Al Welling Memorial Scholarship Fund

Al Welling Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Al Welling Scholarship was established in 2004 to carry on one of the world's most charismatic ice hockey officials of all time!

The legacy of Al Welling and the way he positively impacted every hockey game he officiated is what we continue to celebrate by recognizing a young man or woman who is chosen each spring! Al always said, "The best games you officiate are when no one knows your on the ice" Al accomplished this by communicating, befriending players and coaches. When Al walked into a rink with his skates and whistle,


Al Welling…

took a few players and made us referees;

Taught us the Pulse of the Game
…when to let it ride
…when to pull the noose;

Challenged us to handle adversity
Rescued us when we were sinking;

Coached us when we needed direction
Empowered the freedom when we could FLY;

Taught us compassion
Taught us to be stern;

Taught us responsibility
Taught us to have fun;

Challenged us to be the best
Accepted us as individuals
Accepted all as family;

Instilled a work ethic
Outworked us all;

Encouraged all players
Received most respect
Insured the game is for players
and not for the ref.

Al Welling…

took a few players and made us referees;

Taught us the Pulse of the Game
…when to let it ride
…when to pull the noose;

Challenged us to handle adversity
Rescued us when we were sinking;

Coached us when we needed direction
Empowered the freedom when we could FLY;

Taught us compassion
Taught us to be stern;

Taught us responsibility
Taught us to have fun;

Challenged us to be the best
Accepted us as individuals
Accepted all as family;

Instilled a work ethic
Outworked us all;

Encouraged all players
Received most respect
Insured the game is for players
and not for the ref.

Al Welling - 2007 | 24/03/2017

In 2007, just 3 years after his battle with cancer was lost, Al was inducted into the Wisconsin Hockey Hall of Fame. It is not an easy accomplishment to achieve, as you can imagine when you visit the site and see the list of past and present inductees.

The Al Welling Scholarship Advisory Board thanks your candidate for an outstanding High School Hockey career and we wish them all the best next year and beyond. They will all be very successful in their life endeavors as we witnessed after studying their outstanding applications.

The Scholarship is managed by the Madison Community Foundation. Here is an easy way to contribute to the fund.

The Al Welling Memorial Scholarship Fund
Board of Directors congradulates Johhny Welch for his accompliaemts on and off the ice!

Dennis Welling
Mike Welling
Mark Greenhalgh
Jeff Schmidt
Dan Lampe

Al Welling - 2007 |


The Advisory Board of Director's of the Al Welling Scholarship is pleased to announce the 2016-17 recipient as Johnny Welsch of Fond du lac Springs HS.

Again this year we had an outstanding field of applicants who all had impressive credentials.

Johnny Welsch fit the mold to a "T" in regard to the objective of this Prestigious Scholarship that honor's the Legacy of Al Welling for the tireless years he gave back to the game of hockey in the State of Wisconsin. Johnny will be a great ambassador of what Al Welling accomplished and stood for.

Johnny will be presented with the $1500.00 "Big check" this the SCT in Waupun prior to thieir sectional game at.1 pm


Al Welling Scholarship Applications being accepted due 3/15/17

Hello Coaches,

In Al Welling's memory we are again awarding a $1,500 scholarship to a High School Hockey playing senior to go towards their 1st year of college. Applications need to be post marked no later than March 15th, 2017.

Past Recipients Include:
2016 Tanner Schafer Spooner award $1,500
2015 John Nejedio Fond du lac award $1,500
2014 Justin Runde, Janesville Bluebirds award $1,500
2013 Nate Teuscher, Madison Lakers award $1,500
2012 Carl Beglinger, Edgewood award $1,500
2011 Brendan Ahern, Fond Du Lac St. Mary's Springs award $1,500
2010 Brett Baur, Marshfield award $1,500
2009 Evan Weber, Northland Pines award $1,500
2008 Joel Schmocker, Park Falls award $1,500
2007 Chris Kein, Hudson award $1,500
2006 James Safford, Lakeland Award $1,500
2005 Ryan Samz, Sauk Prairie Award $1,500

Information on Al can be found at:
Please mail all completed Applications to:

Al Welling Scholarship Committee
4604 Burma Road #2
McFarland, WI 53558

The Scholarship will be awarded on March 25th at the Senior class tournament in Waupun, WI. You will be notified the week of 3/20 if you are selected. Please pass this on to your team and other coaches that may not be on this mailing list.

Jeff Schmidt 608 852-2296
Dan Lampe 608 320-0122
Dennis Welling 715 943-2657
Mike Welling 608 345-9614
Mark Greenhalgh 608 219-6911

Al Welling .... the legendary Hockey Official Welling.pdf

Timeline photos 06/03/2017

Al working a Badger game at the Coliseum back in 1977


Here they are...into the 2nd decade with the 12 finest to receive the Al Welling Scholarship. Happy New Year!
2005 - Ryan Samz, Sauk Prairie HS
2006 - James Safford, Lakeland HS
2007 - Chris Kein, Hudson HS
2008 - Joel Schmocker, Park Falls HS
2009 - Evan Weber, Northland Pines HS
2010 - Brett Baur, Marshfield HS
2011 - Brendan Ahern, Fond du lac Springs HS
2012 - Carl Beglingler, Edgewood HS
2013 - Nate Teuscher, Madison Lakers
2014 - Justin Runde, Janesville HS
2015 - John Nejedlo, Fond du lac HS
2016 - Tanner Schafer, Spooner HS

Jeff Schmidt - Board of Director - Al Welling Scholarship Fund


I'm sure Tanner Schafer is very busy at the Naval Academy and may have limited or no access to facebook, but I know all of the past recipients fan club would love to hear what you're up to...way back to 2005 and Ryan Samz our inaugural recipient from Sauk Prairie to 2015 and John Nejedo from Fond du lac. We'd love to hear what your up to and what mountains you've moved!

Photos from Al Welling Memorial Scholarship Fund's post 04/09/2016

The Al Welling Memorial Scholarship board of directors is extremely proud to introduce an amazing young man from Spooner, Wisconsin as the 12th annual recipient! Tanner Schafer

Tanner was selected as the 2016 Scholarship recipient from another strong group of applicants from all over the State of Wisconsin. Tanner is an extremely giving individual who's dedication to his belief's and work ethic is exactly what this scholarship award is about. Tanner is carrying on Al Welling's legacy as he serves our great country at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Congratulations Tanner!


For those of you who are not aware...The Al Welling Memorial Scholarship was created to carry on Al's legacy. The annual scholarship is awarded to a WIAA hockey playing High School Senior who best displays Al's traits on and off the ice.


The 12th annual recipient has been selected from another amazing list of applicants! The announcement is pending the recipients notification to be announced within 24h hrs, stay tuned!!!


We are days away from awarding the 12th annual $1,500 scholarship to a graduating senior. Al always said, "The best games you officiate are when no one knows your on the ice" Al did that by communicating, befriending players and coaches. When Al walked into a rink with his skates and whistle, everyone was thrilled he was there to officiate their game. His contagious sense of enthusiasm enegized the players to have fun and enjoy a hard fought hockey game that was decided by the players on the ice and not by the officials on the ice!

Visit the link and donate if you can...Al gave so much to the game, let's continue to give in his name!


Al and Denny always told us younger officials and I quote, "The best game you ever officiate is when no one in that ice arena knows that you are even there" That philosophy was synonymous with the late Bobby Suter...this great game is not for the coach or the ref, it's all about the kids!

Rest in peace Al and Bobby, we miss you both so much!


Denny Welling dropped the ceremonial center Ice puck to kick off the second decade of the scholarship Award before the Section 8 game today. Nomination letters have been sent to the Wisconsin Hockey Hall of Fame for Denny to join his brother Al with a well deserved spot in the infamous Hall of Fame! Denny, thank you for everything you have done for the sport of ice hockey in Wisconsin!

Jack Nejedlo named winner of Al Welling Memorial Scholarship 22/03/2015

We reached a milestone today and skated smoothly into the 2nd decade of giving back when we awarded Fond du Lac Sr Jack Nejedlo with the 11th annual $1500 Scholarship. Please visit the link below to read more.

Jack Nejedlo named winner of Al Welling Memorial Scholarship Fond du Lac senior Jack Nejedlo was named the winner of the 11th annual Al Welling Memorial Scholarship, it was announced Saturday at the Senior Class Tournament in Waupun.