The Gut Doc

The Gut Doc

The Gut Doc helps those with gastro-intestinal problems with advice and postings related to GI issues


Science is catching up with what ancient medicine has known for at least 2000 years. Diseases start in the gut. Science is now discovering the huge part that the gut microbiome plays in our health. I have worked with gut problems for decades and it pleases me that modern medicine is underpinning our work

King Hannibal one of the greatest military leaders in the world’s history - The African History 23/10/2021

King Hannibal one of the greatest military leaders in the world’s history - The African History King Hannibal was a Carthaginian army General Commander - in - Chief born in 247 BC in Carthage(today Tunisia). During the First Punic War between 264 and 241 BC his father, Hamilcar Barca, was a prominent Carthaginian Leader. King Hannibal is one of the greatest military leaders and a greatest tact...

Timeline photos 23/10/2021

Nitrates are one of the reasons Dr. Greger's free Daily Dozen app contains a category specifically for dark green leafy vegetables.

Nitric oxide from vegetable nitrates, such as greens, not only improves oxygen efficiency, but also oxygen delivery by vasodilating blood vessels, opening up arteries so there’s more blood flow. This effect may be beneficial for athletes (for improving athletic performance), as well as people with high blood pressure and peripheral artery disease.

Watch the video "Oxygenating Blood with Nitrate-Rich Vegetables" at to learn more.


I'm making Kimchi


There has been a sharp rise in child mental ill health, have any of you treated children with mental disorders? Specifically, high sugar content foods, insufficient pre & probiotic intake causing gut dysbiosis and gut microbiome communicating and adversely affecting the brain. In so doing, causing anxiety and severe intrusive thoughts. How did you treat? Did you obtain stool test results? Did you advise pre & pro biotics? Did you consider faecal implants? Please share?

Timeline photos 01/09/2021

Beautiful Derrible bay here on Sark.


Looking out at Les Burons Sark. 😎
Thank you Tina for sending in this beautiful image. 😍🇬🇬
📸 Tina Le Chem Photography

If you would like a high resolution copy of this image please click on the link above or below and contact Tina for details Thank you.

African women’s hairstyles played significant role in the Ancient Africa - The African History 29/07/2021

African women’s hairstyles played significant role in the Ancient Africa - The African History Hair has played an important role in the history of ancient African lifeforms. Their family, social class, beliefs, tribe, and marital status symbolized their context. Various tribes used hair as early as the 15th century to show one's social hierarchy. Royal members wore elaborate hairstyles symbol...


Queens that ruled Ancient Egytp.
Kandake, kadake or kentake, often Latinised as Candace, was the Meroitic term for the sister of the king of Kush who, due to the matrilineal succession, would bear the next heir, making her a queen mother. She had her own court, probably acted as a landholder and held a prominent secular role as regent.

Africa Ruled The World For 15,000 Years & Civilized Mankind - The African History 30/03/2021

Africa Ruled The World For 15,000 Years & Civilized Mankind - The African History In ancient times, the Oracle of Amon at Siwah was the most celebrated, and Heliopolis, Memphis, and Thebes, were representatives of the best of Egyptian civilization and culture. Thebes, a beautiful city on the Nile had the Grand Temples, and as the governing body of the Egyptian Mystery System, con...


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Monday 10:00 - 02:00