STAND the LINE - Leadership Training

STAND the LINE - Leadership Training

I can help your group or organization turn into a dynamic team that gets everybody on the same page


Being a leader...


Go ahead and be amazing!!😉


Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs!


Going above and beyond...


Every company I have ever worked for has greeted me with the same phrase; "welcome to our team!" (having some idea of what a real team is but not really being able to pull it off) or "welcome to our family!" (most of the time it's the Manson family they are refereing to). Team work or being part of a family are ideas meant to encourage new hires to feel comfortable in their new surroundings. Unfortunately it is usually is not long before they start thinking they may have made a mistake. Senior personel, supervisors, managers who have been on the job for a while and are either disgruntled or have been in their positions so long the no longer at things with a clear mind can make things difficult for a new hire. They have forgotten where they came from and now have an "I really don't give a crap" attitude. This doesn't do much for team work, morale or making a person feel like part of a family.

A change in the mind set of our people in leadership positions is necessary. Not just for the good of your company but for everybody involved. If you people do not feel respected or appreciated they are going to leave. The thinking of " what if we train them and they leave"? compared to "what if we don't train them and they stay"? becomes an issue.

Do not forget where you came from or how you started. Chances are there was a senior person over you that you could not stand but gave you a shot at being successful. To be part of a team. To be part of a family.

Woman reunites with New Mexico officer who saved her life 05/02/2019

This is why we “stand the line”

Woman reunites with New Mexico officer who saved her life RUIDOSO, N.M.- A woman whose life was saved 35 years ago, when she was a baby, met the retired Roswell police officer who kept her alive Monday.


The last 90 days have been a freakin carnival of events. I apologize to all of you who have been following this page as i haven't posted anything new in quite awhile. I just recently moved to Phoenix Arizona (better known as hell on earth, it is HOT here) and took a position as an Appeals and Disputes Technician with the Health Choice HMO. Be that as it may, I am still in the business of conducting basic self "offense" courses and leadership training. I am riding a desk now, but don't let that throw you. In spite of the grey hair and maybe a few extra pounds, I can still show you how to survive any physical encounter you may run into. On the corporate end, I can teach your people how to take the lessons I've learned in over 25 years in law enforcement and apply those lessons to your company to help improve your production, create a true TEAM atmosphere, improve the morale of your company, and create a REAL team environment. Almost all companies use the phrases "welcome to the family", or welcome to our "team" and you find out later that their family is more like the Manson family and they couldn't spell "team" if you spotted them the E and the A. Being able to actually perform as a TEAM is a learning process, and a process that can be learned quickly if presented in a dynamic format. That's what Stand The line can do for your company. Stay tuned for more news and info. Together we can and will STAND THE LINE.....


If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are NO limits. There are only plateaus and you must not stay there, you must go BEYOND them.


Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. To hell with circumstances, create opportunity!


In order to succeed, we need to look past the top down only leadership structures and create networks that work in tandem with them. Be prepared to adapt and innovate an to to empower those who report to you to make their own decisions. Develop open communication and trust among different teams and create a shared organizational narrative.


By definition, leaders are people that others follow. It is surprising how many leaders seem to ignore this definition. If no one likes working for you, if no one likes working with you, if people generally avoid you for whatever reason or if people do not respect you, then you are going to have a really hard time being an effective leader of any team. You can't lead if you don't have any followers. And yes, you might be in charge of or assigned leadership of a project but you won't get the best out of the team unless you can engage them in a collective approach. You need to engage ALL team members to achieve optimal performance and rapid growth. Collective leadership means the ability to bring cross-functional teams together to rally around a collective goal.

"True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful."


The Four Agreements
by Don Miguel Ruiz

A great read..Enjoy!


Stand the Line. Exactly what does that mean? Everyday that we go to work, we stand the line between either enemies, our competition in business, bad guys, fighting to save somebodies life and so many other scenarios. I created Stand the Line as a way to incorporate the lessons I have learned in a life time spent as a first responder and pass those lessons learned to others.

The colors in the Stand the line logo as significant:

Green represents our armed forces. I served in the U.S. Army as a Military Police officer. Our soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and coast guard stand the line between us and the evil that has tried to destroy us. A difficult task, but one they do with pride.

Red represents our firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, and emergency room personnel . The line they hold is one that separates us being injured or killed in a catastrophic event. The line between us living or dying. I was a firefighter/EMT back in the day and the job has not gotten any easier. Saving lives and property is their goal and they do it admirably.

The gold line is that of our emergency services dispatchers/call takers. They are the ones that ensure we get the help we need when we need it. It is a demanding job, one that I did for a while, and to be honest it was one of the toughest jobs I have ever tried. These people are truly angels in disguise. I have often said that dispatch has saved the lives of more officers than Kevlar. A statement I will always stand behind.

Grey is the color of our corrections officers. The line they stand is obvious. They keep the bad guys separated from us and do it in an extremely hostile environment and unarmed.

The thin blue line is one that is close to my heart. I have performed duties in all of the previously mentioned jobs, but i spent most of my adult life as a police officer, standing the line between the good guys and the bad guys, and the bad guys can be VERY bad.

The white line is the representation of everybody who works for a living, whether it be in the corporate world or the man riding on the back of a garbage truck. They all matter and stand different lines depending on their particular occupation.
They can all learn lessons derived from the experience of all of the aforementioned occupations.

My goal for Stand the Line is to use my knowledge as a veteran first responder to incorporate lessons learned as a highly trained team member to those in the business world in order to increase team work, discipline, confidence and a mind set that will increase productivity and therefore profits and minimize turnover of personnel. I accomplish this through a series of dynamic lectures and demonstrations. Train hard and fight easy.
