Videos by GIDEON. Advancing the global effort against infectious diseases

GIDEON in 2 minutes

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GIDEON in 2 minutes
⌚ Short of time? Learn about GIDEON in just 2 minutes: #video #infectiousdiseases #pathogens #microbiology #epidemiology #publichealth #medlib #medical #clinical #diagnose #clinicians #librarians #onlineresources #database #GIDEONonline

World Food Safety Day 2021
Did you know? 💡 World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that foodborne illness affects ~10% of the global population each year. This #WorldFoodSafetyDay learn more about the prevention and management of foodborne illnesses: #wfsd #worldfoodsafetyday2021 #foodbornepathogen #foodborneillnesses #globalpopulation #pathogens #prevention #learnmore #foodborneillness #foodhygiene #infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseases #blog #GIDEOnonline