Pumpkin Baeza

Pumpkin Baeza

My name is Pumpkin, and I am a calico cat living in New York.

I am Pumpkin Baeza

My name is Pumpkin Baeza and I am over 10 years old. I live in the New York metro area and love following my mom around, Janice L. Blake. I was born in West Virginia and was saved by a young lady who fished me out of a water bucket when I was really little. I went to live with her at her farm and grew up with 4 dogs. I thought I was a dog for a long time and still growl at people walking by down the street.

She couldn’t keep me, so she asked Janice and Braulio if they wanted me and they said yes. I have traveled to Indiana to visit Janice’s parents many times in the car and am used to driving around now. I love looking out the window when the car is moving, and I used to meow more and more the faster the car went, but I’m over that now and just lie down and relax.

The top photo is when I was a young cat at only 2 years old. I was seriously just about to get that Betta fish on the piano when I was asked for this photo op.

This is me as a youngun after I first met Janice and Braulio. Who knew that we would share our lives together and they would take care of me at that point?