The Sharing Org

The Sharing Org

Our non-profit organization began in 2003. Our Non-Profit Status
The Sharing Org is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.

This means that your financial contributions to the Sharing Org are tax deductible. You can search for our tax exempt status through the IRS or you can view our 501(c)(3) recognition letter. Our Association
We do not have a denominational position or association however we are a part of an ministry called LifeLink International. Our association with Lifelink allows us to stay connected to the miss


This afternoon we pre-sorted the items going into 100 “mom bags” for Compassion Pregnancy Center. Pictured are the first 30 bags! All 100 gift bags will be filled at two packing parties next week.

Please pray for the assisted living residents who will be part of packing each of the gift bags, as well as the moms who will receive the gift bags from the pregnancy center staff in the months to come.


Wishing a blessed day to our mothers, as well as our mothers in the faith. Thank you for pointing us to Jesus.


Happy Easter!


Our God, in whom we trust, strengthen us not to regard overmuch who is for us or who is against us, but to see to it that we be with you in everything we do. Amen (Tomas A Kempis 1379-1471)

Digital Options 18/01/2024

Helping You Connect with God and Experience His Peace

You don't have to miss a single day of devotional time. Our Daily Bread offers many ways for you to connect with God and be in His Word each day.

Digital Options 10


Philippians 2:1-2
Imitating Christ’s Humility
Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.

A Simple Request 11/01/2024

A Simple Request “Please clean the front room before you go to bed,” I said to one of my daughters. Instantly came the reply, “Why doesn’t she have to do it?”  Such mild resistance was frequent in our home when our girls were young. My response was always the same: “Don’t worry about your sisters; I ...


, Merry Christmas from our home to yours!


Happy Thanksgiving, , from our family to yours!

Philippians 1:3 (NIV): “I thank my God every time I remember you.”


And that’s a wrap! We dropped off 110 shoeboxes at Evident Church, our local collection site. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this year’s missions project.


In Proverbs 19:17, the proverbist says that when we give to the poor we are making a loan to God who will repay and in Matthew 25:40 Jesus says that when you give to the needy you are giving it to Him. One of God’s undeniable mandates is for His Church to take care of the needy, the poor, and the desolate. I love that through the Shoebox program our residents, who are no longer able to give to the poor and needy among us, are enabled to do just that-to give and still be an active part of the Church and the body of Christ.

Thank you all who donate to help us make this possible for the residents and the children who will receive these shoebox Christmas gifts.


It’s shoebox season next week, this is our 21st year of doing shoeboxes with the residents!!!🎉🥳. Thank you all for praying for and financially supporting our efforts and allowing the residents to be a small part of the world outside their 4 walls.

There’s still time to donate. Follow this link:


We are packing shoeboxes with the residents very soon!


A glimpse into a Monday-morning service.


Are you receiving our family’s monthly prayer letter? It’s a great way to stay updated on how you can be praying for us and participating in our ministry to shut-ins and care facility residents.

Sign up for the prayer letter on our website:


Our 20th anniversary celebration dinner is coming up on September 16th. Contact us for more details!

Photos from The Sharing Org's post 15/07/2023

Thursday was filled with assembling the final Mom Care Kits with the residents. Projects like this are the equivalent of the typical Mission Trip for us. The residents know their days of travel are over, but through projects like this, our congregations are enabled to still be a missional influence for Christ in our world and community. Thank you to the many people who pray for us and help to fund our efforts.


Facebook has figured out we are talking about new moms and has started serving me ads for baby items!

The last of the items for our “new mom” gift bags for the pregnancy center are arriving today. Then we will begin sorting everything and preparing for the packing parties!

Thank you, everyone, for your generosity!

There’s still time to donate if you would like. We are a few hundred dollars short.

Visit our website and scroll to “How to Give.”


Looking to share some love this spring? Please consider sending a note!

ATTENTION COMMUITY MEMBERS 🌸 We are looking for Pen Pals for our residents! 💌

Please send our residents anything like a coloring page, a pick me up quote, a letter of encouragement or something as simple as "hope you have a good day!" note. Something like this could change their day for the better! It truly is the small things.

Please address all letters to:

Armada Village
22600 W Main St
Armada, MI 48005
Attn: Pen Pal

June 1st, 2023 is Pen Pal Day! Pen Pal Day was established by a woman named Rosie Tholl, who has not only had many pen pals over the years, but who has also traveled all over the world to meet them! Rosie was the coordinator of the Illinois Pen Pal Picnic Reunion as well as being the co-coordinator for Pen Pals United. Pen Pal Day is here to encourage the idea of writing letters to bring back this tradition that seems to have gone a bit by the wayside!

PLEASE SHARE THIS POST! We have about 40 residents who would all love to receive a letter. Thank you so much! 💟

Videos (show all)

Thursday was filled with assembling the final Mom Care Kits with the residents.  Projects like this are the equivalent o...
Here is another clip of Virginia opening one of her cards. Thank you to all who sent cards and emailed pictures. She was...
It's time to make new songbooks.
The 57th Box
Egg roulette! Who will wear raw egg?!