Why I Went Organic

Why I Went Organic

Life overhaul of ditching the chemicals from my food, my beauty products & my home. Making smarter choices and living a happier life as a result. Real food now!

We are committed to spreading information about the importance of knowing what is in your food, eating whole, organic food that is not depleted of nutrients and health benefits. We want to share our experiences, good and bad, with choosing this life overhaul and how being aware of what we eat, put on our skin and otherwise ingest in our immediate environment via fragrances, artificial scents, chem


My 10 yr old daughter made me the apple version of this recipe this week. It was soooo good!!!

Credit: A Pinch Of Yum

Amazon is lowering prices at Whole Foods starting this Monday 27/08/2017

Curious what your thoughts are on this?? Do you shop at ? Does your Whole Foods stock organic produce? Ours doesn't have enough organic produce. It bothers me that the conventional produce is so expensive. I feel like many consumers just go in thinking it's all organic & forget to check labels & they are paying too much. In that case I would rather support our local grocers.

Amazon is lowering prices at Whole Foods starting this Monday Get ready for Whole Foods discounts.


We are making our 1st SCOBY tonight. Any tips or words of wisdom?


JP Sears you made our day 😂

Campbell Soup to withdraw from food industry group by year-end 20/07/2017

Very exciting news from Campbell's. Consumers voting with their dollars claim another victory! Keep them coming!

Campbell Soup to withdraw from food industry group by year-end By TonyaGarcia Reporter Campbell Soup Co. CPB, +3.10% Chief Executive Denise Morrison said Wednesday during the company's investor event that the company will withdraw from the Grocery Manufacturer's Association (GMA), a major food association, by the end of the calendar year. The decision, accordin...

Timeline photos 18/07/2017

We are partnering with school districts to get back to what’s real, whole and healthy. Together we can change the Harmful to Healthy.

Learn more at www.ltffoundation.org

Today's The Day Amazon Begins Crushing The Grocery Industry 16/06/2017

Amazon.com is buying Whole Foods Market for $13.7 billion...what do you think??

Today's The Day Amazon Begins Crushing The Grocery Industry The e-commerce giant sent shockwaves across the retail industry on Friday, announcing its biggest move yet into brick-and-mortar stores.

Timeline photos 16/06/2017

Hello Summer
Credit The Detoxinista

Make your own Healthy Layered Popsicles using fruit and vegetable smoothies! This is a fun way to sneak an extra serving of fruit and veggies into your child’s diet (or your own)!

Recipe: http://detoxinista.com/2017/02/make-layered-popsicles/
Pin it for later: http://pin.it/biCeWq6


This is a question I get asked a lot. Egg labels can be confusing, especially in conventional grocery stores, I love this video.

Timeline photos 24/04/2017

This looks incredible!

"Wild blueberries are the top health tonic you can find. They don't just taste fantastic, they're incredible for immune system support, anti-viral properties, tissue repair, anti-aging, digestive cleansing, ADHD management, extraction of heavy metals from your system...and the list goes on. You'll also want these little gems in your toolkit for prevention of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's." - Medical Medium Anthony William

Wild Blueberry Tarts
For the crust:
2 cups dates
1 cup mulberries
1/4 cup shredded coconut
2 tbsp almonds

For the filling:
1 cup frozen wild blueberries
1 cup mango
1 cup dates

1. Process crust ingredients in a food processor until well combined.
2. Line a mini cupcake tray with plastic wrap and press crust into each mold.
3. Spoon filling into each cup and top with a blueberry. Place in the freezer to set for 1-2 hours.
Serves 4-6


I have so many cucumbers right now I am wishing they were English! But I bet zucchini would work just as well.

Still Not Too Late For Sanders 25/07/2016

Exactly! There is still a chance to have on the ballot. America needs a president that will fight for our right for safe food and at the very least, food that is properly labeled. These are tasks we were hoping Obama would accomplish but the promise was not fulfilled. Sanders has been a champion of the cause despite the possible backlash from corporate donations. This is not over.

Still Not Too Late For Sanders As I write this, the Democratic Convention is about to begin. The chair of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz just stepped down ...

Timeline photos 08/07/2016

Not only did we become the 1st country to ever unlabel GMOs, we also took away the votes people cast in Vermont. America deserves better.

Photo credit: GMO Free USA

Get more info on the senate vote here: https://www.facebook.com/GMOFreeUSA/photos/a.468695639837571.108816.402058139834655/1265310653509395/?type=3

Timeline photos 08/07/2016
Timeline photos 13/06/2016

It has to be love. Only love.

EWG’s Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Additives 21/05/2016

Are any of these additives lurking in your food? Check out the EWG's "Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Additives". Keep this bookmarked for your next shopping trip. When we removed #9, artificial colors, from our kids diet, their behavior improved dramatically.

EWG’s Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Additives Food should be good for you. Unfortunately, sometimes it isn’t. When we think of unhealthy food, what usually come to mind are fat, salt and sugar. But there are other things to be wary of. High on that list are food additives, which are found in almost all packaged and processed foods but are poorl...

Timeline photos 18/05/2016

It's Reese's Peanut butter day, try this instead. So much better! Even though they were bought out by Hormel Foods Corp today 😢 who could refuse $286 Million? Wish they did.

As Big Candy Ditches GMOs, Sugar Beet Farmers Hit A Sour Patch 15/05/2016

"Sugar, you might think, is just sugar, no matter where it comes from. But not anymore."

As Big Candy Ditches GMOs, Sugar Beet Farmers Hit A Sour Patch As companies shun genetically modified ingredients, they're buying more sugar extracted from sugar cane rather than beets. Sugar beet farmers are thinking of going back to conventional beets.


This looks so good!! No Nut Nutella from

Timeline photos 26/03/2016

Love this graphic from Dr. Mercola

Recipe: Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole (like Cracker Barrel’s!) - 100 Days of Real Food 25/03/2016

Cheesy Hash Brown Potatoes always make their way to our Easter brunch. Unfortunately the recipe my family has calls for highly processed brand of "cream of mushroom" soup. I'm so excited to try this version from 100 Days of Real Food! BTW, my family also puts crushed potato chips on the top, total Minnesota thing, sorry, not sorry.

Recipe: Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole (like Cracker Barrel’s!) - 100 Days of Real Food Welcome to the world of Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole goodness! I used to LOVE the Hash Brown Casserole at Cracker Barrel before I started asking questions.

Timeline photos 22/03/2016

Amazing news! Post shared from:
Moms Across America GMO Free USA

BREAKING NEWS: France Moves Towards Total Ban on Neonicotinoid Insecticides that Harm Bees. The bold, and right, move by French lawmakers would go above and beyond current EU restrictions on the class of insecticides known as neonics. "This decision will prepare us for the future and protect bees and the role they play," Segolene Royal, French Environment Minister said in a statement. Predictably, Bayer, one of the two agrichemical corporations that manufactures neonics (Syngenta is the other), warned of dire crop yield consequences for farmers. But the U.S EPA's own study indicates that neonic treatments don't even work: "EPA concludes that these seed treatments provide little or no overall benefits to soybean production in most situations. Published data indicate that in most cases there is no difference in soybean yield when soybean seed was treated with neonicotinoids versus not receiving any insect control treatment." STOP LYING, Bayer and Syngenta. The world needs to take action and rid the market of these toxic pollinator-killing chemicals.

READ: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-pesticides-idUSKCN0WK1KL

Read EPA's statement on neonics: https://www.epa.gov/pollinator-protection/benefits-neonicotinoid-seed-treatments-soybean-production

Timeline photos 11/03/2016

The time to call these Senators is now. Call them, post on their social media accounts. Tell them we want GMO labeling NOW. America wants the same right afforded to many other countries. Thank you to GMO Free USA for this information.

NATIONAL CALL IN DAY! Call, FB post and tweet at these 7 Senators, one of whom will likely cast the deciding vote on S.2609, which would preempt Vermont's GMO labeling law and BAN GMO labeling in the U.S.A. Tell them to VOTE NO on S.2609 and to support MANDATORY, SIMPLY WORDED, ON PACKAGE GMO LABELS. NOTHING LESS WILL DO. We need to know if it's GMO. The vote could come any day. Let's keep the pressure on! Thank you

High Fructose Corn Syrup has been renamed and is now being marketed as a Natural Sweetener 22/02/2016

For those of you who have eliminated, or like to stay away from, High Fructose Corn Syrup, you should know food manufacturers are now labeling it "fructose" or "isolated fructose" calling it a "natural sweetener" and at the same time labeling the box "No High Fructose Corn Syrup". Yes, many of us can be fooled, but only for as long as we are not informed, spread the word.

High Fructose Corn Syrup has been renamed and is now being marketed as a Natural Sweetener High Fructose Corn Syrup Manufactures are trying to convince consumers into thinking that HFCS is like sugar by changing its name to Fructose. When the FDA rejected the corn syrup bid, the manufactures are trying to hide it under the name “fructose”. According to the Corn Refiners Association (CRA),…


Coconut Oil vs Vegetable Oil. Are you confused about oils? Check out this informative video from Mark Hyman, MD

Timeline photos 16/01/2016

Here are some eye opening facts about conventional blueberries. Such a simple food, yet you are ingesting all this, most of us had no idea. Thank you

Timeline photos 07/01/2016

It's all about every day choices. Here are some great substitutes from


Happy New Year! I can't believe how many changes are in the making from major food companies. They had no choice but to listen to the buying public and make better choices on ingredients they put in their products. We are eliminating GMO containing groceries one product at a time & it feels amazing!

In Defense of Food | Shows | PBS Food 30/12/2015

"In Defense of Food", the documentary, airs tonight on PBS. So excited to watch 's work. See the preview here.

In Defense of Food | Shows | PBS Food Join New York Times best-selling author Michael Pollan on a fascinating journey to answer the question: What should I eat to be healthy?

Timeline photos 30/12/2015

A BIG VICTORY for democracy over corporate control and for our right to know! Collectively, we were able to keep GE labels safe! The rider that would block states like Vermont's mandatory labeling bill did NOT make it into the federal spending bill! Additionally, a rider that would keep GE salmon from being sold until there is labeling DID make it in! Public pressure and allies in Congress paid off. Read more: bit.ly/omnibusrider

We should all celebrate today, but be prepared for another push from Big Food in January. We will keep a close eye on Congress in January to make sure the Senate does not introduce their own version of the DARK Act, but for now...HAPPY HOLIDAYS!