Team 1222 - EHL first aid team

Team 1222 - EHL first aid team

Welcome to the page of the EHL first aid team. If you have any health related question you can ask us here.

In case of emergency call 0217851222 (campus) or 144 (outside campus)


Hi everyone!

The first aid team is recruiting for next semester.

If you would like to participate actively in campus life, to help others, if you speak both English and French and if you are in AP2 or BOSC1, we need you!

Please send your CV and cover letter to [email protected]


The first aid team is recruiting for next semester.
If you would like to participate actively in campus life, to help others and if you speak both English and French we need you!
If you are interested please send your CV and cover letter to [email protected]


Hello everybody,
Quick update, we ran out of vaccines against the flu.
We wish you all a great day 😀😀


Important info of the day :
today you can get tested for HIV, immediately and FOR FREE !

You just need to pass by the stand between the reception and the M bar to get your ticket 💪

Sunday is the world AIDS day, raising the awareness and taking our responsibility by getting tested is a necessity.

Be safe, be aware ! 🥰


Hello everyone.
Just a quick update, we still have 4 vaccines against the flu available for free at the infirmary.
First come first served, if you are interested please come between 7AM and 5PM (please note the nurses have their lunch break between 11 and 12).
I wish you all a very good day 😀

Photos from Team 1222 - EHL first aid team's post 15/11/2019

Presentation of the First Aid team/ Team 1222 for the JOM (Osez tous les métiers) today at EHL! 🏥


Hi everyone!

Next Wednesday you will have a new occasion to experience the famous Sports day! This is an incredible occasion to feel fit and have fun. We will enjoy this opportunity to propose a fun activity related to health issues. We will be glad to welcome you at our stand to make you discover what we prepared for you.

Do not forget to register your intake team for all the tournaments, get your best sport outfit ready and see you on the 22nd of May!!!

Photos from Team 1222 - EHL first aid team's post 30/04/2019

Dear EHL's artists,
You might have noticed that since 2 semesters, we have had the chance to provide the students with customised condoms thanks to EHL's health insurance. This allows us to convey a preventive message about safety and protection.
Today comes again the moment when WE NEED YOU to send us your most beautiful and impactful artwork. You will have the chance to have your design printed on 500 condoms distributed to the students throughout the semester!!!
If you are interested, here are a few information:
-Dimensions are 5x5 cm
-You have to sign your creation
-Every design used are stored in the company database to serve as an example for their other clients
-3 designs will be selected out of those received
-Every design will have to be approved by the school's medical staff
-If you have a question or a finished design, you can send a mail at [email protected]
-You have till the 30th of May to submit your design.

We are looking forward to receiving your artwork!!

Find below examples of what has been done last semesters.

Photos from Team 1222 - EHL first aid team's post 08/04/2019

We would like to sincerely thank the 129 people who came to donate their blood and all the people who came to support them!
It was the first time for 99 of you!!
At the end of the day, we counted 101 donations.🤩
Thank you all for making this blood donation a success and we are looking forward to welcoming even more of you next year!!

Thank you to the Photo committee for the amazing pictures📸


Hi there!
The first aid team is recruiting for next semester.

If you would like to participate actively in campus life, to help others and if you speak both English and French we need you!

If you are interested please send your CV and cover letter to [email protected]


The blood donation will take place on Thursday from 9 am to 5.30 pm at the Aula. Anyone could need your blood, so feel free to come and see us even if you couldn't register before.

Photos from Team 1222 - EHL first aid team's post 11/03/2019

Dear EHLers,
Once again you will have the opportunity to donate your blood at EHL. If you are interested: stop by this Thursday 14th of March, at our stand (next to Mbar) to sign in and get all the information you might need.

The blood donation will take place on March 28th. Make sure you come and book your spot with us on Thursday.


Gaïane Herrero
Bosc 2, English Section

All members of our team consider her as the Mama. She takes care of us and took for example the time to write those amazing portraits about each single team member. As she is putting so many efforts in the team and her work within the team 1222, she will become the next 1222 coordinator. Gaïane is Swiss and Spanish and as she studies German, you will be able to talk to her in 4 different languages easily. She is the smallest of the team but also the cutest. You might have seen her already during the classical night, playing violoncello with passion or during the rugby games, helping our favourite rugby men with first aids. If at any time you need to talk to someone, she is the one. She has really good advices and is a great listener.


Jean Fabre
BOSC3, French Section

Don't tell him he's French, because he's Breton and really proud of it. Jean is the 1222 Team coordinator since February 2018 and has had his heart set on making the team better every day. He is passionate about so many different things it would be impossible to make a list here, but be assured that there are very few subjects on which you can't have a conversation with him. His all-rounder personality makes him the person to be called in many different situations for example if you are feeling bad or if you are struggling with your finance module. He is always willing to help and loves to meet new people. So at any time, if you need anything and you see him around the school, do not hesitate to go and speak with him.

On Thursday, 22nd of November, don't forget to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

He was the penultimate member of the team to be presented. Stay tuned for the last portrait and do not forget that we are still waiting for your applications to join the team!!


F***y Austin,
BOSC3, French section

She joined the team in BOSC3. Her caring personality and her willingness to make people's daily life easier are at the heart of her work as a 1222 member. If her face seems familiar to you, it might be because you saw her managing an EHL Rugby event as a committee's Event Assistant. As she grew up in West Africa, she knows how hard it can be to adapt to Switzerland. If you have difficulties to appreciate your new European life, she is the perfect person to whom you can go and share your struggles. She can share with you her experience or pieces of advice on how to still enjoy Switzerland, no matter how weird you can think this country is. You can also go and see her if you need nothing but a hug, as she says, free hugs for everyone, 24/7.
She wanted to offer you a quote to brighten your week and here it is : “ Information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, wisdom is not truth, truth is not beauty, beauty is not love, love is not music, and music is the best. “ F. Zappa

Stay tuned for our next presentation post as you will meet our boss. Waiting for you to know him better, his message to you is that application for joining the team are still open, and he is waiting for your CV and motivation letter at [email protected].

Have a great week and good luck with all your studies ;)

Photos from Team 1222 - EHL first aid team's post 08/11/2018

To every artist out there,
As some of you already know, last semester Allianz provided our new APs with condoms, and gave us the opportunity to design their packages. They are giving us the same opportunity this semester. 1200 condoms will arrive at school this february, and so far their packages are blank.
We are now looking for people who could design those packages, giving a message of prevention and safety to the new intakes. If you need inspirations look at the pictures of the designs we used this semester. The dimensions are approximately 5x5cm. If you send us one of your creations, we ask that you sign it. Every design used will stay in their database and will potentialy be sent to other company with the same need to serve as example.
You can send your design or any questions you may have to the following email adress before the christmas break: [email protected]
Every design sent will be considered by the school medical staff.
At last we want to thank EHL Rugby for participating last semester.
We wish you all a great day.


Karin Keller
BOSC 2, English Section

Our new French and Swiss recruit grew up in Zürich, so you can even speak in German with her. Always willing to help, she joined the 1222 Team because of her past experience as the first aider in her scout team. In Lausanne she missed taking care of them, therefore, she decided to take care of you! At school, she is also the one making sure you are fully equipped when you go support the EHL Rugby team at their match as the committee's Merchandising Head. Since her first day at EHL, she joined the female's rugby team to keep practising her passion. Feel comfortable engaging the discussion with her whether you want to speak Rugby, studies or for any more personal matter. Her cheerful personality and her outgoingness will make every conversation count.

Do not forget to send us your application to join our team next semester!
Have a great week and as always do not hesitate to come to see us.


David Hornung
BOSC3, French Section

Born and raised in Switzerland, David chose to become a cook and serve in the Swiss army before coming to EHL. His cooking apprenticeship allowed him to be a direct entry and became the official 1222's personal chef (our belly will never forget our end of semester dinner), whereas his time in the army provided him with his first training for first aid and made him a much-trusted member of our team. In his free time, he plays Rugby at EHL and is a Swiss American Football champion. His team spirit reinforces the attention he gives to anyone in need. If you call us (+4121'785'12'22) and he is the one answering, you have nothing to worry about anymore.

Next week you will discover one of our newest recruits!!
Do not forget that you can apply now to become a member of our team.
We wish you a wonderful week!

Photos from Team 1222 - EHL first aid team's post 25/10/2018

QuestionBox n°2: "Do you guys have training ??"
The school is taking care of our training twice a year, to make sure we are fully operational when we are on duty. As for what we do, or can do, here are some pictures of our last training sessions in September 2018.
We wish you all a great day 😀
P.S. all injuries are fake 😉


Hello everyone,
The first aid team of EHL is recruiting for the next semester.
If you like to help others, to actively take part in campus life and you speak both French and English. Then don't hesitate, we need you guys.
Please send your CV and a cover letter to show us your motivation at [email protected].
We wish you all a great day.


🚨 Message from the Nurses 🚨
Dear Students, we want to inform you that there is some cases of Measles in the Lausanne area.
This is a very contagious disease so we encourage each and everyone of you to check their vacination.
If you have any questions, please stop by the infirmary.
We wish you all a good day 😀


Célina Galichet
BOSC6, French Section

Even if she leaves school soon, you still have a semester to see her around, always wearing a pink accessory to match her blonde hair and blue eyes, with a glass of wine to honour her role as the WeWine head of HR. For a few of you, you might remember her as the student ambassador who interviewed you during your selection day.

She started to learn about first aid when she was eleven and a swimmer in order to ensure safety around the swimming pool. Since then she never stopped, as she trained to first aid in her work environment and then here at EHL. So if she's the one taking care of you, you have nothing to worry about as you are in very good hands.

Stay tuned for next week's presentation, you will discover more about one of our amazing gentleman.
As always, do not hesitate to ask us any question you have.


QuestionBox n°1: "Why is there nobody in the infirmary?"
First of all the infirmary is open from 8AM to 17PM. During that time, the nurses have to take care of the emergencies which happens on campus and therefore leave the infirmary (6 times this monday),they also attend meetings to ensure that the health and safety of the students and the staff is taken care of. On the other hand, please don't forget that nurses are humans and need to eat at least once a day and go to the bathroom sometimes.
If the infirmary is closed, we want to remind you that in case of an emergency you can ALWAYS call +41217851222 and someone with medical training will pick up (nurse or first aider).
If you have any further question don't hesitate to ask them in the comments or to send us a message.
We wish you all a good day 😀


Julie Jakobowicz,
BOSC 2, English section

She is the one and only redhead in our team. She decided to take care of the school in two ways, as a 1222 Team member and as a Student Ambassador. You can bump into her around the school, at an EHL football female team match or during the Watersports committee diving trip. She is fun, outgoing and always interested in discovering new people, so you should feel comfortable to engage in a conversation with her at any time. She is a good listener and has a particular set of abilities in giving really good advice. So, if you face any problem at school or in your personal life, she is the woman of the situation.

This was our very first presentation of a team member.

Do not hesitate to ask your questions in the comments if you want to discover more about this week first-aider.

Stay tuned for a new presentation next week.


Hello everyone,
New features are offered by the infirmary this year and here is the latest one
In front of the infirmary, in the waiting area, you will now be able to find this small question box.
If there is any question you don't want to ask directly, feel free to put it in the box, and we will do our best to answer as much as we can on this page 😀
We wish you all a great day, and a good end of the week!!
