

A recovery site for those that know it's about more than not using or drinking. It's about changing I will always share uplifting quotes in my articles.

My goal is to share the lessons I've learned in 33 years of abstinence-based recovery. Many of these are by authors in recovery; others are not, and that doesn't matter at all. For each of us needs encouragement, support and that most important feeling of all - hope. Encouraging You Today

So, today, reflect on “Maybe you've gotten through something, and when you did you thought, I am leaving that


My book, Finding North: A Journey from Addict to Advocate is up for the best self-help recovery book at Goodreads. I'd appreciate a vote, thanks. Here's the link to vote.

Want to Change? Then There’s Work to Do! 09/05/2022

We don't always have to figure it out ourselves. We have sponsors, accountability partners, trusted allies, and friends in recovery that are usually willing to help us make changes.

Are you using your resources to change?

Ben Rose Gregory Chatman Catherine Townsend Lyon Jim Savage

Want to Change? Then There’s Work to Do! If you find yourself in the cycle of only identifying the problem, ask yourself, do I have the want and the willingness to change something? But continuing to just ponder the problem, leads to frustration, tension and guilt. In the case of addiction, not changing can and does lead to harsher outcome...

GROWING PAINS 06/05/2022

This is so powerful, Ben. It is always painful to remember the trauma and abuse, and I appreciate your level of honesty in disclosing them.

We often say that "forgiveness is for us, not them," but you have explained it so that I think others will understand the true intent of those words.

Ben Rose Catherine Townsend Lyon Donna Ritter Joan Cassell Daniel

GROWING PAINS By: Ben Rose   "Someday Somewhere We'll find a new way of living We'll find a way of forgiving..." "There's a Place for Us", from the 19

GROWING PAINS 06/05/2022

By: Ben Rose "Someday Somewhere We'll find a new way of living We'll find a way of forgiving..." "There's a Place for Us", from the 1957 Broadway musical West Side Story Excrement Occurs On 4/22/22, I turned 15. Not a chronological 15; I am far older than that. This date represents 15 years of clean time. In the month leading up to this occasion, and because of current writing activities, I have been thinking back to the first time I saw 15 - chronological 15 when I attended a summer camp that remains in my memories....

GROWING PAINS By: Ben Rose   "Someday Somewhere We'll find a new way of living We'll find a way of forgiving..." "There's a Place for Us", from the 19


Wondering how vulnerable you are in your recovery? Then assess the threats to your recovery today. You'll be glad - and safer once you do.