Chronicles of the Al’alfia Campaign

Chronicles of the Al’alfia Campaign

A mere remembrancer who is chronicling the tale of conflict upon Al’alfia primus (40K Campaign).

Photos from Chronicles of the Al’alfia Campaign's post 28/02/2024

Once again, Hello everyone!
In the second of three today I present the defence of the Aldari expansion. Over the last few months we have been receiving news from our astropaths of a psyhic presence emanating from the planet, almost like a haze. It is possible this drew in a tendril from Hive Fleet Leviathan like a moth to a flame. However, this time the moth was not one of xeno origin, but one of the chaos.

Seeking to corrupt the outskirts of the forest of silence, Typhus and his deathguard lead the siege into Aldari territory, taking key stratgeic points and holding up against the barrage of fire the enemy laid down. However, the ALdari had forseen the intrusion of chaos into their land and had made use of the recently deployed fortifications and their surroundings.

One by one the deathguard fell, ever moving forward until all but a single Lord of Contagion, Kurdloccus Wormfoot had fallen. Taking his final pound of eldar flesh, the remaining leader of the deathguard forces retreated, ensuring he would fight another day.

1000 point battle between Deathguard and Aldari Craftworld.
10:50 Aldari Craftworld victory.

New location discovered: Outskirts of the forest of silence.

Photos from Chronicles of the Al’alfia Campaign's post 27/02/2024

Hello everyone!
It has been some time since my last transmission.
Due to a variety of factors, I have been swamped in work from the administratum which has held me from recounting and analysing the information we gather from Al'alfia. In order to catch up and keep future things streamlined, future reports will be much shorter and simple.

After the defeat of the Adeptus Sororitas, I was concerned for the imperial presence on the surface of Al'Alfia. However, what I did not expect was a tyranid Hivefleet to make plannetfall. While small in number compared to their previous appearences elsewhere, Hive Fleet leviathan crashed into a nearby ruined city close to the Eldar who were making their way through nearby forests. Surging with instinctual hatred for each side, the forces of the hivemind and Aeldariclashed, both determined to assert their superiority over the over and claim the area for their own.

Prooving their declariations were more than empty words and thier fighting spirit tougher than the glass cannnons they appear to be, the Aldari managed to slowly break down and dismantle the Tyranid force that was attempting to intercept their progress.

Despite their best attempts at a clean slate of the area, the Hive Tyrant now known as the "Devourer of silence" in the language of the zenos managed to escape, it's form undectable to the technology of the Aeldari.

1000 point battle: Tyranids Vs Aeldari
10 : 45 (Aldari Victory).

New location: "Ruins of the great Devourer"


Brief update on what’s been happening upon the surface of Al’alfia as of late. (I am a bit behind but will be trying to catch up on the battle reports).

• Tyranids have made landfall.
• Deathguard has made its heretical presence known.

To those seeking to test their steel on Al’alfia, next Friday will mark the next of the fortnightly narrative nights!

Best wishes be with you all.
~ Your humble rememberencer.


Friendly reminder that narrative nights are back on starting this Friday. Details are pinned as usual. Looking forward to seeing how the planet of Al’alfia evolves in 2024.

Photos from Chronicles of the Al’alfia Campaign's post 29/12/2023

Hello everyone,
Utilizing an ancient piece of technology, we were able to generate pictures of each battlefield using

Real talk: Thank you everyone for the wonderful games this year. As it is close to newyears, I will not be around to play games this fortnight at MC&C and will be back in a couple of weeks for the next rotation hopefully.

In the event that you do play some games at MC&C and want them to be included in the world of Al'alfia, send them in with a description fo what happened and I'll add it in.

Have a wonderful newyears and we look forward to playing more games within the world of Al'alfia in the new year!

Photos from Chronicles of the Al’alfia Campaign's post 28/12/2023

Hello all! I hope everyone had a wonderful sanguinala. Admittedly, my fellow remembrancers and I got a little too carried away with related activities, it isn’t very often we look up from our notes and dataslates to do anything other than discuss and debate the smallest of details or interpretations. Hopefully your commanders and seniors have given you at least a small breather from your duties to partake in an event as significant as it is joyous.

After receiving word from the Adeptus Sororitas requesting support upon the surface of Al’alfia, a detachment from the Adeptus Astarties chapter known as the Ultramarines responded to their aid. As this was the second imperial force to be defeated upon the surface, the sons of the 13th decided to send a siege focused force in order to flush out the zenos threat that they had been alerted to in one single strike.

Pushing back a combined force of Tau and Adeptus Sororitas, the Eldar from the craftworld known as Anastari made their way into a forest which contained pre-existing Aldari infrastructure. Before the Eldar could make use of their new environment, the Ultramarines made planetfall into a nearby clearing due to the unstable weather within the surrounding regions. As the two forces got ready to take control of the forest, each commander realized that they would need to protect vital units in order to make it through this confrontation (Dreadnought & Gladiator Lancer for the Ultramarines) (Amallyn Shadowguide and Asurmen for the Anastari).

In the beginning of the battle the Ultramarines chose to have a large portion of their force arrive later into the battle, leaning on their heavy units to lay down fire into the zenos who were hiding between rock and foliage, only able to deal a handful of damage to the transport containing one of the Anastari’s vital units. Realizing that the space marines were hindered by the environment and remaining mostly stationary, the Anastari rapidly moved forward while picking off the heavily armored humans that moved ahead of their companions. Taking advantage of the tower they were able to infiltrate into before the battle had begun, an Eldar sniper was able to wound the Captain in gravis armour who managed to stabilize the injury for the time being.

Realizing the state of the battlefield, the Captain in gravis armour ordered those present to hold the line, this battle would be a battle of attrition rather than one of objective significance. The armour of the space marines managed to destroy the transport that sped straight towards them unfortunately, it took both the brothers in the walking sarcophagus as well as those in the Gladiator to shoot it down, the final strike causing it to explode. In an attempt to follow through with the momentum, a second space marine captain deepstruck into enemy backlines in an attempt to draw enemy attention. Seeing the damage their squad was taking, the heavy intercessors managed to keep control of their objective while putting down a jetbike.

Taking advantage of their positioning and firepower, the Anastari pushed ahead, taking objectives while moving with grace and skill. Amallyn Shadowguide and Asurmen began to skillfully pick apart the strategy of the imperial force bit by bit. Heavy intercessors were removed one by one by those jetbikes flying towards them, assault intercessors shot down after descending from the sky and the Anastarin sniper dealing a deathblow to the captain they had failed to fell previously. BeAfter having their transport destroyed, the Wraithblades and their leader dashed towards the imperial armour after having the dreadnought take a blow from a cannon across the other side of the battlefield, engaging in melee so deadly it forced the Gladiator lancer to back out after the dust had settled.

After hearing multiple casualty reports, the remaining space marine captain decided it was time to change the strategy they were using, bunkering down and attempting to outlast their enemy was not working, it was only leading to their own death and destruction. With the fury of a 1000 guardsmen, the space marine captain and his squad laid fire into the nearby Anastari infantry and dashed towards what appeared to be their leader, in order to combat this beast it’s head must be removed.

With what was remaining, the Apothecary Biologis and his brothers fired what they could into the rapidly approaching zenos jetbikes, their bolters managing to only take the life of one. Seeing a vision of the battle, the Librarian and his terminator bodyguards teleported onto the battlefield to aid the important armour that the Ultramarines needed to survive this battle. Unfortunately their boltshells and warpfire wasn’t enough to eliminate the threat.

Feeling the flow of the battle, the Anastari jetbikes swooped in and took the objective from the remaining apothecary, unable to remove him from the objective which he held onto with the fury and wrath of one who just had his brothers fall in front of his own eyes. The sniper on the ruins above is still unable to deal a mortal blow to space marine. After destroying the dreadnought which dealt a massive blow to the space marines, the Wraithblades and their leader laid deadly blow upon blow into the lancer, breaking vital components and causing it to function on a lower level of lethality.

Hearing that aid had arrived, the captain of the ultramarines managed to boost over to the opposing warlord. Thinking that he outsmarted the human, Anastari was surprised when the space marine captain came in swinging, his thunder hammer dealing a massive blow. Having just seen the Gladiator fall, the terminators managed to finally destroy a small number of wraithguard & jetbikes in both melee and with fire. The power of the Librarian upon full display to the enemies of the throne and the imperium. And in a last stand of defiance, the Apothecary took his final shot at the jetbikes before they overwhelmed him with point blank firepower.

After tasting blood in his mouth, the Anastari warlord quickly retaliated with a flash of his blades, the captain falling to the ground with a thud. Hearing this good news over their communication network, the other Anastari pushed ahead taking any remaining objectives. As there was one under control of terminators, the Wraithguard and their leader stormed into combat, tearing apart one of them with blades of wraithbone. In an attempt to cripple the last of the space marine leadership, the Anastari sniper on the tower managed to deal a single blow to the Librarian. Enough to cripple but not enough to kill.

In the ending moments of the battle, the Librarian and his remaining brothers managed to survive while dealing blows back and forth with the Wraitguard and their leader. While this was occurring, the Anastari managed to reinforce the other objectives and secure control of the battlefield in their favor.

This was a 1000 point game.
Victory: Craftworld Anastar (75 - 5).

New location discovered: The forest of silence.

Photos from Chronicles of the Al’alfia Campaign's post 15/12/2023

Welcome all to another transmission from your humble remembrancer. It has been a struggle to collect enough data to piece together the events from the last recorded event that was two solar weeks ago due to the nearby warpstorm activity. I thank you for your patience and will try my best to make sense of what was able to be transmitted to us.

Based on our sources, it appears that a series of unknown signals were detected within an abandoned settlement upon the surface of the planet. This particular settlement lies within an area of Al'alfia that is prone to unnatural storms. Wanting to gain control of these unknown signals for their own goals and benefit, a large force of Eldar from the craftworld known as Anastari as well as the contingents of the Adepta Sororitas & Farsight Enclaves moved in to investigate and capture them. Whilst they were not officially working together, the Farsight Enclaves deployed in a way to use the imperial warmachine to bolster their recon force which was looking for the fallen commander Farsight.

The Start of the battle began with each side deploying in a reserved and concealed manner, their scout units laying just outside of engagement range of enemy fire. The immense threat of enemy armor is enough to force the other to hide their most valued assets. Despite taking a number of objectives from the beginning, the enclaves are immediately under threat as Anastari unleashes a devastating barrage of fire, wiping out a significant chunk of their forces. Even though they took a significant amount of fire from Sororitas, the Eldar push could not be halted. In an attempt to locate their fallen commander, ShadowSun and her Bodyguard took the unguarded datasource. It will be some time before they can translate and decipher its contents.

Realizing the momentum they had, the Anastari pushed forward, cutting down enemy infantry and removing key units they foresaw as being a threat in the future to their plans. After the Tau and Sororitas attempted to push forward, the craftworld forces used the information they had gathered from the objectives under their control to repel those who got too close. A coldstar commander and his crisis unit both were shot down after making landfall as if their actions had already been communicated to those they were planning on ambushing. Once again, the cannons of the imperial armor were barely able to remove the zeno wraith constructs from objectives under their control despite the firepower they brought down on their foes.

As the final moments of the battle drew near, the forces of the Farsight Enclaves made a desperate advance with all their weapons blaring as hot as the sun in the sky. Unfortunately for the commander and her cadre, it was not enough. The Anastari were able to sacrifice a small number of their warriors in order to place what was left of the Tau in fire lanes, wiping all but a single stealthsuit team & Oblatai 9-0 out. Taking advantage of this, the Sororitas were able to prevent any further losses and retreat from the area, a vision from the God Emperor of mankind showing them that their fate was to fall upon a different battlefield.

In the end, the forces of the Craftworld Anastari were able to significantly repel the recon elements of both the Farsight Enclaves and the Adepta Sororitas. In doing so, capturing a significant amount of information that was being transmitted from this area which could be very beneficial to the plans of their leaders, Amallyn Shadowguide and Asurmen. Their plans and goals are only known to them.

This was a 2000 point game with the defenders sharing that point total.
Victory: Craftworld Anastar (20 - 10).

New location discovered: Abandoned settlement of Al’alfia.

Photos from Chronicles of the Al’alfia Campaign's post 21/11/2023

To everyone who is able to receive this transmission, thank the Emperor that my report is able to make it through the warp storm engulfing the planet from pole to pole. The storm raging around the battlefields appears to affect one’s soul. A metaphysical assault that feeds and grows off the emotions of those on Al’alfia’s soil. Our Astropaths have taken a significant hit to their health and wellbeing in order to have this message spread but it is a cost we must endure.

After establishing a foothold for his forces within the Plains of Crimson, Commander Farsight led a small contingent of his planetside forces into a nearby city as the sky turned a dark purple. Since one of his fellow commanders had experience leading forces in urban landscapes, Farsight took an observer role during this deployment. As the first of the fire warriors entered the abandoned city, Necron forces with blue, yellow and white were spotted. Expecting a fight, the commander in the coldstar suit braced for the initial impact which would spark a fight between the two factions.

Unexpectedly, a strange but familiar communication signal was detected, a request for open for anyone listening to initiate communications in the same style as one of the water cast would write in. It was as if it was a copy of one sent previously. To his surprise, the signal came from the Necron overlord leading the force in front of him, the icon and colours matching them.

Utilizing the onboard autotranslator, the commander came to learn that a large chaos space marine force was coming, one larger than what even the power of these ancient beings with their atom destroying technology could deal with in their current state. With the agreement that the Necron’s would keep the city in return for allowing for the remaining Tau to leave with their lives, the two leaders ordered their forces to dig in and defend the city in order to wait out the storm and prevent chaos, their forces being utterly destroyed if they were to fail.

As the wind around the defenders grew in intensity, the forces of the Thousand Sons arrived, taking great advantage of the city ruins to conceal most of their infantry in order to draw them out. Taking inspiration from his leader, the coldstar commander took his crisis suit unit and advanced close to the enemy to strike the killing blow early. Unfortunately, this was foreseen by the forces of Magnus who lured them in by having mutants rush into their weapon range first. Taking advantage of their position, the Thousand sons eliminated the commander and his bodyguards, a Daemon prince dashing forward to thrust his blade through the last of the battlesuits.

As the battle waned back and forth, the allied forces managed to take back ground they had lost and push forward onto key objectives laid around the battlefield, Magnus and his forces fighting tooth and nail in order to capture the site for their own unknown purposes. One by one the leaders of the allies were picked off, Commander farsight & the necron’s overlord being defeated by psychic and long range attacks. Even though he put up a fight, the fireblade which fended off the angels of death on the plains fell to the might of Magnus the red after his appearance. In a last attempt at defiance, the Necron’s slayed the Daemon prince which had bathed in it’s fare share of Tau blood.

After having their forces incredibly crippled, the forces of the Necrons and the Farsight Enclaves had to retreat from the city, all but one of their leaders dead, and the lives of their soldiers doomed if they were to stay and resist the overwhelming psychic force of Magnus the Red and his Thousand Sons.

This was a 2000 point game with the defenders sharing that point total.
Victory: Thousand Sons (40 - 30).

New location discovered: City of Saksai

Photos from Chronicles of the Al’alfia Campaign's post 09/11/2023

Hello everyone and welcome to the first session of the Al'alfia campaign. This report is a tad late but it is just in time before the next session on the 17th.

In a heavily contested region of no man's land, the damaged cadre of the Farsight Enclaves battled off against the forces of the Blood Angels of which both were attempting to establish comand posts on the planet of Al'alfia. As the two comand centres were too close, the other must be eliminated.

Trading forth powerful blows in melee and range, the crimsion forces of the Tau and Adeptus Astaries attempted to make their way to their generators and nearby objectives. While this was occuring, a chaos warband known as "The Survivors of Azoth" attempted to infiltrate the battle field for unknown reasons.

In this battle, the FSE was able to slay the dreadnoughts of the marines in crimson red as well as a small number of those in the armour of black. Despite taking some casualities, Farsight was able to comand his forces to establish tatical footholds on two of the objectives.

The forces of the BA marched up the board towards the objetives in their sights. Taking hit after hit, they refused to yield against the zenos foe, capturing a their generator. Enraged by the damage done to them while they were making their way up the board, a large number of Farsight's infantry were slane, unable to take the brute force that the sons of Sanguinous dealt.

While the two forces of red were clashing, a sorcerer and his cabal were able to teleport into the mist of the Farsight Enclave. After tricking the pilot of the Riptide battlesuit through means of deception, the Survivors of Azoth were able to cripple and bring down the large machine. The soul of the fallen battlesuit condemned to a fate worse then the death they just experienced.

As the winds of war petered out, the battle ended, earlier than what some may say then it should have. Having the upper hand, Farsight managed to successfully establish a place of comand upon

Game was 1050 point's each.

"The Plains of crimson".

Thank you for your time and patience reader.
Sincerely, the remembrancer of Al'alfia.


Rules & general lore of the Al'alfia Campaign.

Hello everyone, your remembrancer here. In order for everyone to be on the same page, I thought I might make a pinned post so that people can be directed to it.

The Lore:
The Al'alfia Campaign is a collection of battles held on the world of Al'alfia. On this world, The Imperium of Man, Chaos and even Zenos clash against eachother on this world. Each faction has it's own path to walk down and will do anything or manipulate anyone to make it reality.

Al'alfia conists of shallow warm lakes and swamps. The plants are light green, greasy stalks with grey blisters at the top. The skeletons of deceased animals are re-used as shells by small gelatinous creatures. They are capable of using simple tools. There are multiple landmasses with ruins and secrets left by the previous population that was once there.

The rules / general gist of things:
Each fortnight on Friday (same week as their wargaming night) starting at 6:30 at Millennium comics & collectables, players can treat their Warhammer 40,000 games as being played upon the planet of Al'alfia.

In the spirit of the narative, I will be hosting a table which will play a new mission from the White Dwarf bunker mission series. Each mission will be treated as a new location that players can fight over or influence. Other players are more than welcome to do the same or design their own narative games and locations on Al'alfia.

Feel free to use this as an opportunity to play that grey army you have had on the shelf, get in games to learn how to play better, use this as motivation to get through that pile of opportunity. Dice tell stories and all they need is a toss to tell the stories of our minis.

In order to keep things simple and civil, I have written up three guidelines that I recomend to follow:
1. Agree with your opponent on the style of the game - Competative games are fine, agree on a level of seriousness before the game starts because.
2. If rule disagreements occur, roll for it. Let the dice tell the narative and then sort out the correct rules for next time.
3. Don't cheat or try your hardest to catch yourself if you realise you have made an error - We're trying to tell a collective story in a fun and fair way, if you are unable to subsribe to that way of thinking, a different narative may be for you.

Most of us play at 1000 points a player but if you want to play any higher, might be best to organise with someone ahead of time or have a 1K varient of your list ready to go.

There is also a fun little suggestion a few of us have talked about: If your model does something interesting, give them a name! Let the little guy build a story until they meet their tragic or heroic end.
And if they do something noteworthy again, give them a new one.

Anyways, here is a map of the planet for you to enjoy!

Thank you for your time and patience ~
The remembrancer of Al'alfia.


Hello everyone, your remembrancer here. This page has been created to share the great chronicles of the world known as "Al'alfia" or "The millennium" as the local inhabitants refer to it as.
These tales of wargames held in the 41st millenium of man may sway the future or past of the world they occur on.

Please note: This campaign while held at Millennium Comics and Collectables by local players, is not associated with their business (Aka what we say or do does not represent them in any way).

To those who participate in our world, please be mindful and respect the location we play at and their rules.

Thank you reader for your time and patience.


Opening Hours

18:30 - 22:00