St. Paul's College Careers and Life Planning Team

St. Paul's College Careers and Life Planning Team

- highlights of SPC careers programmes
- information about local and overseas career opportunities

Mr T F Ng
Ms S Y Ngan
Ms L K Chan
Mrs P M Ng
Ms M Y Hui
Ms K Y Yu
Mr C L Lo
Mr S C Woods
Ms M T Frie
Mr T Dunne

Careers Club Committee Members
Chairperson: Au Ki Chun (5E)
Vice Chairpeople: Chan Wang Yan (5D) and Tong Lap Man (5D)
Committee Members: Hung Ho Ching Matthew (4A), P**n Yip Sing (5A), Lee Cheuk Hang Jacob (5D), Hui Man Kit (5E), Yeung Brian (5E)

DSE 2024|18區免費自修室溫習室地點 香港島篇 東區/灣仔/中西區/南區 附互動地圖 18/02/2024

DSE 2024|18區免費自修室溫習室地點 香港島篇 東區/灣仔/中西區/南區 附互動地圖 2024年的中學文憑試(DSE)將於4月11日(四) 開考,4大核心科將分別於11、12、13、15和16號考試,全香港公共圖書館學生


*Recruitment of Mentors for SPC Mentorship Programme 2023-24*

SPC and SPCAA are inviting alumni to serve as mentors in the comprehensive mentorship programme for SPC young brothers.

The following are the key events of the Mentorship Programme:

*A) Mentor Orientation*
13 Jan (Sat)
10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m
History Room (6/F)
Team building workshop for mentors to get to know each other and work together to co-create the coaching experience for current senior form students, their soon-to-be mentees.

*B) Mentorship Programme Inauguration*
27 January (Sat)
10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m
SPC 4/F School Hall
Mentorship Programme Inauguration for mentors to meet mentees in SPC. Mentors to set goals with mentees.

*C) Careers Day*
16 March (Sat)
2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
SPC 4/F School Hall & Classrooms
Career-driven interactive workshops held by mentors for all mentees.

*D) Summer Job Shadowing Programme (Optional)*
July to August
Mentors may offer 1-day job shadowing or 5-day internship opportunities for senior form students

*E) Closing Party (Optional)*
31 August (Sat)
2:00p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Closing party facilitating reflections between mentors and mentees with networking opportunities

If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please fill in the application form via the link below:

The registration deadline is 11 January 2024.

The mentorship committee would like to invite alumni from different parts of the world to hold webinars for mentees in April. If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected]

Bosco Lau (Mentorship Director)
+852 6481 7206
Carter Cheung (Alumni Co-ordination)
+852 9192 3898

教育局調高下學年NMTSS至34,390元 30/12/2023

教育局調高下學年NMTSS至34,390元 為配合生活物價指數上升,教育局上調「為修讀香港自資學士學位課程學生提供的免入息審查資助計劃」(NMTSS)的資助金額,由本學年的每年3

大學聯招2024|首輪截止 體育醫護競爭大 教大體育42人爭一席最搶手 - JUMP 求職增值 13/12/2023

大學聯招2024|首輪截止 體育醫護競爭大 教大體育42人爭一席最搶手 - JUMP 求職增值 【明報專訊】大學聯招(JUPAS)首輪申請早前(12月6日)截止。各資助大學昨公布部分學科的Band A(首三志願)報讀人數,競爭最激烈學科依次為教大的體育教育榮譽學士、歷史教育榮譽學士,及中大的教育學士(健康與體育運....






《星島教育》分析了這18個課程的報讀概況,並參考2023年的都大聯招收生概況,以各課程在Band A的報名人數除以派出的總學額,計算每個課程的競爭率,整理出8大競爭最激烈課程,同學可參考這些數據,作為今年聯招填表的參考。


#嶺南大學 #聯招


《星島教育》參考2023年的浸大聯招(JUPAS)收生概況,以各課程在Band A的報名人數除以學額,計算每學額競爭人數,整理出10大競爭率最激烈聯招課程,當中排首位課程更是47人爭1位,並羅列該科未計算加權分數的平均分。


#浸會大學 #聯招




#都會大學 #聯招




#香港大學 #聯招


《星島教育》參考2023年的理大聯招收生概況,以各課程在Band A的報名人數除以總派出的學額,計算每學額競爭情況,整理出10大競爭率最激烈聯招課程,當中排首位課程更是18人爭1位。


#聯招 #文憑試 #理工大學


【 #學院資訊日】香港伍倫貢學院 - 航空及航運入學資訊及體驗日

今個星期六香港伍倫貢學院體驗日節目非常豐富!叫埋你嘅朋友參加香港伍倫貢學院 - 航空及航運入學資訊及體驗日啦!全面掌握最新航空及航運資訊,記得唔好錯過喇!!

日期:星期六,2023年 11 月 18 日

更多UOWCHK 學院資訊日詳情,可以瀏覽👉🏻

#大圍 #星期六 #香港伍倫貢學院 #科學院 #商學院 #航空 #航運 #入學資訊 #體驗日 #營運管理 #模擬飛行示範與體驗 #模擬飛行 #模擬航運


【11月18日 親臨 #恒大資訊日 體驗精彩校園生活】
#恒大資訊日 2023將於11月18日 (六)上午 9點半至下午5點喺恒生大學校園舉行。當日嘅活動包括:大學選科攻略分享會、課程及入學講座、校園導覽、課程工作坊等,有興趣嘅學生可以即場諮詢、報名同參與考核,到時見!


【Experiencing Fruitful Campus Life at – 18 Nov Info Day 】
HSUHK Info Day 2023 will be held from 9:30am to 5:00pm on 18 Nov (Sat) on campus! The event features a series of activities including a sharing session about Selection Strategies of UG Programme, admissions talks, campus tours, workshops and more. Interested students are most welcome to chat with our academics, submit applications and undertake assessments on the spot!

👉 More information about HSUHK Info Day 2023:

#香港恒生大學 #恒大 #文憑試 #學士學位 #升學攻略 #高年級入學

Photos from 香港樹仁大學招生事務處 HKSYU UAO's post 17/11/2023
Photos from Saint Francis University Hong Kong's post 17/11/2023
資訊日 Info Day 2023 09/11/2023

資訊日 Info Day 2023 © 2023職業訓練局。版權所有。 VTC保留更改及取消講座及活動的權利而無須另行通知。 This website carries information of the IVE/HKDI/ICI Info Day 2023 which will be conducted in Cantonese. For programme information in English, please visit

大灣區就業|跨境通辦網頁啟用 實現兩地政務服務雙向互通 便利跨境工作 - JUMP 求職增值 04/11/2023

大灣區就業|跨境通辦網頁啟用 實現兩地政務服務雙向互通 便利跨境工作 - JUMP 求職增值 【明報專訊】特區政府在2021年應廣東省人民政府的邀請,共同推展兩地跨境辦理政務服務。經過兩年努力,兩地政府昨公布兩地「跨境通辦」網頁啟用,其中香港網頁提供54項服務連結,涉及9個政府部門,例如報稅、公司登記.....


Lingnan University Undergraduate Admission Talk & Campus Tour


時間:下午2時至5時 (1時30分開始登記)

Lingnan University will be organizing an Undergraduate Admission Talk & Campus Tour on 4 November 2023 (Sat) at Tuen Mun campus to provide information about admission requirements and arrangements for undergraduate programmes in 2024/25 to students, teachers and parents.

There will be Admission and Programme Talks, Programme Consultation and Campus Tour to facilitate participants to know more about LU programmes and application tips.

Date: 4 November 2023 (Sat)
Time: 2:00 - 5:00 pm (Registration starts at 1:30 pm)
Location: Main Campus of Lingnan University
Register now:
Learn more:

#嶺南大學 #嶺大 #香港嶺南大學 #博雅教育 #振翅高飛 #成就一生




🗓️11月3號至4號係一年一度嘅THEi高科院Info Day 😎小編can’t wait no more啊🥳見啲節目豐富到呢🤩對課程同入學資訊有興趣嘅同學仔,千祈唔好錯過當日嘅面試攻略、升學講座同業界分享會啊😀今次更邀請到業界代表嚟同大家分享企業招聘策略同埋行內資訊😏機會真係非常難得,記得把握時機啊~

⭐又有小編絕密推介嘅時裝盛宴SHOW,你更加可以有一個近距離睇Fashion Show嘅機會,平時冇乜機會㗎,係咪正先?


俾3秒你考慮啦🤭📢 3️ 2️ 1️去報名啦👇🏻


#高科院 #香港高等教育科技學院 #課程資訊日 #學科體驗 #學科攤位 #攤位遊戲 #密室逃脫 #嘉年華
📍仲有THEi高科院 Facebook :
📍唔好唔記得follow埋 Instagram:

中大入學攻略2024|最新入學要求/文憑試分數轉換/新開聯招課程/書院制一文睇清 01/11/2023

中大入學攻略2024|最新入學要求/文憑試分數轉換/新開聯招課程/書院制一文睇清 香港中文大學早前(21/10)舉行本科生入學資訊日,入場人數逾6萬,為近5年來最高,可見不少同學都對中大課程有興趣。為幫助同學了解中大2024學年最新入學資訊,星島教育特別整理中大最新入學資訊,助今屆文憑試考生部署....


HKU Information Day for Undergraduate Admissions 2023

🫶🏻Be an HKUer, be one of us! Don't forget to save the date for the HKU Information Day 2023 which will take place on October 28 (Saturday)!

Secondary school students, teachers, and parents are all welcome to visit HKU to get the most updated programme and admissions information while experiencing our international learning environment. 💻Register to get an Info Day souvenir*!

Info Day Activities Highlights:
🌟 Undergraduate admissions talks for JUPAS and non-JUPAS students
🌟 Exhibitions, learning facilities tours, interactive workshops, cutting-edge technology and experiment demonstrations, etc. by our 10 Faculties and student support units
🌟 Dual Degree Fair - programme admissions talks and information booth
🌟 Chance to tailor-make your exclusive tote bag*
🌟 Learn about the various opportunities from our residential halls and student support units
🌟 Interact with our academic staff and Student Ambassadors

Join us now! You will be able to get all the must-know information about studying at HKU and immerse yourself in the unique HKU culture and spirit❣️

Register here:
Undergraduate and dual degree programme admissions talks:
Other Faculties' programmes and activities:

*All souvenirs and the event-exclusive tote bags are on a first-come-first-served basis while stock lasts.

#港大 #香港大學 #港大 #香港大學 #雙學位課程 26/10/2023


今個星期六朝早9點至下午6點,一齊嚟中大本科入學資訊日,發掘自己無限嘅可能性,探索那片屬於你嘅天空 🙌🏻


【Dream big, the sky is the limit】
This Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm, come join the CUHK Undergraduate Information Day and discover your boundless potential. Prepare yourself for the future sky! 🙌🏻

Check out the details from our website

#香港中文大學 #中大 #中大本科入學資訊日2023 #中大活動


🎉一年一度理大盛事快到了!今年理大資訊日(本科及修課式研究生課程)將於10月21日(星期六)上午10:00至下午5:00於理大校園舉行。📝屆時會有專題講座、課程講座及諮詢、展覽、校園導賞、學生分享等多項活動 🤩 歡迎有興趣加入理大的你來參加😊! 此外,每50位登記理大資訊日的參加者更可獲贈即溶咖啡乙杯☕。請即登記✔

🎉PolyU Info Day (Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate Programmes) will be held on-campus from 10:00am to 5:00pm on 21 October 2023 (Saturday). 📝 We have curated an entire day’s programme of activities, including thematic talks, programme seminars and consultations, exhibition booths, guided visits, student sharing and much more. 🤩 A warm welcome to all prospective students and those interested in PolyU’s education to join us🌎. As a bonus, every 50th person who registers for the event will receive a complimentary mini instant specialty coffee☕.  Register now✔

👉🏻立即登記 Register now:

#中學文憑試 #課程資訊日2023 #升學攻略 #未來規劃 #修課式研究生 #學士學位 #碩士學位 #課程講座 #課程資訊 #教育資訊 #入學資訊 #大學聯招 #聯招 #非聯招 #香港理工大學 #理大


Videos (show all)

Life Force
Videoed Admission Talk of HKU Faculty of Business on 30th Oct 2014 (Part 4 - 3)
Videoed Admission Talk of HKU Faculty of Business on 30th Oct 2014 (Part 4 - 4)
Videoed Admission Talk of HKU Faculty of Business on 30th Oct 2014 (Part 4 - 2)