

#1 online small business academy for bakers, food makers and artisan creators! Rob and Jen shared the affinity for over-the-top desserts.

We help you align your purpose with your business while giving you the necessary education & tools to start and open a successful and profitable storefront or mobile business. Rob and Jen met while working together at what was know as, The Old Country Buffet, as teenagers. Although they quickly became good friends, their paths weren't quite aligned yet, until 4 years later when they were reunited

Robert’s Pop-Up Store 19/03/2024

📢Calling all popcorn lovers🍿

Instead of getting this weeks popcorn snack from the grocery store, consider checking out a few bags of this delicious Double Good popcorn at the same time supporting a group of young scholars and artists from the NAACP South Jersey ACT-SO program get to national competitions this year❤️🏆

Robby’s on a mission to lower lawn mower emissions for a safer environment with his project and we’re looking for the 🤞🏾

And if popcorn isn’t your thing, you can still support their mission by SHARING this post🤗

We wholeheartedly thank you in advance for always supporting our family🥰🙏🏾❤️

Love always,
Your Cupcakeology family!

Robert’s Pop-Up Store Click here to buy ultra-premium popcorn and 50% of your purchase benefits this fundraiser.


And then this happened🤣🤣

But the kiddos looked past my butterfingers and kept on counting their baking cups🥰

Today’s STEM/STEAM baking class was awesome! I had mostly early elementary school aged kids so I decided to use our cupcake pans and baking cups to learn math concepts (adding, subtracting, multiplication and division), that way, as they are learning in school, they will envision themselves preparing their cupcake trays for their party guests!

I enjoy these classes so much❤️


Mindset over everything💯

If you have limiting thoughts, you’ll have a life full of limitations😩

Starting now, for every negative thought, think of two positive thoughts!

It helps! Especially in times like this. You have to work on strengthening your mindset!

Remember, you have the strength and the power to persevere through any situation and come out on the other side winning🏆

You can do this. I believe in you!

Happy hump day y’all❤️


You know what I’m talking about!

Either you’re going to complain and remain where you are…

Or you’re going to take this as an opportunity to find your inner strength and GROW from this hard experience to come out as the winner you are💪🏾

Happy Friday y’all❤️


**I have 4 FREE spots for tomorrow’s virtual baking class from 5-6***

To the first 4 who PMs me !

We have a SPONSOR y’all🤩


The dreams you’ve been chasing, living out, running from😏

Didn’t come out of thin air. They came from God!

Which means you were already designed and equipped to live them out🙌🏾

But the problem many of us have is that we are impatient! We want them NOW!

And that’s not how it works.

It’s all in God’s timing which means everything you’ve gone through, going through is to prepare you for that dream to come to fruition.

Nothing you’re doing is in vain!

So keep going!

Keep pushing!

Keep doing the work so God can bring about your dream in His perfect timing, the way He intended for you to live it! Because that’ll be the BEST way❤️

Happy Thursday! Love y’all!


Announcing our new LIVE virtual kids STEM/STEAM baking classes😋🧁🎂🍪


Exciting news🤩 Registration is now open for LIVE Virtual STEM/STEAM Baking classes for kids & teens🧁🥧 Registration link in the first comment👇🏾 Space is limited!


🧁🥧Exciting news for parents and aspiring young bakers!!!

🍁Fall is here and Cupcakeology is now registering creative kids and teens for our LIVE Virtual STEM/STEAM Baking Classes🥳 Perfect for young learners ages 8-17!

We're Cupcakeology, so you know that this is NO ordinary virtual baking class!

We're going to push the bar a little on your kid's baking skills while helping your child discover their love of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math through baking & creating delicious desserts! From the chemistry & physics of baking to the engineering structures of desserts they know and love!

I'm a passionate baking business owner who owned and operated a bakery for ten years and a homeschooling mom who taught my two kids, Robert 16 & Jaye 13 math, science and critical thinking skills while having them help out in the bakery and allowing them to be creative in a meaningful way!

Robert is now excelling in his college math and science classes gaining credits towards his Astrophysics & Engineering degree and Jaye's science curriculum is still centered around baking, so be sure to say HI to her in class as she's excited to learn with other kids to take some of the heat off of her (PUN INTENDED)😅

I am excited to be your child's culinary mentor, guiding them through exciting new recipes while exploring the exciting world of STEM & STEAM!

If your child or teen thinks learning is boring, then click the link below and send them my way! I'll prove that learning is fun AND delicious! Afterall, they can eat their homework😂

Classes are $25 per device, and we start next Wednesday baking a brand-new dessert every week! Click the link below to register their spot now so they don't miss out on all the scrumptious fun🎂🍪🥧


Remember this as you are waiting, procrastinating, tweaking, delaying what God has assigned you to do…

We don’t need it to be perfect, we just need YOU🙏🏾

Just do the darn thing already! It’ll blow our minds, you’ll see🥰

Happy Thursday my ❤️s!


My kids are living proof that by allowing kids to be creative in the kitchen while learning Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math will better help prepare and excite them for higher learning STEM classes!

My 16 year old son recently told me that he just completed a density lab experiment in his college Chemistry class that was similar to an experiment we did while making different types of mousse cups in our bakery some years back. He said our experiment was better because he got to eat the mousse in the end😆

Cupcakeology created magic in the kitchen for ten years🧁🎂🥧🍪 Now we are back in our own kitchen teaching the youth, from ages 4-18, how to bake while learning a little math and science along the way!

If you have or know of a kid who is not that enthusiastic about math or science but loves to bake, this class will be a SWEET addition to their curriculum!

We believe by helping kids to be creative in the kitchen, experiment by mixing and blending ingredients together and watching how and why it can change during the baking process will help them connect with real world STEM/STEAM careers!

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon🤩

I'm excited for this! Are you? Let me know in the comments along with the ages of your kids who would be interested in taking this virtual baking STEM/STEAM class!

I can't wait to help prepare today's youth for tomorrow's future! We need them❤


Thinking out loud…If we put together a virtual STEM/STEAM baking class for kids, who would you know that would be interested?? What age would they be?



Proud mama, braggadocios post below😄

Ya'll! I gotta tell you about this kid! We didn't start off like this!

This child had the most difficult time in school; couldn't sit still, disruptive, bored. Me and Rob were constantly called in for conferences to discuss his behavior. But the one positive out of each and every call was his above average intellectual abilities. The kid was SMART!

After a while, smart couldn't save him anymore. In fact, his grades started slipping due to the consequences of his disruptive behavior and him completely shutting down. He ended up hating school which made him act out even more.

It was the end of 4th grade when we made the radical decision to educate him at home. We had NO idea what we were doing but all we knew was that traditional schooling was no longer an option. We knew he could do better, be better and that we had to find a way to bring back our happy, special, inquisitive little boy that God created🙏🏾

Considering that we were running Cupcakeology at the time, we allowed him the freedom to be creative with anything he could get his hands on. He took interest in blending different ingredients together just to see the outcome. Yes! He wasted a lot of our ingredients, but we allowed him to explore because it made him happy😄

We decided to incorporate his math and science lessons during our prep and baking times giving him his own baking trays and cups to learn multiplication & division and while measuring ingredients, he learned units of measurements, fractions & decimals.

He learned early on the basics of Chemistry & Physics while weighing and measuring ingredients and having to explain to us what happens to each ingredient during the baking process. He didn't even realize what was happening. All he knew was that he was going to eat once everything was out of the oven and (semi) cooled off😅

Fastforward 7 years, he is now a high school junior, taking the majority of his classes at our local community college, earning credits towards his Physics and Engineering degrees. Yes! That's degrees with an (s)🤩

And during dinner last night, he confessed to me that learning his math and science though baking allowed him to be creative and figure out what he loves and is good at which helped make the connection to his college level math and science classes he's now taking!

God did that🙌🏾

So, it was no surprise when he called me to tell me that everyone was stumped on a math problem in his Chemistry class and the teacher called him up to have him explain it after seeing that he completed it correctly! Him, the only high schooler in the class😍

Every child is different. Therefore, every child must learn differently. We are just blessed to have been given the opportunity to provide the best environment for him to grow, mature and succeed!

He's determined to make a HUGE imprint in this world. And I have no doubt that he will do just that.

We are proud of you son❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Cupcakeology's post 26/07/2023

Robbys official last day of his summer internship with NASA SEES CSR Education and Outreach is today ending with the presentation of the research they worked on with NASA subject matter experts and scientists!

You can watch him and his Astronaut Photography team present today at 2:05pm EST here:


I had the pleasure of presenting a successful bakery business plan and strategy to a group of high school interns yesterday at Stockton University School of Business!

We adults have much to earn from our youth as they are courageous, ambitious and eager to learn and most of all IMPLEMENT!

We have a duty to fill our own cup to pour back into them🙌🏾

They gave me life!



Guess who is a presenter at the virtual Pastry Arts Magazine summit 2023🤩🤩

Yes! Together with a group of TOP-NOTCH experts in the baking industry, I’ve been invited to contribute my expertise on how to build a bakery EMPIRE🎂🧁🍪🍩🏪

Head to to register and gain access to over 35 demos, presentations and interviews with pastry and baking professionals on various topics💎💎💎

Tag a pastry business bestie and share the tea☕️


Great morning FB fam🙋🏾‍♀️ If you or someone you know is a product based business owner looking to begin vending at markets or want to level up your vending sales this season and beyond, I want to help you with the vending strategies we used to skyrocket our sales and increase our brand recognition inside my new ebook, “How to EXPLODE Your Sales with Farmers Markets”!

⏰The ebook is available from preorder until 5pm EST today for only $15! That’s when the ebook will be available for download to everyone who preordered!

The link to preorder👉🏾

💕Please SHARE because there’s too many entrepreneurs who don’t realize the power of farmers markets and severely limit their growth potential- Thank you🙏🏾

Photos from Cupcakeology's post 17/05/2023

I can’t begin to explain how grateful I am to be in the presence of these world renowned, powerful BOSS women inside this magazine🙏🏾

I remember asking God that if he helped us out of our financial jam to turn our bakery business around, I promised to never turn a blind eye to someone asking me for guidance or help along their journey.

He made good on His promise and so did I❤️

It is such a blessing being a catalyst to those needing a push towards the next level in their business.

And let me tell you, when you are doing the right thing, people take notice.

Thank you for featuring me in your premiere addition of BOSS Magazine alongside these powerhouses🙏🏾💪🏾❤️

Be sure to take an opportunity to read some of the inspiring and life changing stories inside his magazine. I’m sure you’ll pick up a few nuggets as well as find some potential BOSSES to network and elevate with!

You can gain access to the magazine here and in my bio!

Photos from Cupcakeology's post 22/04/2023

We have to do better and learn to live WITH the land instead of just taking from it and living on it!

Happy 🌍🌳


My baby boy was accepted into NASA's summer internship program🤩 He'll be spending all summer working with NASA's Astronaut Photography: Observing Earth from Space team!

This child has been dreaming of working with NASA since he's been inside the womb because his daddy is obsessed with NASA and all things space😆

But seriously, I would find them two watching space documentaries for hours or reading books or anything about Astronomy. Many of our vacations were based around NASA Space Centers🤗

And when this opportunity presented itself, we jumped on board!

Robby admitted to me that he thought that there would be a very slim chance he would be accepted into the program since it was nationwide and it was, well, NASA! It only seemed like an impossible dream to him🥺

Well, obviously he forgot who his mother was because we never tell ourselves NO by NOT applying!

But most importantly, he underestimated his knowledge, his abilities and his unmatched talents, which saddened me because I've watched this kid beat all the odds since Kindergarten. They tried to put him in a box that he was never meant to fit in while labeling him with every letter in the alphabet.

And look at him now! God's miracle child is who he is🙏 And he was assigned to us because God entrusted us to create an environment that will nurture all of his unique abilities, talents and passions so that he will never have to put himself in a box again, and we've done just that.

I'm so extremely proud of this child of mine! After this acceptance letter and amazing, well-deserved opportunity, his life will forever be changed. The sky is nowhere near this kids limits. And the world better watch out!

Thank you God🙏❤


WHOA! This one hit me hard!

But I had to remind myself, so I decided to remind you too🥰

Please share!

Happy Monday my luvs💞


Instead of complaining, think, "What can I do about it?", create a solution, then figure out how to make money from it!

Master this and you'll never go broke😊

There was a void in the market for flavor and creativity in dessert items. The bakeries in my community have been around for decades, and it was time for something new, so we stepped in and provided it with Cupcakeology!

10 years later, there was an influx of home bakers looking for a way to turn their passion for baking into a new career. But there was one problem, they didn't know where or how to get started. So, we created tools, resources, and an entire small business academy to help them, called the Start Small Win Big Academy!

Now, as my middle school daughter transitions back into homeschooling from traditional school, she's feeling like she'll be missing out on daily socialization, dances and graduations. Feelings most homeschooled kids her age begin to feel...FOMO!

So, instead of standing idle, hoping for a space to be created for middle and high school homeschoolers to learn, grow and walk through the journey towards young adulthood together, maybe it should be me to create the space and the solution to my and every other middle and high school homeschooling parent in my community🙏

And don't worry, you'll know when it's available🥰

Are you ready to walk in your purpose and fulfill your assignment? I am!

It's time to get to work! Let's do this✨


When your mission is so strong, fear doesn't matter anymore!

Tap into that strength and power that already lie within you to begin building your LEGACY!

You are a POWERHOUSE! Never forget that!

This is our time! We're HERstory in the making!

Tag another strong woman below making HERstory in her own right💕- Happy Women's HERstory month!


🗣️Calling all PA, NJ & DE business owners PULL UP!

This Thursday at 4:30pm, I’m sharing a panel discussion at the School of Business with two amazing businesswomen and Michele Myers Reid sharing our experiences, lessons and expertise as black women in hospitality!

There will be major 💎s dropped during this discussion that you won’t want to miss!

Stop by with a business bestie! Can’t wait to meet you in person💕


Calling all Southeastern PA, Jersey & Delaware entrepreneurs📢 I'm excited to be speaking on the Basics of Entrepreneurship panel at the Black & Diverse Business Forum held at Delaware County Community College this Saturday!

If you want to start a business but don't know where or how to start, join us on Saturday! Registration is required:

Thank you and for providing this space to the business community! It's needed!

💕SHARE this event with a business bestie!


Asking for a friend🙃


It’s completely normal to feel apprehensive about stepping outside of your comfort zone and doing something new! Completely fearful even!

The key is to drain fear of its energy in the situation and tap into the power source of God…FAITH! And allow the strength and courage He instilled in you take over and move forward!

Be excited to try new things this year, your new results will surprise the heck out of you😃

Wishing all of you a prosperous new year🥰

Videos (show all)

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” — George Bernard ShawI’ve learned a long time ago ...
And then this happened🤣🤣But the kiddos looked past my butterfingers and kept on counting their baking cups🥰Today’s STEM/...
Do your kids think science is boring or too hard🤔Or are they unaware of all the exciting career paths science, technolog...
Happy #NationalChocolateCupcakeDay🍫🧁
I would have loved math waaaaayyyyy more if I could learn while baking oooey gooey cinnamon rolls😆This class is not your...
Cupcakeology presents: Virtual STEM/STEAM Baking Classes for Kids & Teens🧁🍪🥧***Only 2 more classes with available spots ...
Would your kid or teen love to bake up some delicious fall desserts while learning a little STEM in the process🤔Ok ok, m...
Announcing our new LIVE virtual kids STEM/STEAM baking classes😋🧁🎂🍪
10 years ago today Cupcakeology got its wings and so did I😭The word FREEDOM hits different when you build up the nerve t...
Is your business plan something you are struggling with and it’s the main reason why you haven’t opened your bakery yet😩...
Hey home bakers, food makers and artisan creators who are constantly burnt out from the hustle and grind and starting to...