Spirituality and Healing

Spirituality and Healing

Stillness . Peace . Inspiration . Wellness . Joy . Love

Online space for Christian healing -- We provide prayer and inspirational resources for those who are looking for solutions for relationship, health, and business issues. An inspiring understanding of our unbreakable relationship to God, divine Love, who is always available and willing to heal brings comfort, confidence and freedom for everyone.

God always has an answer 15/10/2019

Great ideas about overcoming disappointment with greater victory and assurance of God's power and presence.

God always has an answer Daily Lift podcasts are short takes on inspiring ideas to enrich your day and share with friends.

Finding lasting satisfaction 17/08/2019

Ideas on finding satisfaction and feeling a great sense of peace.

Finding lasting satisfaction Satisfaction. What is it and where can we find it? I think most of us have found that material circumstances are fleeting at best when it comes to satisfaction. Is there a deeper state of mind that…


More love is the great need of mankind. A pure affection, concentric, forgetting self, forgiving wrongs and forestalling them, should swell the lyre of human love.--Mary Baker Eddy

Discovering a God you can rely on - Christian Science Sentinel 01/04/2019

A beautiful account of healing for, Sarah. Going from a concept of God that left her angry to an understanding of God that brought healing to her life from the effects of an alcoholic father! Just beautiful!

Discovering a God you can rely on - Christian Science Sentinel Love what you're reading? Enjoying an audio program? Share it! Content shared via email, Facebook, or Twitter can be accessed by subscribers and non-subscribers alike. For easy, one-click sharing make sure your pop-up blocker is disabled for this site.

Health and healing 27/10/2018

Find lasting health and healing through Spirit.

Health and healing We all want to experience greater health and healing in our lives. It is a natural desire to experience spirituality in a way that blesses, heals, and inspires. How do we heal? By allowing the pres…

When a spouse leaves, God doesn’t - Christian Science Sentinel 26/10/2018

A beautiful and inspiring healing account of one woman's spiritual journey.

When a spouse leaves, God doesn’t - Christian Science Sentinel Ever since I was a child, I’ve known God as a very real presence. In fact, once, when I was in elementary school and was asked which friends I had walked home from school with that day, I happily replied, “I walked home with my best friend—God!”It was this closeness to God an...

See yourself as immortal • SpiritView 21/09/2018

Break free from limitation by seeing yourself and others as spiritual!

See yourself as immortal • SpiritView Which way do you see yourself? As a lacking mortal struggling to plod through a material sense of existence, or as an immortal living your full and abun...

‘The flame shall not hurt thee’ - The Christian Science Journal 23/08/2018

I'm reminded of this testimony of healing and protection from a wildfire for inspiration as we pray about the California wildfires and elsewhere.

‘The flame shall not hurt thee’ - The Christian Science Journal What do you do when it looks as though everything you owned just went up in smoke?


"Only God can bring us gladness,
Only God can give us peace;
Joys are vain that end in sadness,
Joy divine shall never cease."
(Christian Science Hymnal, 263)

In awe of God 05/06/2018

Thanks, John, for a great inspirational podcast!

In awe of God Daily Lift podcasts are short takes on inspiring ideas to enrich your day and share with friends.

‘I don’t know how to pray’ - Christian Science Sentinel 31/05/2018

Here are 5 types of prayers that are effective and simple in drawing closer to God.

‘I don’t know how to pray’ - Christian Science Sentinel Feeling in a rut with prayer, or maybe like you don’t even know how to pray? Check out this article for a variety of practical ideas to get you going. After all, says this author, “Prayer is the most wonderful adventure ever.” You won’t want to miss out.

Hymn’s message heals grief - Christian Science Sentinel 08/05/2018

A beautiful healing which shows how we can move through grief freely.

Hymn’s message heals grief - Christian Science Sentinel I have always loved the hymns in the Christian Science Hymnal. They have brought the inspiration and healing conveyed by these words of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “Whatever inspires with...

SAFE! - The Christian Science Journal 03/05/2018

A beautiful example of God's protection and healing power.

SAFE! - The Christian Science Journal ONE AFTERNOON LAST APRIL, I pulled into the parking lot of a convenience store and began to get out of the car when a man approached me. He had a knife and forced himself into my car, making me switch to the passenger's seat. He wanted money, but I quietly told him I had none...

Spiritual freedom 18/04/2018

Affirming what is true about you brings healing!

Spiritual freedom Affirming what is true about you paves the way for transformation. What is true? The truth that God has given you: health, fearlessness, purpose, dominion, supply, thoughtfulness, awareness, self-c…

Guilty or innocent? - Christian Science Sentinel 05/03/2018

Innocence is always part of our true nature as God’s child! This can assure you of your genuine freedom by affirming you are always loved and cherished by God.

Guilty or innocent? - Christian Science Sentinel Years ago, when I was a teenager, I had a relatively modest experience that taught me an important lesson about understanding my spiritual innocence. One summer afternoon, feeling sad and lonely, I decided to have a dish of ice cream. Comfort food. The large container was hal...

A spiritual approach to sports? - Christian Science Sentinel 27/02/2017

A prayerful approach to sports? Absolutely! "A spiritual approach to sports?" https://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/28q0qhx4qbc?s=t

A spiritual approach to sports? - Christian Science Sentinel When being athlete seems so material, how can you participate in sports and also be a practicing Christian Scientist? One former athlete and Christian Scientist shares his insights.


Here's a wonderful example of how gratitude brings healing!

"Gratitude and the healing of cancer" http://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/o33t84tr9o?s=t


"Christian love is like the sun that shines on saint and sinner alike. Love doesn't require the other fellow to be worthy of our love. Rather, love makes us worthy and ready to express divine Love's power to heal through our Christian kindness and steadfast affection. Spiritual love is developed as our Christian nature by closer communion with our God."
-from an article in an issue of the Christian Science Journal by Harry Miller


Love these ideas on the importance of diversity and compassion in our communities. We can pray for our world! "Eye on the world: Investing in the value of diversity in society" http://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/2coviqh5tjc?s=t


Here's a wonderful illustration, including a testimony of healing, of what a life of ceaseless prayer can look like. No need to 'use' prayer; rather, prayer helps us see how God's love is already active and present.

"It is what it is" http://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/2byabl2hf5w?s=t

It is what it is - Christian Science Sentinel When you’re faced with a problem, do you “use” Christian Science to address it? This author explains how healing happens more readily when we understand that we aren’t “using” Christian Science to fix something.

A healing from a psalm - Christian Science Sentinel 13/01/2017

A lovely, brief example of how someone prayed and found immediate freedom from feeling sick.

"A healing from a psalm" http://sentinel.christianscience.com/shared/view/2dmjoi95c60?s=t

A healing from a psalm - Christian Science Sentinel Here’s an example of a time a favorite passage from the book of Psalms was instrumental in effecting a healing.I had been serving as a Reader in my branch Church of Christ, Scientist, when I began experiencing flulike symptoms. That week’s Christian Science Bible Lesson in th...

Worthy of God's love? - The Christian Science Journal 12/01/2017

You are worthy!


Worthy of God's love? - The Christian Science Journal There’s a slogan that reads, “What’s not to love?” Well, sometimes I seem to know all too clearly just what is unlovable about my identity; it doesn’t seem possible that God could love me as He looks at me. Perhaps some mistakes bear down on me. Maybe I’ve accepted the imposi...


Desiring freedom from the pain of the past? You'll find inspiration in this podcast where people share stories of their journey to freedom from the baggage they've been carrying.


Thanksgiving 2016 25/11/2016

and on day! sermon for the occasion to awaken your thought to more of God's blessings. Available in German, English, Spanish & French! Happy Thanksgiving from us to you!

Thanksgiving 2016


Praise God for His power!


A beautiful blog post about how you can experience the healing love of Christ today and share it with others! Enjoy.

Turn the ordinary into the extraordinary today! Turn the ordinary into the extraordinary today! We can do that by living Christ – the message of love from God to all men, women and children. Bringing the Christ — the Spirit of Truth and Lo…


Beautiful .


One family, one Mind.