Matai Family Lifestyle

Matai Family Lifestyle

Share with us on our journey to improve our health and wellbeing. We encourage you to join us.


The fastest thing on this earth is prayer because it reaches God before you even speak the words.


Arise and Shine ✨

Happy Tuesday
Proverbs 22:6 KJV
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Have a great day God bless ❤️🙏🏼🔥


Think about how far you have come since that situation you thought would break you. You are here, God loves you.


If you’re reading this you should go to the gym.


Arise and Shine

Reminder to self 🔥


Happy Tuesday

Surround yourself with people of positive influence

God bless 🙏🏼❤️🔥


When the favor of God is in your life, your enemies can't stop you from being blessed.


Invest in your health your body will thank you for it



Food for thought: Are you an action person or a procrastinator?

Just sharing my journey with you and yes there are many times when I don’t feel like going to the gym, but then the choice is mine whether to take action or continue to procrastinate. What are your thoughts?

God bless ❤️🙏🏼🔥


My coach Goldcoast Stallion that’s the reality when it comes to healthy living, making a decision to make a change we’re always looking for a quick fix “you are the change” all you need to do is acknowledge that you need help ❤️🙏🏼🔥

True story I was one of those looking for a quick fix


Health is Wealth

embrace your journey I am great family you’ve got this believe in yourself and your halfway there just sharing my journey with you

and so are you

God bless ❤️🙏🏼🔥


W6 D4 Chest and Back

Keep that fire burning from within remember to unleash greatness whenever you walk into the gym

and so are you

God bless ❤️🙏🏼🔥


Quickly, catching up on some video editing from last Week 6 Day 5 shoulders and arms

My shoulders and arms were on fire. There were moments where I just wanted to walk out of the gym. Then I to remind myself the reason and purpose why I’m there in the first place. Embrace your journey embrace your challenge

Remember why you are doing it in the first place could be your for your family, better health, a role model for your children and your extended families

God bless ❤️🙏🏼🔥

and so are you


God is able to do what is beyond human expectation



First meal after an 19 1/2 hrs fast

Huge benefits my stomach and digestive system gets to have a break (aka Kit Kat)



Week 6 Day 2 Shoulders and Arms

Bring on the flames 🔥 let light this up Willie


“The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words.”


For this session late at night I had to drop the trailers at a petrol station then it was three minutes hike down the road to the main town. If that’s not commitment, I don’t know what is.

Keep showing up no matter what for me personally 🔥discipline for means doing what you hate but doing it like you love it

The minute I walk into the gym immediately it is “beast mode activated “ started warming up my shoulders, currently carrying a little injury on my right deltoids. Due to old injury from playing rugby, league, BASKETBALL, Tennis and many other sports

After an amazing intense painful experience throughout my shoulders and biceps workout, it was cardio time I looked over to the treadmills and said yes half an hour then we are done then I’m going to have a shower then I’m going to drive back to the petrol station and go to bed

Guess what! I started walking on the treadmill, then the first one Brooke done five minutes into it, jumped over to another machine, and then it broke down again a night to remember 🤣

Until then family keep smashing your goals stay positive and continue to believe in yourself

God bless 🙏🏼❤️🔥


After driving 14 hours, it’s been one of those days. I didn’t really want to go to the gym didn’t feel like doing anything decided to go to bed instead

Slept a few hours then then when I woke up, it was time to attack chest and back, got my pre-workout in then almost immediately started warming up on the iso-chest press

Felt really good after that continue to reset mindset throughout the rest period

At the end of the day, you will only benefit what you put in, and I kept on playing that on repeat in my mind

Learn to love yourself know that you are worthy. Know that you are unique. Know that you are a blessing to many inspire one, inspire many

God bless 🙏🏼❤️🔥


Not every day is the same sometimes you don’t really feel like it and sometimes you do

It is, at those moments you’ve got to rediscover yourself, reset your mind and activate a positive mindset

Get back to basics. Remember the reasons why you are embarking on a healthy lifestyle journey. Your Whys?

Thank you to each and everyone of you in our I am great family. It’s very encouraging to see that we are all on the same wavelength together.

Inspire one inspire many 🔥

God bless 🙏🏼❤️🔥


What an awesome training session absolutely destroyed those legs

This is my mentality when I walk into the gym as soon as o’clock in warmup, it is basically BEAST MODE ACTIVATION

I don’t have time to read bedtime stories like the three little pigs I don’t have time to look around and see what everyone else is doing. I don’t have time to procrastinate because I know deep down inside. Consistency is key and determination gets you there.

Both mind, body and soul are in tune with each other when reshaping my body.

How are you guys going family? I know that you are doing well continue to strive to become a better version of yourself.


Food for thought:
If you continue to wait until “you’re ready” you’re going to wait your entire life.

Make a decision now to live a healthier lifestyle 🥦


Just finished our Church service online now it's my first meal for the day after an 18 hour fast,

How are you guys enjoying your meal after fasting for 18 hours?


Never give up on yourself 🔥


It won’t happen overnight.
But if you quit, it won’t
happen at all.


That definitely was a killer/fat burner 🔥 intense tears 😭 workout

What I’ve learnt from preparing the mind, body and soul is that I practically do this before bed go through the program, then meditating reading the Word having Worship with my family praying 🙏🏼 together with them before bed

Then, when I walked into the gym, it’s is immediately BEAST MODE ACTIVATION firing up all cylinders 😂

At the end of the day for me personally, you will only benefit what you put in and I thank coach Goldcoast Stallion for the tools, and it is really up to each individual to use it for their benefit

Until the next post. Enjoy your evening with your beautiful families take care and
God bless 🔥🙏🏼❤️


Protein Shake

Good evening, I am great family. This is me putting my protein shake together less than a couple of minutes away she goes.

How do you prepare your one?

God bless 🔥🙏🏼❤️


My coach Goldcoast Stallion offering a free yes free 7 day trial to anyone that is willing to give it ago.

I highly recommend this amazing programme to anyone in the world 🌎

When you sign up please don’t forget to mention my name Matai Family Lifestyle and that you saw this on my page, looking forward to seeing you achieve your goals

God bless ❤️🙏🏼🔥


My coach Goldcoast Stallion

Videos (show all)

Happy Tuesday #gymmotivation #gymvibes #chestbackshoulder #staystrong #nevergiveup
Food for thought: Are you an action person or a procrastinator? Just sharing my journey with you and yes there are many ...
Focus on your destination you will arrive #motivational #viral #likes #quotes #goals #loveyourself #business #entreprene...
Health is Wealth W6 D3 LEGS embrace your journey I am great family you’ve got this believe in yourself and your  halfway...
W6 D4 Chest and Back Keep that fire burning from within remember to unleash greatness whenever you walk into the gym #IA...
Quickly, catching up on some video editing from last Week 6 Day 5 shoulders and arms My shoulders and arms were on fire....
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Health is Wealth you are what you eat greatful for our I AM GREAT FAMILIES
First meal after an 19 1/2 hrs fastHuge benefits my stomach and digestive system gets to have a break (aka Kit Kat)Lets ...
For this session late at night I had to drop the trailers at a petrol station then it was three minutes hike down the ro...
Don’t be afraid to start over again you may fall down more times get up seven times more. #selfcare #loveyourself #succe...
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