Holistic Kate

Holistic Kate

women's health advocate sharing about space + grace. motherhood musing + clean beauty tips. visit holistickate.com to learn more.

Kate Markovitz is a holistic lifestyle & personal growth advocate for women who are over media dogma and want to be joyful and confident in their own skin. Through her social media and blog, Kate teaches how to approach life feeling in-control and empowered while making it approachable and practical. And when she’s not oversharing on IG Stories, you can find her snuggling her middle-school-sweethe


I shared this research in August … but I think it’s important to share again today, esp as many mommas head back to work after the holidays and SAHM moms reign in the unscheduled rhythms. You are a great mom ♥️ and you are doing a fabulous job! Deep breaths.

Photos from Holistic Kate's post 08/10/2021

I wrote an email earlier this week sharing the encouragement from Shonda Rhimes “You are not alone. You are seen. I am with you. You are not alone.” [slide 2]

Thanks to for sharing a episode about pandemic flux and this state so many of us are f-e-e-l-i-n-g right now.

I can’t recall where I heard this sentiment, but it was recent - when we feel uncertain or unsure or unsafe, the first thing we let go of are goals and dreams.

All this combined has oddly calmed me in the sense that I know how I’m feeling is a collective experience, and my usual creative, dreamer self is still in me, she’s just taking the back seat to the survivors mode we are living in and through.

But we will get through. There will be an end. This isn’t forever… despite how much your mind may be convinced otherwise.

One thing I do know - I need more space off my phone on a daily basis. I’m not giving up social media completely, because I do enjoy being here, but I want to limit my consumption and connect in other ways.

Several of your suggested an email newsletter as a good way to connect for now - so, let’s do it! Sign up to hear from me (usually) once a week 💕 I promise to always provide encouragement and helpfulness. And it just got a makeover so it’s extra beautiful 🥰

Photos from Holistic Kate's post 11/08/2021

I need you to know…

🌻What people feel or think about you is RARELY about you. It’s mostly about them (and how you make them feel).🌻

Ex: when you start eating a new way for whatever reason, someone may have a lot to say about it. They are making it about them... are you saying they have to eat that way? Are you judging how they eat or saying they are wrong?!

When I was primarily doing nutrition work, I remember two distinct reactions - one person said they loved having me around because I inspired them to make healthy choices and another told me I couldn’t go to brunch because they wanted to get what they *actually* wanted to eat.. interesting right?!

🌻What you feel about someone (or their decisions) is RARELY about them, and mostly about YOU (and what they stir up in you).🌻

Ex: Your neighbor works out every day by herself despite having a couple kids. While you maybe be tempted to call her selfish (because that’s what our culture teaches us to do), in reality maybe you are jealous or yearn for that freedom - allow it to spark some changes you need to make instead of passing judgement!

Keep pondering about this… especially in today’s world 😉 (social media posts included).

Photos from Holistic Kate's post 07/08/2021

Time is a funny thing. These photos popped up and a flood of emotions hit me.

In so many ways, the Kate in this picture is a stranger to the Kate of today, but thankfully, she helped me get here. (Same could be said about the little peanut!)

That is a smiling face of a mom with Postpartum Anxiety. You’d never know from a photo, right?

Just moments before, I was pumping in the car, sobbing because I had just dumped the milk I worked so hard to get that C didn’t drink (again), people were waiting inside, I was overwhelmed and nervous my colicky baby was going to start crying and not stop when we were the hosts of the party… oh what ifs.

Later that week, my milk dried up completely (a blessing and a curse). To me, it felt like another “failed” motherhood check-box.

My point? You can never *really* tell what someone is feeling on the inside… even if, maybe especially if, they are holding it all together on the outside. It’s what our culture has taught us to do (hi, perfect mommy myth).

Just check-in. Say “Hi, I’ve been thinking about you.” Most people don’t need someone to fix anything, they just need someone to sit with them through it. To not be so dang alone. 👭

In truth, it’s why I wrote the Postpartum Grace Guide, which is not specifically for moms with PPA - it’s for all moms. Because all moms need support and encouragement. All moms want to have someone to go through it with them 💖

Find the guide on ETSY or my bio.


If you’ve been around for a couple years, you may be shocked to learn that these flowers are mine 😅 I’ve also got thriving herbs (basil, cilantro, oregano, mint, thyme). It is quite the story of redemption. 🌱

I originally wanted plants I could use for teas, but didn’t want to invest my time & money only to be disappointed… so I just let C pick out her favorites at the nursery this year 🙃 but I’m already planning what I want to get next year!

I’m embarrassed to admit that I couldn’t grow a garden in the past because I couldn’t slow down. I was always in hustle and distraction mode. Though I thought it, I wasn’t living in true alignment and intention with my soul… I was striving for the expectations set outside of myself.

I’m digesting this for a future episode of the Motherhood Grace podcast. There’s so much I wish to say ☺️ but 2020 changed me in deeply profound ways. 🌸 I am fighting the urge to “go back” to the way life was and instead moving forward with the lessons and values I am defining for myself. 💗

Photos from Holistic Kate's post 20/06/2021

I have this running joke with C… I told her once that I picked her Poppa out of allllllll the poppas because I knew he would be the best Poppa in the whole world - he was special for our Charlotte.

She laughs hysterically, her eyes light up & she tells everyone I picked the best Poppa in the whole world. 🖤🤍

We go through this little charade now & then… But isn’t it the truth?!

Not only did I choose to marry my lifelong best friend, I have a partner who IS the best Poppa for our little one. This year especially, he’s taught ME how to care for myself to show up as a better version for our family & forces me to do it. We aren’t always in a flow, but we’ve found a pretty great rhythm in this season of life & that’s definitely worth celebrating. 🎉

Happy Father’s Day, my love! 😘

Photos from Holistic Kate's post 01/06/2021

What if that little voice in your head was your cheerleader & biggest supporter? 🌻
What if you woke up thinking “Today will be a great day” or “I have everything I need to make today great.”🙏

Affirmations have a ton of research-based studies (aka “science” everyone is raving about these days) proving their positive impacts.
For example, self-affirmations:
💫Decrease health deteriorating stress
💫Help us perceive otherwise “threatening” messages with less resistance
💫Improve & strength positive self-concept
💫Encourage an optimistic mindset

I’m a huge advocate for affirmations for ourselves and our kids. But this isn’t instant gratification. Rewiring your brain takes time and practice. Surrounding yourself with them is a start!

Here’s how I can help:
1️⃣Join my daily affirmation text. You’l receive 1 uplifting text a day from me (swipe to see examples). Text “I’m in” to 412-775-3511 to be added. This is super effective.
2️⃣ Every podcast episode I record has a grounding affirmation to go along with the show. Ex: Episode 3 was “I have the power to rewrite my truth!”
3️⃣Motherhood Grace products have affirmations woven in. The Postpartum Grace Guide has one every day & I have affirmation cards… plus a custom affirmation mug. (Did I mention I love them?)

BONUS: Practice with your kid! I hung a poster I made for C in her bathroom. When she gets ready, I read them out loud and she repeats after me. Easy, peasy!

Comment below + tell me if you join the daily text… I just may have something fun to send a few of you 🤍


PARENTING FAIL: toy arena... despite all good intentions. Let me explain.

I love the Montessori approach to toddlers. It makes sense to me and thus I started toy rotation for my daughter early on.

What I didn’t realize or anticipate was her interpretation.

Recently she’s had some huge emotions around toys I donated when we moved 7 months ago. She was sobbing “I left them at the other house!!!” until I apologized and told her, actually, I gave them to another little kiddo to play with 🥸

Which has kicked off another whole phase of “mine” and “who’s xyz is this? I don’t want anyone to take it, I don’t want to share it!!”

She’s so attached to her things and this idea of someone taking them...

Then it clicked. She thought people were taking her toys (rotating).. or she was losing them (donating) ... and she became super possessive (more so than the average kiddo).


Not to mention, why does EVERY adult ask a kid for the thing they are holding or a bite of their food?!? 🤡🤡

Mistake: not including her in the toy rotation and decluttering toys without her buy in

Solution: I’m not sure yet 🤪 but I’m definitely not doing anything without consulting her first from this point on. 💕

This is what I consider respectful parenting ... digging into what may be causing our kids emotions and admitting when we may have been part of the problem 😬


This week, I found myself saying “Charlie Rosie, one day when you are mom, you will understand.”
And in that moment I thought of my mom.

It’s beautiful, and also somewhat cruel, how so many things in our life make sense when we become a parent.

The “no’s,” “I can’t let you do that,” the discipline & boundaries ... the unseen sacrifices uniquely exposed as we the daughters become the moms & make the sacrifices ourselves.

So mom, I want to say thank you for all of the sacrifices that I was unaware of growing up.

The countless hours, weeks, months of sleep you lost because one of us needed you.
The dinners you cooked that we protested & didn’t eat.
The endless laundry and cleaning when you would have rather crashed on the couch.
The taxi service to all our activities all over town.
The 24/7 duty of being a mom on top of a full time job (& part time gig because you always monetized hobbies and interests!)..And so, so many more!

One of the things that makes me laugh the hardest is thinking back to all of us being piled in the car, waiting on mom to come out of the house so we could leave... “I mean what could she possibly be doing in there?!”
Now I know ... EVERYTHING!!! You were doing everything 🤣

Being a mom is a superhuman duty.. and I learned how to be one from one of the best!

Thanks for all of you have done throughout the years, mom. I love you.

And Happy Mother’s Day to all women out there who are holding this day special. You are all superhero’s! 💕👏

Photos from Holistic Kate's post 25/04/2021

The compliment moms need to hear:
“You are were chosen to be their mother and you are doing a great job”

I snapped this photo after we left her 4 year well visit. Charlottes pediatrician is my favorite provider I’ve ever gone to - she brought me to tears, validating and truly SEEING me and this little soul.

“I can say with absolute certainty you are the perfect mother for this little girl. You understand her better than anyone else and honor who she is. I am so proud of you, I know it can be hard, but you are doing amazing” 😭

(If you are a provider, please speak this light into the parents you work with!!)

I heard the concept of the “millennial parenting problem” this week from and realized this is what our ped was encouraging & fostering in me: my mother intuition. The confidence to listen to myself about my kid.

One aspect of the MPP: Anytime we had a Q, we turned to Google instead of really pausing to figure it out or listen to our gut. Our devices have become our parenting tool. We crowdsource, collect data, and turn outward... I know FOR SURE that first year I was on Google, diving into research, search for the “right” and “best” thing to do, buy, etc.

I wanted to provide you with words to speak to millennial moms you interact with:
* You are a great mom.
* I am proud of you.
* Trust your instincts.
* You are doing a great job.
* You’ve got this!
* You were chosen to be __ mother with good reason!


✌️ lessons I’ve been teaching my toddler

(Side note: is she still a toddler? OMG that was a tug on my mama heart strings… I think she’s technically a “preschooler” but let’s just say toddler so I don’t start my day in tears, shall we?)


This one is super obvious when you observe kids.
The other week, I watched a kid have something taken away by their mom, which made them upset. What did they do? Went over and shoved another kid.

I bet you can think of an incident you’ve experienced with adults like this scenario just this week, yeah?

(well sorta… more like don’t get mad at the rule enforcer, be upset about the rule).

I try to work on ONE hard and fast rule at a time. This week’s is a particularly difficult one for my little girl. When another adult in her life held the boundary, she completely melted down in ways I haven’t seen since she was 2.

As she was processing through with me, she said “I’m mad at ___.” I explained that she was MORE mad about the rule, that any adult that would have been there would tell her the same thing. She wasn’t actually mad at the person, she was mad about the rule (but in the same breath, that doesn’t mean she can’t follow it. It is to keep her safe.) It’s so easy to misplace our anger, isn’t it?!

Are these helpful? What’s another one we can work on? 🤗🤣

Photo by

Photos from Holistic Kate's post 25/03/2021

I had an a-ha moment this morning watching reels on IG (hey, maybe mindless scrolling isn’t all bad!)

One of the single most important “trait” or “skill” (I don’t know what you call it) that has helped me with parenthood and motherhood…


Like I GET IT, child.

YOU want to be in charge of your schedule.
YOU want to decided when and how long you do something.
YOU want to pick what to eat, or what to wear.
YOU want to decide when to go to bed.

Same, girl, same! 🙊
It is a struggle not to be in control, especially as a kid.

Empathy, I’ve discovered, is key in solving problems and bonding with others. It’s what (in my opinion) this world is lacking.

Collectively, we don’t know how to empathize, and we are raising kids that can’t either. I think this is important to talk about.

I’ve also learned to NOT take it personal, because it’s really is not. It’s about safety (Who can I let these feelings out with safely? Who will love me no matter what?) and, well, control. Maturity. Understanding.

Her whole existence I’ve told myself:
It is hard to be ____.
It is hard to be 3.
Heck, it’s hard to be 33.

But having someone who REALLY understands us and what we are going through, who we feel SAFE with… that is truly priceless. 💗


I started growing a health business as an LLC in 2015. It really feels like a lifetime ago, the evolution has been profound.

IG stories were becoming popular around the time I had my daughter in 2017. The loneliness, anxiety, and struggles we faced pushed me to go outside my comfort zone and document our days on Stories.

Much of my healing and processing has happened “live” on IG through the years... so strange to think back (and equally strange not to have it “live” on anything but an archive only I can access).

But something happened this past year. Instead of this account feeling like a safe place for me to process, educate, and share... it felt harsh, judgmental and full of expectations I never wanted.

Expectations can paralyze me (as an Upholder) because I expect myself to fulfill them all.

I could feel myself turning inward and asking “what’s the purpose? Is it really worth it?”

Taking a pause to ponder these last few months slowed ALL my stats and growth. Though I’ve never been data driven on here, watching my screen time get cut in HALF slowly stepping away had me weighing the pro/con of what I was MISSING from my “IRL” life by taking time to create “vanishing” content.

So this is where I’m at right now... KNOWING it’s time to evolve again but feeling unsure of what that really means (though I have ideas!)

What’s your favorite way to consume content?
Email 📧
Blog 💻
Podcast 🎙
Social Media 📱
Tell me more... or how you’ve been feeling about all of this lately! (Esp other biz owners, I’m curious!) 💗💗

(( ps — why is she a teenager?! 😭 ))

Videos (show all)

I shared this research in August … but I think it’s important to share again today, esp as many mommas head back to work...