Joni Art JONI ART is a young and dynamic animation production company created in 2008.
The trademark of JONI ART is to experiment with multiple techniques, through combining innovative and traditional approaches, creating entertaining and convincing films that leave a memorable and long lasting impact. JONI ART is committed to developing and producing films that reflects emotions and stories beyond borders.
Mes nepalaikome Rusijos agresijos prieš kaimyninę Ukrainą ir kviečiame visus solidarizuotis ir išreikšti tiek moralinį tiek finansinį palaikymą Ukrainai.
🔵Finansiškai paremti Ukrainą galite per šias organizacijas:
„Children’s Voices“:
„Territory of Kindness“:
We stand with Ukrainians against the aggression of Russia and invite everyone to express their solidarity and support Ukraine as much as we can.
🔵You can donate to these NGOs:
'Children’s Voices':
'Territory of Kindness':
David Lynch addresses Vladimir Putin in his latest weather report The director aimed some choice words about "death and destruction" towards the Russian leader