Concord Maldives

Concord Maldives

The Best transport service Retail & Wholesale business


ދަތުރެއްކޮށްލަން ބޭނުންތަ؟ އަވަހަށް ގުޅާލާ


🌟 Win MVR 1000!🌟

Are you ready for a chance to win MVR 1000? Here's how you can participate:

1. Follow Us on Instagram
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2. Like Our page
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3. Tag 3 Friends
📍 In the comments below this post, tag three friends who would love to join!

4. Share this Post
🔄 Share this post on your story and tag us for an extra entry!

The contest ends on 31st August 2024.
The winner will be announced on 1 September 2024 on both platforms.

Good luck to everyone! 🍀

Photos from Concord Maldives's post 26/07/2024

PVC Ceiling Panels

- Sturdy & Durable
- Will last for years without warping or bending
- Easy to Install

FREE Delivery! 🚛

☎️ 7794430

Photos from Concord Maldives's post 21/07/2024

Multiple varieties of items available from Concord Plaza.
We do deliver to your door steps for free


May this Eid bring you peace, happiness, and prosperity. Eid Mubarak!


🌟 Thank You, Concord Maldives🌟

We are thrilled to have Concord Maldives as a co-sponsor for Eid Ufaa 1445!

Happy Eid to everyone! 🌙✨

Photos from Concord Maldives's post 16/05/2024

Tag someone who is obsessed with Toybox Candy! 🍭❤️


މޮޅުވުމުގެ އިހުސާސް ބަލާލަން ބޭނުންތަ؟ ކޮކާ-ކޯލާއާ އެކު UEFA EURO 2024™ ފައިނަލްސްގެ ޖާދޫ ރައްޓެއްސަކާ އެކު ތަޖުރިބާ ކޮށްލަން ޖަރުމަނަށް ހިލޭ ދަތުރެއް

ކުރަން ޖެހޭ ކަމަކީ:

1. މަތިގަނޑުގެ އެތެރެ ބަލާލާ
2. އެތެރޭގައިވާ ކޯޑު 2626އަށް ފޮނުވާލާ
3. ކޮކާ-ކޯލާގެ ސޯޝަލް މީޑިއާއިން ފުޓްބޯޅައިގެ ފޯރި ބަލާލާ!

ޝަރުތުތައް ހިމެނޭ*


May this International Labour Day bring you renewed energy and motivation to pursue goals with passion and dedication. Happy May Day!


Concord maldives viber community

CONCORD MALDIVES Affordable price.


Hide and seek 😀


Concord Maldives wishes you and your family a joyous Eid filled with love, laughter, and blessings.

Eid Mubarak!


‎އެހެން އަހަރުތަކެކޭވެސް އެއްގޮތަށް މިއަަހރުވެސް ކޮންކޯޑް އެކްސްޕްރެސް ކަސްޓަމަރުން މާލެ ފޮނުވައި ހަދިޔަަފޮށި މި ރަމަޟާން މަހު އެއްވެސް ފީ އެއް ނުނަގާނެ ވާހަަކަ ދަންނަވަމެވެ


Wishing our customers ,four weeks of blessings this Ramadan.
Ramazan mubarak ❤️


Celebrating your courage and strength not just today, but every day! Warm greetings on the occasion of International Women's day


Introducing Fohela Napkins


🔥 Don't miss the kickoff of Golden Futsal Challenge 2024!
Velidhoo Sports Club faces off against Miladhoo Futsal Team Tonight at 20:00, Rehendi Turf 1. 🏆⚽

Secretariat of the Velidhoo Council,South Miladhun Madulu
Golden Futsal Association
Visit Velidhoo
Concord Maldives


Happy New Year 2024

Photos from Concord Maldives's post 14/12/2023

Full block & Hollow Blocks for sale 📣🧱


Please message us for more Inquiries📩

Contact no: 7459595 / 7916942

Videos (show all)

Hide and seek 😀
Where are all the Magnum Lovers? 💛
𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘! 𝚔𝚒𝚝𝚔𝚊𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜,       𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔 😍
𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚑 🤓#Concordmaldives
Buy a wide range of items from Concord plaza . We do deliver to your door steps for free ❤️#ConcordPlaza#ConcordMaldives
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚢𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎
I scream, you scream, tell us your fave layer of TWIX Cookies & Creme Ice Cream 🗣#ConcordPlaza#ConcordMaldives
ކޮންކޯޑް ޕުލާޒާ ”އެންމެ އަގުހެޔޮ ރޯދަސޭލް" ފުރަތަމަ 10 ދުވަހުގެ ނަސީބް ވެރިޔަކީ  އަހްމަދު އިލްހާމް - މަރުޙަބާ  ކޮންކޯޑް ...
Refreshing happiness for everyone. Taza 330mlTaza 500mlTaza 1.5ltrTaza 5ltrCall 7827493 FREE DELIVERY #ConcordShop
σи вєħåℓf σf συɾ тєåм , ωє ωσυℓđ ℓιкє тσ ωιѕħ уσυ å νєɾу ħåρρу иєω уєåɾ 2018
