Our Favorite Band

Our Favorite Band

"Our Favorite Band made the Perfect American DIY 7"" Scott Soriano, CrudCrud

https://crudcrud.blogspot.com/2005/07/perfect-american-diy-7.html Oh my god!

The Perfect American DIY 7"

Here is another one I bought blind. I'm in a thrift store for battered women, digging through the records and checking out the chicks (no no no no no give me a god damn break. It was just too horrible of a joke to pass up). I find this little thing in a tattered cover. Look at the cover and see two guys sitting in a car. Look at the back, two guys are still sitting in

I  forget YOU FOLLOW ME NOW! • @dougmeet 
 I • ❤️ #instagrammers so much, I grabbed the audio off the slightly most viewed reels discount shelf at the official @instagram store and got in the very inclusive point of sale checkout aisle which was a riot of proud lgbt gender fluid freegan drag Queen nonmon @blackpinkofficial stans and cosplay pastel goths with a serious grunge aesthetic that even Lolitageeks and vscogirls liked. 

while waiting for the #Instagrammanager to do a #pricecheck on some #sellbuyrepeat #instagramstories marked down 50% — they were 20 hours old and about to expire in 4 hours — so me and another #storyteller were trying to do a smell test …. my story passed and the #frugalmom rejected it but followed me here! 

So with all the views on this #barelylegal cut of storytelling aside, I figured I’d see if it was really like a Goya. — all that and a little extra perspective. Your highness 👸. 

IT WAS!  I SOOO #je**ed it in crazy #africanspices and #scotchbonnet man.  @scovillehotchicken ain’t got nothing on it.  Hey, it rated at 2million #ppm and no milk would cool it down.  I am drinking the hotel #fireextinguisher 21/01/2021

I • ❤️ so much, I grabbed the audio off the slightly most viewed reels discount shelf at the official store and got in the very inclusive point of sale checkout aisle which was a riot of proud lgbt gender fluid freegan drag Queen nonmon stans and cosplay pastel goths with a serious grunge aesthetic that even Lolitageeks and vscogirls liked.

while waiting for the to do a on some marked down 50% — they were 20 hours old and about to expire in 4 hours — so me and another were trying to do a smell test …. my story passed and the rejected it but followed me here!

So with all the views on this cut of storytelling aside, I figured I’d see if it was really like a Goya. — all that and a little extra perspective. Your highness 👸.

IT WAS! I SOOO **ed it in crazy and man. ain’t got nothing on it. Hey, it rated at 2million and no milk would cool it down. I am drinking the hotel

I forget YOU FOLLOW ME NOW! • @dougmeet I • ❤️ #instagrammers so much, I grabbed the audio off the slightly most viewed reels discount shelf at the official @instagram store and got in the very inclusive point of sale checkout aisle which was a riot of proud lgbt gender fluid freegan drag Queen nonmon @blackpinkofficial stans and cosplay pastel goths with a serious grunge aesthetic that even Lolitageeks and vscogirls liked. while waiting for the #Instagrammanager to do a #pricecheck on some #sellbuyrepeat #instagramstories marked down 50% — they were 20 hours old and about to expire in 4 hours — so me and another #storyteller were trying to do a smell test …. my story passed and the #frugalmom rejected it but followed me here! So with all the views on this #barelylegal cut of storytelling aside, I figured I’d see if it was really like a Goya. — all that and a little extra perspective. Your highness 👸. IT WAS! I SOOO #je**ed it in crazy #africanspices and #scotchbonnet man. @scovillehotchicken ain’t got nothing on it. Hey, it rated at 2million #ppm and no milk would cool it down. I am drinking the hotel #fireextinguisher


Hey check my new filter by Instagram. It’s called contact sheet.


.original might not have been so inclined to survive had included the glacial 🥶 obstruction which is this guy’s ululating 🇮🇶 warcry whose only alert or wailing is good for warning and leaving.


(me) sings original jingle for which includes hard to understand lyrics like or and who you know as rapper




.original might not have been so inclined to survive had included the glacial 🥶 obstruction which is this guy’s ululating 🇮🇶 warcry whose only alert or wailing is good for warning and leaving.


7thgrade jerry Lee


killed in this banned add. What do you think?


is my bishhhh sorry. She is like you but a lot more apparent. She is the glass door 🦅 birds Jill themselves on. She is NOT the but the who kisses you behind the whispering get me the s**toutta dis ditch!

HÉRÉSIE THÉ MOST VIRAL THING I GOT! Ok at least send it to your most notable friend and say som**hing cryptic about work tomorrow. You can comment next time when you’re not hungover.


Richmond Suites Illegal Police Evict 10-month Guest COVID-19 Trudi Veals GM - SMC John Holmstrom VP 13/01/2021

GM Assisted During Defying Presidential, CDC, Louisiana Gubernatorial Order whose Renewal by President Biden still makes it law.

During December 27, 2021 Maintenance / Security / Front Desk Employee Mike

Having falsely enlisted the Baton Rouge Police Department, and upon their arrival at my door, with absolutely no knowledge or interest of legality or process to inquire, or not contact me 31 days later. Had the officer who had been pawned by some shine Mike invented (if he, in fact, did bother to call General Manager Trudi Veals' home for the holidays, then it incriminates both of them more-so than the way it appears today: a fix-it man around the hotel decides to take care for Trudi's Christmas present the guest she had been unsuccessful in evicting only four months previous, only by the help of ex-employee and truly disbelieving Trina Bankston whose intervention with VP of the group over the Richmond Inn Suites, called SMC Hotel Group, Shreveport, and its founder, W. Harrison Smith, now his son's proven unwise stewardship -- have him entrusting its running to VP Operations John Holmstrom, whose refusal to evict a guest on a personal whim by his 25-year GM for no reason that he could support, as was the next incident all painting a clear picture of the trainwreck that is this hotel --a bipolar front desk clerk, whose manic outbursts had her bar me from the lobby on, at least three occasions before, until John had been forced to come down, and, once again, do the job that Trudi was incapable or unwilling of doing, personally firing her friend who had been exhibiting psychotic behavior from the time I checked in and also much to the delight of the other guests who had been exposed to some of the same front desk psychosis.

After John and corporate sided with a guest over a GM with two and a half decades of service to their hotel, I think it was safe for me to assume that this would be happening again, but when and how, I was not sure. I just knew that a GM who ruins their career over a guest is a fool.

Mike who had arrived to handle a stalking and s*xual harassment complaint from more than one of my female friends upon visits to the property, as well as this homeless felon, just released from six years incarceration for selling m**h, and currently on a binge on the grounds of their hotel, smoking it in the open and going up to guests, asking if they knew of anyone he could have s*x with --

deliberately violating my 10-month status as a "Residential Guest," fully paid in advance bi-monthly, entitled to an expectation that I should not be forced to live in fear of retaliation by a petty angry GM, her bipolar desk clerk, nor, a grounds-person with three titles, lying to police, and not addressing the crackhead m**h addict put up for free by the VA without money who was shaking down the guests, or that what happened, 'being rudely, abruptly informed by sub-managerial staff member that it was his decision, along with the Richmond Hotel's Head of Housekeeping that day,that I should quit the premises in three hours time -- an inane command using Police as shield which I now know I should have never followed -- whereas, we were then, and as of yesterday are under new administration still under this moratorium on evictions, Louisiana and Federal law, prohibiting eviction through March 31, 2021.

misuse of law enforcement without due process or formal court ordered writ, and with no documentation, complaint or paperwork of any kind, much less an order for EVICTION.

I was and had always been since check-in FULLY PAID-IN-ADVANCE, 10-MONTH GUEST WITH ZERO COMPLAINTS from Guests or Staff.


HEAD OF MAINT. Mike, responding two days late to calls / texts from Rose (front desk) over ongoing harassing / stalking by homeless after six years incarceration for distribution of m**hamphetamine, his destitution causing him to aggressively panhandle with intimidation, commit theft toward me, after my helping him initially (stole phone charger, Bluetooth speakers, $40 cash), as well as committing overt s*xual harassment to friends visiting Richmond Suites for over a month; openly smoking m**hamphetamine on hotel grounds, witnessed by myself and several guests; and on Dec. 27 (date of my illegal eviction) , continued to text vile, graphic, s*xual texts to strangers to him -- female friends of mine -- offering to exchange for s*xual favors, m**hamphetamine (100 text msgs. preserved as evidence from my friend -- just 1 victim).

However, instead of Mike responding to the situation regarding this guest on Dec. 27th, he took the opportunity of GM Trudi Veals' absence to autonomously and illegally both the eviction and the false reporting to the police information which, no matter how grievous, was during the pandemic, forbidden without legal process, of which there were none because the courts are closed; so that with absolutely no authority in that action, making it unenforceable, as well as now, Mike being criminally liable, he has brought along SMC Group, GM Trudi Veals, and their parent company, Wyndham Hotels Trademark Group, under the criminal statute of misuse of police by misrepresenting illegal activity, and using law enforcement in the baseless, immediate commission of an eviction with no written nor stated order, nor any formal filing of eviction for grounds -- in my case, a 10-month guest (referred by one of their former employees, who also was author of Richmond Inn & Suites employee rule book, of which Mike and Trudi were well on their way to breaking in entirety on this day alone.

VP John Holmstrom, who had had previously CONTRAVENED Ms. Veals' campaign to evict me four months previous to this, and having been overruled -- crushingly, this 25-year General Manager Trudi Veals.

I will take nothing but the time their eviction visited on me, to tell you that before making indelible my decision to protect myself and seek remedy in the now-31-day-absence of response for these mounting slumlord tactics, enforced by sub-managerial staff, I contend, as retribution for Corporate's past refusal to side with , and based on what I contend, is an endemic culture of racism (one Front Desk was fired regarding her abuses and outbursts on at least three occasions, before personally fired her), racially motivated and meted out only one day after Christmas -- and in so doing, committing illegal eviction based on no instigation except Trudi Veal's petty vendetta.

Publicly Available Permitted Contact Information for any Governing Bodies Investigating subsequent to posting 1. 22. 2021

[email protected]
Richmond Inn & Suites
2683 Energy Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Operated by:
[SMC Hotels John Holmstrom VP]

[Wyndham Hotel] [SMC Founder Harrison Smith]

[Pres. Delton Smith (son)]

Video link: https://youtu.be/X4n7HrPQFPY

• 🤳 Featured • dougmeet •

• 🤳 Featured • •

Richmond Suites Illegal Police Evict 10-month Guest COVID-19 Trudi Veals GM - SMC John Holmstrom VP Trudi Veals: GM Richmond Suites Illegal (BRPD) Police Eviction (Holidays - COVID avail. 50%) Maintenance Mgr. Mike FOR: abrogation and deliberate violation...


re. illegal eviction Richmond Suites GM Trudi Veals and VP John Holstrom, Baton Rouge, LA (12.27.21) through endemic culture of racism overseen by GM Veals throughout my stay at your property,which I am afraid was reinvigorated on the occasion of your refusal to support Trudi Veals' unsuccessful first attempt to force out a paid in advance, in full longterm guest, from my check-in in February 2020, until December 27th 2020, in a personally motivated, amorphous rationality of "either the guest (me) leave voluntarily," when she called my room over the telephone, saying to me, 'It looks like we just aren't able to do anything right to make your stay here enjoyable, so I am ordering your checkout tomorrow at noon."

Thank you for supporting your initially good intuitive contravention.
However: IT IS important Corporate intervene in this matter with the context of my stay there to its final decision on how you wish to proceed in what I have been unfortunate to, I'm sure you must agree, have suffered at the hands of your staff, and Wyndham Hotel Rewards Member Guest of Richmond Suites Baton Rouge referred by staff, a protracted, overburdened exercise in futility now requiring it be handled on behalf and as substitute to any other remedy which I might require, and which failure thereof would necessitate what is presently not necessary.
in the instance of Mr. Holstrom's weak dismissal and silence regarding your apparent decision to see if this goes away -- it WILL NOT.

imagine this scenario as serious corporate owners / developers with vast experience in the field:

your lawyers explaining the above as to why housekeepers and Mike, janitor apparently endowed with autonomous authority to both represent yourselves, gentlemen and ladies, in retributive surprise evictions with no documentation, under felonious statements made to require BRPD three-hour deadline to me, or forcible eviction:

Me, being extended 10-month guest at Richmond Suites, Baton Rouge LA, starting Feb. 2020 -- never late, no warnings or complaints from staff or guests. paid in full, in advance before and on the date of my illegal eviction December 27 2020.

Timeline photos 10/01/2021

Thanks for liking the place


This is what happens when the session musicians in Nashville go on strike.


lady monkey server likes breaks (no longer allowed)




Pipo y


This one Instagram avatar caption Photo Post area whereas to enter and only they buy iOS old smartphone and tell you where bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb asleep 💤💤

In Memoriam: Patrick Mathé of New Rose & Last Call Records 04/01/2021

In Memoriam: Patrick Mathé of New Rose & Last Call Records
Memphis Flyer

In Memoriam: Patrick Mathé of New Rose & Last Call Records Today, the French journal Libération reports that Patrick Mathé, co-founder of New Rose Records and Last Call Records, has died. The details are not available...


I’m obsessed with this liking song and rap in it. I haven’t had time to do a deep dive to find the Thai words and read them translated which I am sure exists 100 times over, but so far I just know it’s my new favorite song and the Thai lyrics are so craic that I don’t even need translation —transliteration, yes, translation, no. I will just continue to destroy the beautiful but guttural Thai language ... and does lalisa say bulls**t? I hope so.

Happy 25th Birthday and many more before laleaving the area, a true survivor and destiny shaper at 25. Look up what Dylan had accomplished by then. Of dont if you want to have a great birthday 🥳.



Hey 👋 I’m not gonna do anything wrong with my post I just wanted you to know if I was going to be a little more than I could get it to the end of the month or tomorrow night or whatever works for you you can call me later and let me know when you’re ready to get off the stuff and then I can come over and let you know that I’m going to have a little bit more than I am really sorry I didn’t want to do it I just wanted you to know if you got your message and I’m not sure 🤔 will give you some time for you and your friend to go to the hospital


1ere annual before Christmas 🎄 because afterwards wouldn’t be nearly as timely or relevant to that which is the raison d’être chronomètre des les femmes défenestrées qui sont postures c’est emploiera à la fête 🥳 de Time d’année que ma reconnais pour elle âpre bas l’escalier.



Look at Me Look at You for score in sweeping émotive as performed by and reimagined for @007 film’s of new imaginary .

Dear ,

I s this or ?

There’s no way it’s ?

• •

Videos (show all)

Hey check my new filter by Instagram.  It’s called contact sheet.
@katewinslet.original might not have been so inclined to survive had @jamescameronofficial  included the glacial 🥶 obstr...
@dougmeet (me) sings original jingle for @creators #igreels which includes hard to understand lyrics like #cookiethumper...
Sabotage @beastyboysofficial @champagnepapi
@katewinslet.original might not have been so inclined to survive had @jamescameronofficial  included the glacial 🥶 obstr...
7thgrade jerry Lee
@pepsico killed @cocacola in this banned add.  What do you think?
@imwoahvicky is my bishhhh sorry.  She is like you but a lot more apparent.  She is the glass door 🦅 birds Jill themselv...
re. illegal eviction Richmond Suites GM Trudi Veals and VP John Holstrom, Baton Rouge, LA (12.27.21) through endemic cul...
This is what happens when the session musicians in Nashville go on strike.
lady monkey server likes breaks (no longer allowed)