History - Fact and Perspective

History - Fact and Perspective

History focus for Civil Services exam preparation


Swapnavasavadatta is written by Bhasa. Play is a romantic tale that follows the love story between King Udayana and Princess Vasavadatta, who is also known as Swapnavasavadatta, which means "dream-voiced Vasavadatta."


Ratnavali is a Sanskrit play written by King Harsha. The play is a romantic comedy that tells the story of King Udayana, who falls in love with a beautiful princess named Ratnavali.


Malavikagnimitra is a Sanskrit play written by the ancient Indian playwright Kalidasa. The play is a romantic tale that tells the story of King Agnimitra, who falls in love with a beautiful maid named Malavika.

History4CivilServices: Chapter 1 - Pre-Proto-History 25/08/2022

Video Chapter 1 on Pre-Historic India

History4CivilServices: Chapter 1 - Pre-Proto-History History4CivilServices objective is to provide a basic understanding of history of India and the World. This understanding could help the aspirants to crack ...
