American Summer Institute in Hungary

American Summer Institute in Hungary

Leadership and Wellness: A training course for Individuals in Hungary International Pathways: How to Sustain and Strengthen Partnerships for the Next Generation

Photos from American Summer Institute in Hungary's post 02/07/2024
Photos from American Summer Institute in Hungary's post 02/07/2024

AsIH Day Two in the books. Theme was leadership theories.

Photos from American Summer Institute in Hungary's post 01/07/2024

2024 ASIH kicked off today in Szeged. Being held at American Corner Szeged. Great start with great students.


Szulinapi Nagykovet lettem!

Ahogy azt mar korabban jeleztem, az ez evi szuletesnapomra az Adománytaxi munkajat szeretnem adomanygyujtessel tamogatni. Sokan ismeritek a munkajukat elsosorban azok kozul akik itt elnek Magyarorszagon, mert nagyon sok helyen szerepeltek a mediaban es szamos elismerest es kituntetest ertek el mar eddig is. Ha viszont meg nem hallottatok roluk, latogassatok el az weboldalukra!
En az elmult 30+ evben nagyon sok szervezettel dolgoztam Magyarorszagon is es mas orszagokban is, de az o munkajuk allt most a legkozelebb hozzam, mert folyamatosan tajekoztatott az alapitojuk es vezetojuk Horn Tamas. Ez a foto a legutobbi programon keszult Tamassal, amire meghivott es ahol a legujabb eredmenyekrol szamolt be a tamogatainak.
Egy nonprofit szervezetnek nagyon nehez most Magyarorszagon es elismeresre melto, hogy milyen erofeszitesekkel igyekeznek mar 9 eve a mukodesuk fenntartasahoz es bovitesehez a forrasokat eloteremteni. En most ehhez szeretnek egyeni adomanyok gyujtesevel en is hozzajarulni.

Barataim, nagyon koszonom, ha tudtok segiteni barmilyen osszeggel, nevvel vagy nev nelkul! Kerem keressetek ha kerdesetek van es a Messengeren el tudtok erni.

Az elkovetkezo napokban azt is megosztom veletek, hogy mit tartok kulonosen jonak az Adomanytaxi munkajaban ami mindannyiunk szamara erdekes tanulsagokkal szolgal.

A szulinapi partim most elmarad Toledoban es Pesten is, de koszonom, ha gondoltok ram ill. erre a kampanyra!

Ezen a linken tudtok banki atutalassal vagy kredit kartyaval tamogatni (sajnos az oldal magyarul van csak, igy amerikai es kulfoldi barataimmal kulon tudom egyeztetni a legjobb megoldast} ha segiteni szeretnenek!

Az Adománytaxi teljes csapatanak pedig tovabbi jo munkat es sok sikert kivanok!


Next American Summer Institute starts in three weeks. Team leaving US on Thursday, June 27th and heading to Szeged for first program. Second week is in Hodmezovarsaely. Looking forward to two great programs. Hope to see you there.


Getting ready for another American Summer Institute in Hungary. Currently working out the details. Planned dates - June 27th to July 15th.

GLC-Teach Democracy 2 | Open Application for European Participants in the GLC Professional Fellows Program Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 19/12/2022

GLC-Teach Democracy 2 | Open Application for European Participants in the GLC Professional Fellows Program Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 The Great Lakes Consortium (GLC)’s Professional Fellows Program is a two-way, expenses-paid international exchange program focused on governance and society for approximately 21 emerging mid-level leaders from Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. The fellowship program provides in-pe...


Are you interested to apply for the next Professional FEllows Program "Empowering Citizen-led democracy" Please check out the GLC_teach democracy page!

We have more than 30 people on our first Information session!

Make sure to reccommend our program to collegues and friends from Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Slovakia or Hungary that might be a good fit.

Read full announcement and details on our next info sessions here:


Pályázz 2022. január 14-ig, hogy vezetői készségeidet fejleszd és 3 hónapot tölthess az Egyesült Államokban! A CEE program 21-28 év közötti fiatal vezetőknek teszi lehetővé, hogy a hálózatok, kapcsolatok és információ erejét a közjó szolgálatába állítsák.

Apply by January 14, 2022 to develop your leadership skills and spend three months in the U.S.! The CEE Program enables young leaders (age 21-28) to harness the power of networks, relationships, and information for the public good.


Merry Christmas to everyone who has been involved in and supported the ASIH over the years.


Hi everyone! I have posted a lot but on my personal page. Daily pictures while I’m here. Trying to reach out all my friends here in Szeged. If you haven’t heard from me, send me a message. All my activities are in full swing now.


Paul Longenecker ma veletlenul osszefutott Szegeden az egyetemen egyik tanitvanyaval Lilianaval aki egy korabbi American Summer Institute diakja volt. Ha masok is szivesen talalkoznanak Paul-lal kerem, hogy vegyetek vele fel a kapcsolatot, hogy eleve tervezni lehessen, o is nagyon szivesen talalkozik diakjaival.
Please connect with Paul Longenecker on messenger if you are interested to see him while he is teaching in Szeged in the next 3-4 months.


Dear Szeged friends:
Is anyone able to show some Szeged hospitality to Paul Longecker who is now in Szeged for 3 months while teaching at SZTE and will also do program at the American Corner in Szeged?
I see that he is enjoying some bike rides in Szeged and taking some photos but it would be more fun if he would also visit with some people in his free time. Anyone is interested now please let us know, i would like him to have a great time exploring new places and programs with Szeged friends and families..
Thank you for reconnecting with Paul who contributed so much to our Szeged partnership in the last 10 years and helped many of you already to improve your English. Tomorrow is Labor day, a national holiday in America! Anyone interested to connect with Paul on this holiday? Or after , please let us know. Best wishes to you All!


To my friends in Szeged, I am looking for a bike to borrow or buy, during my four month stay in Szeged, to get around but also for exercise. The foreign relations office is looking for me but I wanted to reach out to all my friends also. Please message me if you offer any assistance. köszönöm


I have arrived in Szeged to teach for the semester at the university. Should be fun.


Plans finally approved. No Visa D being issued so needed Entry Waiver from Hungarian National Police. Received my approval yesterday so full speed ahead with final prep underway. Fly out on Monday, August 23rd, arriving Tuesday August 24th. Looking forward to seeing all my Hungarian friends and teaching at the University of Szeged. See you soon.


Putting my final plans together for my travels to Szeged to teach at the University this fall for my sabbatical from Otterbein University. Lots of work but looking forward to it. Great chance to catch up with all my friends in Hungary.


To my Hungarian Friends:
My plans that were cancelled for Fall 2020 to teach at the University of Szeged are back on. I have started my planning to teach this Fall at the university and I'm pulling all my required documents together. I need a Residence Permit since I will in Szeged the entire semester (over 90 days). One the required items is proof of housing so I'm looking to secure housing by the beginning of June. If you can assist me in this area, please message me. Thanks for any help in advance. Looking forward to seeing everyone and catching up...Paul


Waiting to see how Covid rates are doing before I start finalizing my plans to come to Szeged next fall to teach at the university. Continuously monitoring the Hungarian Embassy for status updates. Should know by the end of May. Hopefully good news in the hear future.
