Author-Erin V Moore

Author-Erin V Moore

Official Author Page of Erin V Moore
YA Urban Fantasy Author of Connections Series

Official Author


Happy Easter!


Happy Thanksgiving to all of my readers and potential readers šŸ˜‰


Connections Sequel (title in the making)


ā€œAll families have their secrets or quirks. Some darker and deeper than others. Some just plain weird. (A crazy uncle who eats his own toe nails.) But what if all the secrets turned out to be bigger than just a secret? Life changing at every turn? Not just within the family but others that have the misfortune of being caught in the cross hairs?ā€


šŸŒŸThursday Cast TeaseršŸŒŸ

On random Thursdays, Iā€™ll show a picture of people I think would resemble the cast of Connections.

Today Iā€™m giving you Officer Timbes (aka Officer Muscles). When I wrote this character, Dewayne Johnson was who I saw, from the very beginning.

What do you guys think??


Happy Independence Day from The twins-Ana and Brian. And Happy Independence Day from my family to yours!

Connections (Connections Series Book 1) 01/07/2022

šŸŒŸHEY! Hey you! Have you read my debut Novel-Connections? Well if you havenā€™t, you are missing out. Check it out on Amazon Kindle. Andā€¦wellā€¦if you like it leave a review. Authors thrive on reviews. šŸŒŸ

Hereā€™s a little snippet for you:

"Just go, Brian. Go get help," I choked out. "NO! I'm not leaving you!" he screamed, his face red from exertion.
"I'm just dragging you down too. Let me go, Brian. Let me go,ā€ I sobbed knowing that if he didn't, he would have the same fate as me. I pried his fingers off my arms with the little strength I had left, pushing from him in the same movement. The tug of the water drug me further and further down.

I woke with a start, Brian je**ed beside me. We both sat up at the same time, staring at the lake between the island we were on and the pier we had just swam from. "Brian, I had the scariest nightmare. I was drowning." I grabbed his arm, the fear of the dream leaking out of me.
"Ana,ā€ he gasped. "I had the same
dream." We stared at each other in amazement. We had always had a special connection but never the same

Erin V Moore

Connections (Connections Series Book 1) ā€œNothingā€™s been the same since that night. One fateful night among a million ordinary ones. The night I pray to forget but painfully remember. No, everything CHANGED on that night. Even if I didnā€™t want to believe it.ā€ 18 year old twins-Ana and Brian have an unusual co...


After doing a little re-reading of what Iā€™ve already wrote, I was pulled into my emotions pretty hard. A huge part of Anaā€™s story is my personal experience with the loss of one of my twins.

For those who knows me personally, knows my 2nd child was a twin. We lost his twin, Andrew when I was 25 weeks pregnant. By putting part of My story as some of my Anaā€™s, itā€™s an outlet and an emotional roller coaster.

Stay tuned for some teasers!!!


Happy Fatherā€™s Day!


Hey, itā€™s been a long while since Iā€™ve given an update. Been writing more in the Connections sequel. Itā€™s coming along nicely now. Wellā€¦I wouldnā€™t say nicely-this book is frustrating to write thatā€™s for sure.
A lot of questions are being answered but more are being asked. Letā€™s say, Ana has a box, much like Pandoraā€™s box-she pushes all those questions in. And itā€™s about to bust wide open!