Nurse Coach Nancy

Nurse Coach Nancy

I am an integrative nurse coach, providing the guidance and support needed to accomplish your heal I believe that you are creative, resourceful and whole.

My Promise to You

As your integrative nurse coach, I will provide the guidance and support you need to accomplish your health and wellness goals. I will support you as you seek to live more authentically and in line with your core values. I will offer you a warm, curious, and accepting presence as you share your deepest concerns. I will challenge you to move beyond self-limiting beliefs and negat


Dispatch from Collage Conversations Cutting Factory and Give Me an A Center!

Approach feelings rather than Avoid.
Awareness and Acceptance.
Affection for yourself Always!
Aspects of you Are Actually Adorable, even Awesome!
Assess Anxious thoughts for Accuracy and Appropriateness.
Adjust And Add An Applicable Affirmation if it Assists!
Act with Assertiveness.
Adhere, Aspire And Associate.
Action will Add to your Ability.
You will Achieve
Affirm you Are Able!

Photos from Nurse Coach Nancy's post 04/02/2024

Dispatch from the Collage Conversations Cutting Factory...

Oceanographer Jacques Yves Cousteau said, "People protect what they love."

The Earth is a super-organism, which evolved for billions of years without human life. Dirt and rain and bacteria and insects set the conditions for human life to flourish.

Yet humans have come to see ourselves as the crown jewel of creation with license to exploit and plunder while ignoring the inherent value of nature and the rights of other sentient beings to share in our earth's bounty. We humans glibly ignore species collapse at our own peril.

Humans have become an invasive species that threatens the life of its host and upends climate stability. The earth is sick and showing symptoms of drought , hurricanes, floods, wildfires and polar vortexes.

Illness has the potential to wake us up and set us on a new path towards healing and balance.

We were born in these times, no choice of our own. How will we respond?

Consider taking this vow.

"I promise to be the best lover and defender of Mother Earth that I can be."

Photos from Nurse Coach Nancy's post 27/01/2024

It is always a good day to remember the words of Terrence Luce

"Let us remind ourselves of the international laws which the US and its allies demanded to be developed after the horrors of World War II. International laws are not suggestions. They are bodies of law, which all nations are legally and morally obligated to bound to honor."

Photos from Nurse Coach Nancy's post 22/01/2024

It had been asked why conservative Christians would vote for such a dishonorable man as Trump. One answer is that they believe God often uses imperfect people for the greater good.

Isn't cognitive dissonance grand?

I heard Iowa woman express such bewilderment at the beliefs of progressives and their lack of kindness. I've known many Trump voters who would give you the shirt off their back. I would hope that they might say the same about progressives they know.

I can only speculate about others. I don’t wanna judge those who think differently for me. However, some viewpoints appear to me to be less benign than others and the policies based on them are not without harm, which is often borne by those members of society who are already struggling.

In the end, I believe all of us have adopted our own controlled form of hallucination to make sense of this world and that we humans have not yet evolved to to manage the increasing complexity and information overload of modern life.

I am left with the prayer of Saint Francis, “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace where there is hatred let me so love injury, pardon, doubt, faith, despair, hope, darkness, light. Oh divine master, grant that I may not seek to be understood as to understand..."

Photos from Nurse Coach Nancy's post 17/12/2023

Most people have heard of the name Florence Nightingale, the most famous nurse in history, but not of Lillian Wald, who was the founder of community nursing.

Unlike Florence Nightingale  who only recruited a certain type of woman (sober, proper and white Christian), Lillian Wald was a Jewish woman who anti-racist and gladly hired black nurses.

Unlike Florence Nightingale  who showed deference to the British social order, and believed the British empire, had a God-given duty to improve the world by bringing the “uncivilized quote into civilization, Lillian Wald was a radical socialist and a pacifist,  who is charmed, allowed her to get the rich to empty their pockets to help her and her mission.

Unlike Florence Nightingale, who deferred  to the authority of male doctors,  Lillian Wald, who her self, and completed a few years of medical school, did what she could to circumvent the “ stone well , a professional adequate”  if it meant, her patients were better served.

Lillian Wald,  moved in to the lower east side, or she cared for primarily Jewish in Italian Catholic patients,  for left to die by doctors who would not care for them, unless they received payment

 She was radicalized by her neighbors suffering

Photos from Nurse Coach Nancy's post 10/12/2023

Dispatch from.the Collage Cutting Factiry and Bleeding Hearts Club...HARDEN NOT YOUR HEART.
When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space------Pema Chodron

When Buddhist nun and author Pema Chodron was six years old, she received her wise guidance from an old woman who was watching her angrily stomping by, kicking anything she could find in her path. The old woman called out to her saying, “Hey little girl, don’t go letting life harden your heart!” It was like a moment frozen in time…an omen, a sign, pointing her to her life’s work.

The Buddhist term for our wounded heart is bodhichitta. The wounded heart is not protected by anger and bravado. Nor does it engage in denial. Bodhichitta is our soft spot, where we feel most vulnerable. It is something we share by virtue of being human. Bodhichitta can be equated in part with compassion, which literally means, “to suffer with.”

“Compassion is radicalism of our time,” says the Dali Lama. When we feel pain and sadness concerning what we see in our communities and in the world, it is a sign that we know in our hearts that things are not as they should be. These feelings are present in us so we can be prompted to take corrective action. Feeling concern for others and the world is built into us. It is a sign of our interconnection. “We are." as As Dr Martin Luther King Jr said, "tied together in the single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.” More than likely, the sadness, despair or anger that you feel is shared by others too. Seek connections with others who feel as you do. Two hearts or more are better then one.

Compassion and loving kindness and steely determination to stay the course is what is needed to go toe to toe with the forces which promote division,selfishness, ignorance and hatred. We can only be responsible for our own actions. Rather than be obsessed and outraged the actions or non-actions of others, while doing nothing but complaining, each of us can focus on what we can do, understanding that there are no guarantees of success. Compassion and loving-kindness in word and deed action do not require optimism or certainty. They take fidelity to our core values and the courage of our conviction no matter what.

The old lady who startled Pema Chodron was right. The world doesn’t need more hardened hearts. We don’t need more cynics. We don’t need more guilty consciences. We need a fierce compassion that can’t be vanquished by circumstances. Ask yourself:

1. Who or what situations call forth compassion from you?
2. What strengths, abilities and resources can you contribute to alleviate suffering?
3. How might you begin?
4. Who might help you?
5. What do you need to know?
6. What is your plan of action?
7. How will you take care of yourself along the way?
8. What core beliefs and relationships will sustain your actions when you feel discouraged and tired?


Me being positive:  I’ve been meaning to clean out this purse anyway.

On the downside:  didn’t really want to wipe out my car, the floor at work and mess up my scrubs with my morning protein shake.

Up the upside: I was wearing my black scrub jacket and not my white one.  Bluebery doesn’t come out very easily

 On the downside: I suck at tightening lids, and I also lose them all the time


ACTION ALERT: Contact the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality BY TOMMOROW to demand a public hearing regarding the completion of Zink Lake and the safety of the water for recreational use.

It's easy. Click on the link below and write something like this

As a Tulsa resident affected by the proposed MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer system) permit, I request ODEQ and The City of Tulsa hold a public meeting to discuss and explain the proposed draft permit so that I may be educated on its contents and contribute any and all suggestions I may have.

I am concerned about the safety of recreational water use in Zink Lake. Tulsa residents need to know what the City of Tulsa planning to do to safeguard public health, measure contaminants, prevent pollution, and manage parasite exposure which leads to swimmer’s itch.

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