

2019 Ogun State Gubernatorial Aspirant | Former SA. to Ogun Deputy Gov, Social Entrepreneur & Change


My People,

As I navigate this journey called life, I've come to realize a profound truth: I arrived in this world alone, and even if I were to return twice over, our paths are unique, unfolding at different times and in distinct ways. It's a liberating realization, for it reminds me that the opinions of others hold no power over my essence.

I've pondered the significance of worrying about what people say, only to find solace in the knowledge that their words do not sustain me. I know my people, and while I may not discern those who genuinely cherish my being, I can certainly discern those who don't. It's a curious paradox how individuals shielded by anonymity can cast stones, while those bound by blood or kinship inflict wounds unseen.

But here's the crux: I no longer concern myself with the intricacies of human judgment. I stand unshackled from the chains of societal validation, for I have come to the profound understanding that I know nobody, and truthfully, I no longer care.

Let us walk forth with heads held high, guided not by the shadows of fleeting opinions, but by the radiant light of self-assurance. For in the end, it is our own hearts that beat the rhythm of our existence, and our souls that dance to the melody of authenticity.

With unwavering resolve,

Omoniyi Adewale

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