From My Bipolar Bathtub
My goal is simple. Stay alive and share my story of set-backs and hope. Bipolar 1, long-term recovery So, yeah, mental illness can be a real bitch.
The ride on the roller coaster of life has its draw backs, but damn if it doesn't have those fantastic beautiful moments too. Living with Bipolar 1 Disorder and substance misuse disorder brings certain challenges, that when hit head-on can be the greatest blessing or the greatest defeat. My journey began when I was nine years old and continued even as I sit here now. Life is a process, and oh boy.
I'm not perfect by any stretch and my brain lies to me even still. Went off meds for 2 weeks and paying the price, but a strong support system and recognizing when my disease has taken hold is life saving. Literally! Honestly, got upset because Walmart doesn't carry open blades, visual hallucinations, inability to focus, anger, feeling lost and wandering around the house, overwhelmed to the point of inability to meet responsibilities, started to lose hope. I've learned this lesson many times. The lie bipolar uses to trick us. Lethality is the end game. Not today. Started back on meds. Now, I have to work on giving myself grace.❤️
This technique is used in therapy and is a great way to reconnect to reality when you feel a panic attack coming on or a spike in chronic anxiety. Give it a try!
***de ***deprevention
If you live in Indiana you can get naloxone (narcan) nasal kits and fentanyl test strips for free.
Right now. Anxiety for no reason. Crying for no reason. Total fear of damn near everything for no reason. Bipolar flare-ups don't need a reason. Just how the cookie crumbles. But, this too shall pass...
New blog post up! Don't fall into the trap...
You Can’t Give From an Empty…Wait. You Can’t Have Anything From My Cup! “You can’t give from an empty cup.” We’ve all heard the live-laugh-love-love-you-to-the-moon-and-back ridiculous phrase. Hear me out! As a Certified Peer Support Specialist …
We can change the narrative now or continue to shame people into the grave. Words have power.
***de ***deprevention
For those left behind and those of us who took another breath and saw the horizon...we need, to hold hands and move forward to ask the important question. Are you okay? So many are just waiting for someone to ask. Let's create a safe landing of hope for those struggling. ❤️
Steven Sulley on Instagram: "Exclusive Kevin Hines episode. 📍 @steven.sulley interview with @kevinhinesstory is now up on the channel. #StevenSulley #KevinHines #Pain #Emotion #Podcast" Steven Sulley shared a post on Instagram: "Exclusive Kevin Hines episode. .house 📍 .sulley interview with is now up on the channel. ". Follow their account to see 3243 posts.
I'll always relate and love this video. I see the future...and I'm alive in it. Oh, and I have a superpower...not a mental illness.
Neil Hilborn - The Future Get Neil’s new book, THE FUTURE: out all of Neil’s books: a Member for exclusive perks and vid...
New blog post! Let's get real about this ridiculous hashtag!
It’s OK to Buy a Restored 1977 Mercury Grand Marquis Brougham with Reptile Trim that Doesn’t Have Brakes…At Least That’s What You Said. Let’s start at the beginning. “It’s OK to not be OK.” It’s okay this vintage beauty cruises along with its mirror chrome and unblemished money green paint while the le…
Started my day in the haze of the pull of a dark brain. A little witchy work, dancing to the confusion of the pups, the sound of my laughter, changing from bipolar to grateful and...I changed the trajectory of my brain. We all struggle. It's how we climb out of the well that binds us. I'm sitting on the side just waiting. Climb up and sit with me. And! Dance today. Gratitude is only a brain groove away.
***de ***deprevention
Nothing Really Matters Madonna · Song · 1998
The environment you dwell in can relieve or escalate mental distress. Light colors, plants and greenery, crystals, visual positive affirmations, an outside view that lends to opening up the space. I changed my office five or six years ago and it's made a huge difference in my brain when I'm in this space. I went from dark reds, black, and purples (New Orleans brothel style) to light and airy. Since I spend a lot of time in this space I noticed a huge difference in my brain when I was in this room. When I was manic-it calmed my thoughts. When I was depressed-it uplifted my mood. Now, with my symptoms in a manageable remission, my office is a place I love to spend time. You don't have to have a mental illness to appreciate the comfort of a relaxing and inviting space. What can you do to make your home/office a more balanced mental health place to spend quality time?
***deprevention ***deawarness
The dual face of su***de survival.
Hey, Rocky…Watch Me Pull A Rabbit Outta My Hat. It’s April. While many are enjoying the exciting sounds of birds chirping and the sight of bright indigo crocus sprouting from the dirt, I sit over here scratching my head confused as to how …
It's April. While many are enjoying the exciting sounds of birds chirping and the sight of bright indigo crocus sprouting from the dirt, I sit over here scratching my head confused as to how I got into this predicament once again. Yep. Mixed bipolar episode creeping it's crazy ass to jump on my back and pull me down in an unexpected fu**ed up embrace....
Hey, Rocky…Watch Me Pull A Rabbit Outta My Hat. It’s April. While many are enjoying the exciting sounds of birds chirping and the sight of bright indigo crocus sprouting from the dirt, I sit over here scratching my head confused as to how …