and cannot wait to share the healing space with you again in 2023. This journey has opened me up in ways I did not know possible. I look forward to bringing this new found depth of wisdom to our healing container. There is so much love I feel and so much love to share. ❤️


Please join me Wednesday, July 27th, from 7:00-8:45pm EDT for New Moon Sacred Manifestation. This is the last chance to breathe with me before I go on maternity leave in August.

Sacred Manifestation is a Breathwork, Reiki & Gentle Hypnosis experience focusing on gaining clarity to fully embody your authentic vision. The New Moon represents new beginnings and a fresh start. It is a powerful time to set intentions and plant seeds of growth for the month ahead. What are you ready to receive?

Exchange $33, Link in bio to enroll. Please email with questions or for sliding scale.


PHA Virtual Group Offering:

✨Capricorn Full Moon Breathwork & Reiki to Embrace Change✨

The full moon is a culmination and bringing to fruition the intentions set during the new moon. It is a powerful time to tap into the luminous energy of the moon’s light to illuminate what is within. This session is a dynamic evening of breathing to harness the moon’s energy to transform resistance, make space for more love and abundance, and embrace the expansive change on its way.

Exchange: $30, link in bio to enroll. Please email for sliding scale. It is extremely important this work is accessible to all 💫


✨New Moon Sacred Manifestation✨

A hypnosis, Breathwork, & Reiki experience focusing on gaining clarity to fully embody your authentic vision. 👁💛

It has been difficult processing the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe vs Wade. Unsafe abortions and denial of healthcare during pregnancy complications is our future. The United States does not offer universal health care, paid-family leave, universal child care, and has the worst maternal mortality rate of industrialized countries. This ruling is just the tip of the iceberg.

Please email for sliding scale or if you need additional support during this difficult time. No one will be turned away for a lack of funds. This work and our loving space is here for you. 💛

Tomorrow, 6.29, from 7-8:45pm EDT, $33


⚡️Breathwork & Reiki for Perfectionism tomorrow, 6.15, from 7-8:30pm⚡️

Being pregnant has required a new and deeper level of surrender. My body needs more food, more nutrients, and more rest. I am embracing afternoon naps and a slower schedule. The perfectionist in me wants to resist…always feeling there’s more to do or more to achieve.

This time has brought new challenges but has also been a beautiful gift. Grateful for the ability to slow down, grateful for the support I have from family, friends, the work, and this community.

Please join me tomorrow to embrace the imperfections within and around. You are inherently worthy and lovable. Let’s tear down the mirage of perfection together.

🌕Happy Full Moon 🌕

⚡️$30, link in bio to enroll. Please email for sliding scale. It is important this work is accessible to all 💛


✨Breathwork & Reiki for Perfectionism✨

Wednesday, 6.15, from 7-8:30pm EDT

Do you struggle with unattainable expectations? Are you constantly worried about doing or saying something “wrong”? Are you ready to free yourself of hypercriticism so you can fully thrive?

Join me for a dynamic evening of breathing to release the illusion of perfection.

Breathwork is an active meditation using a two-stage pranayama breathing which facilitates the safe release of energy and emotions no longer serving you. Through the breath, you will clear tension, gain mental clarity, and move the body out of the fight-flight-or-freeze response and into a restorative rest-and-digest state.

A combination of guided visualization, the breath, and Reiki is used to coax the body into a deeply relaxed and open state allowing it to heal. Endorphins are released producing a natural high, quieting the mind, and allowing the body to be more present.

During this session, you will transform limiting beliefs, safely relinquish the mirage of control, and strengthen your self-worth and authentic confidence.

Exchange: $30, link in bio to enroll. Please email me for sliding scale. It is extremely important this work is accessible to all 💛


💜PHA Virtual Group Offering 💜

There are no words to properly express the devastating events in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, Texas.* Once again the heart-breaking sorrow with the loss of young children. Sadness, anger, outrage, and frustration barely touch the surface. In these seemingly hopeless times, embracing somatic practices helps create space and movement for my emotions.

Please join me tomorrow, 6.1, from 7:00-8:30pm for Breathwork & Reiki for Grief. This session is designed to support you during this tumultuous time. The container we create together is a loving space of compassion, kindness, and trust. You will give breath to your emotions, allowing them to flow with ease and gentleness.

Exchange: $30, link in bio to enroll. Please email for sliding scale. It is important this work is a accessible to all. No one will be turned away for a lack of funds.

*Information on where to donate to support the families of the victims in bio


⚡️PHA June and July Schedule for Virtual Group & Private Sessions is Live⚡️

Group Offerings on the Menu:

-Breathwork & Reiki to Surrender: June 1st from 7-8:30pm
-Breathwork & Reiki for Perfectionism: June 15th from 7-8:30pm
-Sacred Manifestation on the New Moon: A hypnosis, breathwork, & Reiki journey focusing on gaining clarity to fully embody your authentic vision: June 29th & July 27th from 7-8:30pm
-Full Moon Breathwork & Reiki to Embrace Change: July 13th from 7-8:30pm

Private Sessions on the Menu:

-Past Life Exploration
-Sacred Manifestation
-Breathwork & Reiki
-Guided Visualization & Reiki

✨Please join me in my virtual studio for my last two months of 2022. I’ll be on maternity leave August through the end of the year. This is a major time of change and transformation for me. I am going through a physical, emotional, and spiritual metamorphosis. This life changing experience is going to influence me and my work in ways I can only imagine. I am embracing all the growth and learning that is ahead. 💛

*link in bio for more info and to book. Please email with questions or to setup a 20minute complimentary call.


“Thank you Laura so much for the past life healing, it was deeply powerful - so visceral and illuminating. I felt really amazing after the session, like a huge weight had been lifted. I'm really blown away by the insights I got, and excited to see how things unfold as a result. I am so grateful for Laura’s compassionate presence and support.” -Jasmine G.

⚡️Book your Past Life Exploration session⚡️

Past Life Exploration is a form of hypnosis which takes you through time to your previous lives by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in the subconscious. You do not have to believe in past lives for a past life exploration session to be beneficial. This work allows the inherent wisdom that is within you to emerge.

This session will help you:

-Explore unresolved emotions which may have carried through into this lifetime.
-Create a deeper understanding and clarity of self.
-Illuminate current challenges through past life lessons.
-Identify physical ailments you may have, which may be linked to past life experiences.
-Understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places and people.

You will receive a recording from the session and a personalized recording for daily practice and continued reinforcement.

Link in bio for more info and to book. Please email with questions or to set up a complimentary call


⚡️PHA Virtual Group Offering ⚡️

Please join me on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Monday, May 16th, from 7:00-8:30pm for Breathwork & Reiki for Transformation. Let us harness the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse energy to propel us towards expansive transformation.

Exchange: $30, link in bio to enroll. Please email for sliding scale. It is important this work is accessible to all 💛


“Laura facilitated a very special experience. My hypnosis session with her felt like vivid self-therapy, and was extremely helpful for me at gaining clarity during a big life transition. It’s unlike any work I’ve ever done and I can’t recommend it enough.”

🔥Link in bio for more information and to book your Past Life Exploration session🔥


⚡️PHA Virtual Offering⚡️

Breathwork & Reiki to Invite Love
Wednesday, 4.27, from 7-8:30pm ET

This workshop is the foundation for the work I do. Whenever I need extra support, I tap into love that is within and around me. Let us come together to support one another through the infinite vibration of love. This is a space for you to come as you are and receive what you need.

Link in bio to enroll, $30. Please email with questions or for sliding scale. It is extremely important this work is accessible to all 🌬


⚡️Past Life Exploration sessions now available - Online⚡️

Past Life Exploration is a form of hypnosis which takes you through time to your previous lives by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in the subconscious. You do not have to believe in past lives for a past life exploration session to be beneficial. This work allows the inherent wisdom that is within you to emerge.

This session will help you:

-Explore unresolved emotions which may have carried through into this lifetime.
-Create a deeper understanding and clarity of self.
-Illuminate current challenges through past life lessons.
-Identify physical ailments you may have, which may be linked to past life experiences.
-Understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places and people.

You will receive a recording from the session and a personalized recording for daily practice and continued reinforcement.

✨Link in bio to book, please email with questions✨


and I finally moved into our new home! It’s been incredible settling in and having our own space.

My healing room is ready and I’ve been seeing clients virtually. Go to the link in bio to book 1:1 Breathwork & Reiki, Past Life Exploration, Reiki & Guided Imagery, and more 🔥

Please email with questions or to schedule a complimentary 20 minute call ✨


✨PHA Breathwork Facilitator Training✨

It is not too late to enroll in my next virtual Breathwork Facilitator Training! It will be held over two weekends: this weekend, April 2nd & 3rd from 11:30am-6:30pm, and April 30th & May 1st from 11:30am-4:30pm.

A 3-month mentorship will be offered after the training to provide you with the necessary elements to confidently work as a Breathwork Facilitator. It will consist of five remote group sessions on May 14th, June 4th & 25th, July 9th & 23rd from 1:00-3:00pm ET, and three remote private sessions.

I developed this comprehensive training and mentorship to disseminate Breathwork in an informed and inclusive way. It is a passion of mine to cultivate a trauma informed and compassionate space in my healing work. I am honored to hold space for your unique gifts and magic to flourish.

Investment for both weekends: $875
Investment for mentorship: $800

Link in bio for more information, testimonials, and to enroll. Payment plans available. Please email with inquiries.


🌟PHA Virtual Group Offering🌟

⚡️Sacred Manifestation ⚡️

A hypnosis, Breathwork & Reiki experience focusing on gaining clarity to fully embody your authentic vision 🔥

Wednesday, 3.30, from 7:00-8:45pm ET

$33, link in bio to enroll. Please email with questions or for sliding scale. It is important this work is accessible to all.



🌸New season, new offerings…

💫Private Hypnosis, Past Life Exploration, and a unique Sacred Manifestation experience are now offered💫

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness where the subconscious is receptive to positive suggestions. Using hypnosis for healing is very different from stage hypnosis. You are in full control of the process. I serve as a guide, holding the container of love and support, allowing you to have your own healing experience.

Past Life Exploration is a form of hypnosis which takes you through time to your previous lives by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in the subconscious. You do not have to believe in past lives for a past life exploration session to be beneficial. This work allows the inherent wisdom that is within you to emerge.

Sacred Manifestation is an immersive hypnosis session for manifestation. You will take a deep dive into your imagination through hypnosis, breathwork, and Reiki to embody what you desire in the present moment.

Please use the coupon code HYPNO50 for 50% off all 1:1 Hypnosis, Past Life Exploration, and Sacred Manifestation sessions through May 2022. Please email with questions or to schedule a complimentary 15 minute call. I look forward to connecting and diving into the magic of hypnosis with you!

⚡️Link in bio for more info & to book⚡️


🌻Breathwork & Reiki for the Spring Equinox 🌻

3.20 from 11am-12:30pm ET

The Spring Equinox marks the first day of Spring, the start of the astrological new year, and is a time of rebirth and renewal. The days are becoming longer and warmer, and plants are beginning to awaken from their winter slumber. Let us join together in community to celebrate this time of revival. It is a gift to witness you tap into the magic and abundance that is within. 🌬💛

Exchange: $30, link in bio to enroll. Please email for sliding scale, it is important this work is accessible to all.


❤️‍🔥Breathwork & Reiki to Invite Love❤️‍🔥

3.10 from 7:00-8:30 EST, exchange $30

This workshop is a dynamic evening of breathing to tap into the abundance of love that is within and around us. We will focus on opening the heart center to receive love more fully.

Link in bio to enroll. Please email me with questions or for sliding scale. It is extremely important this work is accessible to all. 🌬


✨PHA Breathwork Facilitator Training✨

My next Breathwork Facilitator Training is coming up! It will be held over two weekends: April 2nd & 3rd from 11:30am-6:30pm, and April 30th & May 1st from 11:30am-4:30pm.

A 3-month mentorship will be offered after the training to provide you with the necessary elements to confidently work as a Breathwork Facilitator. It will consist of five remote group sessions on May 14th, June 4th & 25th, July 9th & 23rd from 1:00-3:00pm ET, and three remote private sessions.

I developed this comprehensive training and mentorship to disseminate Breathwork in an informed and inclusive way. It is a passion of mine to cultivate a trauma informed and compassionate space in my healing work. I am honored to hold space for your unique gifts and magic to flourish.

Investment for both weekends: $875
Investment for mentorship: $800

Link in bio for more information, testimonials, and to enroll. Payment plans available. Please email with inquiries.



✨Breathwork & Reiki for the Leo Full Moon✨

2.16 from 7-8:30pm ET, $30

Full moons are culmination points and an opportunity to release what is no longer serving you. It is a time for introspection, reflection and self connection.

Breathwork & Reiki are powerful modalities for a full moon ritual. The focus of this group session is opening the heart center and allowing love to flow in and around with ease and abundance.

✨Link in bio to enroll. Please email me for sliding scale. It is important this work is accessible to all✨


💫Breathwork & Reiki for Inner Child Healing

💫2.2.22 from 7-8:30pm

💫$30, link in bio to enroll. Email with questions or for sliding scale.

💫The session will begin with an inner child healing meditation that moves into active breathing and closes with an integrative reiki healing. This is a space for you to connect to the needs of your inner child, listen to them, and nourish them with love and support 💜


💫Breathwork & Reiki for Abundance💫

1.12 from 7-8:30pm ET, $30

Please join me for a transformative evening of breathing to call in an abundant and magical 2022!

Trust and abundance are words that resonate with me for 2022. I am surrendering to the present moment, trusting that I am supported, and worthy of living an abundant life. Living an authentically abundant life will look different for each of us. What does abundance mean to you?

Link in bio to enroll. Please email with questions or for sliding scale✨

Videos (show all)

⚡️Virtual Reiki 2 Training ⚡️April 24th & 25th from 1-5pm EDT✨Link in Bio to Enroll✨Please email me at laura@reikiforact...
CW: Mention of white supremacyWhen did victim become a bad word? A few clients have recently shared stories of anti-vict...
⚡️Reiki 1 Training ⚡️This weekend!March 13th & 14th from 1-5pmLink in bio to enrollThis course is for you if you are loo...