Jaime Messina: Multiply Your Life

Jaime Messina: Multiply Your Life

Confidence coach extraordinaire 🔥| Join my group www.facebook.com/groups/thelifestylemultiplier

Embracing the Journey: Turning Pain into Growth 26/08/2024

Some of my biggest heartbreaks and most painful hurts have led to the best places. How about you?

Embracing the Journey: Turning Pain into Growth Maybe your path is in your pain… I came across a video today that offered a unique perspective on soulmates. It wasn’t the usual romanticized idea of perf

When The Dating Apps Scare You: The Q***r Country Club To The Rescue! 16/08/2024

Do dating apps scare you? me too!

When The Dating Apps Scare You: The Q***r Country Club To The Rescue! “The dating apps scare me!” That is the number one thing I hear from single people talking about dating. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get it… I always w

I Fell in Love With a Puppy! 15/08/2024

Puppies & Soulmates! No for real, why do I keep seeing this puppy??

I Fell in Love With a Puppy! I fell in love with this puppy! A few weeks ago I was walking down the street and noticed a woman who had a bunch of puppies. I stopped and said hello,

Manifesting Your Soulmate: Three Tips to Attract the Love You Deserve 09/08/2024

Are you ready to get intentional about Manifesting Love??

Manifesting Your Soulmate: Three Tips to Attract the Love You Deserve Finding your soulmate is a journey that goes beyond the surface of physical attraction or chance encounters. It’s about aligning your energy, intentions, a

Photos from Jaime Messina: Multiply Your Life's post 31/07/2024

I had no hope for my future...

I often share about how I manifested performing on stage in front of 25,000 people, but I've never really shared why that freaking mattered.

When I looked to my future, all I felt was despair. My entire life had been ruled by my anxiety which led to deep depression. I had all these ideas and inspirations within, that I never acted on because I was being held back by my anxiety and inability to get out of my own way. I took F's in college because I didn't want to speak in front of other people, and I had to leave jobs because I wouldn't look up and speak to customers...in my early 20's I still needed my mom to call, and make my doctors appointments because I couldn't call and speak to the person that answered.

Time after time I was looked over and seemingly right through by others because I made myself so small that they couldn't even see me. I blamed my height, my weight, my looks, my skills, my anxiety...so to walk on stage in front of 25,000 and do what I did was a HUGE freaking deal for me. It wasn't about performing in front of 25,000 people. It was about the change in myself and my life that the performance signified.

Two years prior, I wouldn't have got on that stage. Everything changed when I decided to change it. Make sense? I was sick of the way I felt. I was sick of blaming everything and everyone outside of myself. I got to the point where I felt so uncomfortable within myself, that I had to make a change, and walking on that stage showed me who I was deep down.

Ok, so what does that have to do with Manifesting? I got clear on how I wanted to feel, and what I wanted in my life. I worked on changing my vibration, my energy, and my mindset. I rolled with inspired thoughts when they came into my head, and then I took inspired action. All of that changed the course and quality of my life. We are here for a VERY short time on this planet. I can't imagine if I hadn't done those things and lived my entire life held back by the chains that were my mind.

These photos represent not only the manifestation of the actual microphone that I put on my vision board a year prior, or as my dad reminds me when I said to him at the previous summit, "Next year, I will be up on that stage", these photos also represent the self-confidence I had manifested. That self-confidence was a freaking game changer and the reason I am probably still here on this earth.

It's been 9 years since these photos and it's incredible when I look back and realize that this was only the beginning. On Monday I am hosting a 30-Day Manifest Mastermind group coaching program geared toward helping YOU manifest all that you want in your life. That doesn't necessarily mean cars or things (it could if you want it to), you can also manifest the life you want. Maybe that is more joy, more confidence, more peace...whatever it is, I am here to help you do it.

If you were to cease existing tomorrow, would you be happy with the life you lived? Or would you be wishing it had been different? If it's the latter, I can help.

Are you ready to Manifest?


Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to change the toilet paper roll!

How do you change the world? We start with changing our world (the TP lol). I used to blame everyone and everything for my life not being what I wanted it to be. I had big dreams, but they stopped there...dreams. I was focused on all the reasons I couldn't have what I wanted, all the things that held me back, all the "what ifs", and "should haves".

And so...

Know what I kept getting? More things I wanted by "couldn't have", more things that "held me back", and more "what ifs", and "should haves".

Obviously, something changed for me...today I am not only living a life I dreamed of, but I have definitely surpassed that and continue to. The world is my playground, so let's freaking play!

I want to show you how to do the same. Are you where I was? Do you want what you want, but are focused on the, "maybe someday...in another life"?

F that, make it this life!

Aug 5th I am hosting a 30-day group coaching program called The Manifest Mastermind, where I will teach you how to hack your brain and take the steps toward manifesting the things that you want in your life. But that's not it, I also will give you assignments and steps to take NOW so that you can get what you want sooner rather than later (like in this lifetime, not the next lol). Are you ready for that or do you want to just continue thinking your dreams are meant for someone else?

If you are ready to take massive action toward the things that you want and learn how to change your toilet paper roll so that you can change YOUR world and ultimately THE world, then join me for The Manifest Mastermind and start making your dreams a reality.

Tell me what you'll manifest below!

Brain Hack: Use Your RAS to Manifest! 17/07/2024

Have you ever wanted something and then started seeing it EVERYWHERE? There's a reason!

Brain Hack: Use Your RAS to Manifest! Have you ever wanted something and then suddenly started seeing it everywhere? I remember when I was younger I wanted a purple Volkswagen Cabriolet Convert

Manifestation & The Law of Attraction: Woo Woo or Legit?? by The Stories We Tell 09/07/2024

Manifestation & Law of Attraction...woo woo or legit??

Manifestation & The Law of Attraction: Woo Woo or Legit?? by The Stories We Tell In this episode, I discuss Manifestation, the Law of Attraction, and how that is tied to our brain! Join the Manifest Mastermind: https://jaimecoaches.com/manifest Follow me on Social: IG: Tiktok: Club Lilles FB Community Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jaimemmessina/....

Manifestation, the Law of Attraction, and the Brain: Unlocking the Science Behind Your Dream Life 08/07/2024

Is there more to Manifestation & The Law of Attraction than just positive thinking? The answer is yes!

Manifestation, the Law of Attraction, and the Brain: Unlocking the Science Behind Your Dream Life Have you ever wondered if there's more to the Law of Attraction and manifestation than just positive thinking? Spoiler alert: There is! Let's explore the

Why Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Builds Confidence: A Neuroscientific Perspective 05/07/2024

Did you know that stepping outside of your comfort zone on the regular helps to improve confidence? It’s the truth!

When I first started to work on confidence I would schedule time to step out of my comfort zone every Friday! I called it and it truly helped me to build confidence.

Now on Fridays, I challenge others to do the same! Have you done something outside of your comfort zone today? What was it?

Could having more confidence bring more joy to your life and help you to live your life the way YOU want? Join us Monday for the 10-Days to Confidence Mastermind!

Why Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Builds Confidence: A Neuroscientific Perspective We’ve all heard the advice to “step out of your comfort zone” to grow and build confidence. But have you ever wondered why this works? The answer lies in t

Moving with The Times with Author Louise Rafkin by The Stories We Tell 02/07/2024

Last week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with writer Louise Rafkin for an engaging conversation about coming out, le***an history, and the evolution of our times. Don't miss out—tune in and take a listen!

Moving with The Times with Author Louise Rafkin by The Stories We Tell In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with author Louise Rafkin, who recently wrote an article for The New York Times that references Club Lilles. During our interview, we discuss her coming out story, her journey as a writer, and the evolution of the le***an community. Learn more about L...

I'm Coming Out Pride Series: Paving The Way with Tracy A. Wood by The Stories We Tell 12/06/2024

Y'all we have a brand new episode of The Stories We Tell Podcast Pride Edition where all month long we will be sharing coming out stories. In this episode, Tracy A. Wood, co-host of the Rock That Relationship! Podcast shares her coming out story.

Check it out!

I'm Coming Out Pride Series: Paving The Way with Tracy A. Wood by The Stories We Tell In the episode, we hear from Tracy A. Wood, one of the hosts of the Rock That Relationship! Podcast on her coming out in the early 90's. We hear how she navigated coming out as a police officer at that time, and what she's up to now! To follow along with Tracy: Instagram: The R...

I'm Coming Out Pride Series: My Story by The Stories We Tell 05/06/2024

This month, in honor of pride month we will be sharing coming out stories, starting with mine!

I'm Coming Out Pride Series: My Story by The Stories We Tell This month, in honor of pride month we will be sharing coming out stories, starting with mine! Follow me on Social: IG: Tiktok: LILLES After Dark Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CLUBLILLES Club Lilles FB Community Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jaimemmessina/ Inte...

Celebrate Your Wins: Fuel Your Journey to Success! 30/05/2024

Do you celebrate your wins no matter how small? If you don't, you should start. Find out why!

Celebrate Your Wins: Fuel Your Journey to Success! In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to jump from one task to the next without acknowledging our achievements. But did you know that celebrating wins, big or


I used to feel it in my soul, I didn’t belong there…

Although Boston was my home, I always felt like I was meant to be somewhere else. Aside from the fact that I’m an entirely different and mean person when I’m cold, something in me just knew that I needed to be somewhere else. I just kept holding myself back…

I talked about moving for ten years…I would say I was going to, knowing full-heartedly that I was too scared to take the leap. I had every excuse as to why I couldn’t. Money, proximity, family, time, job, friends, my cat…you name it. Little did I know that I had started the process, and there was no turning back.

It may have taken ten years, but I finally made that move, and when I did, my soul felt like it was home. During all those years of excuses, I didn’t realize that I was taking steps toward manifesting the very thing I wanted. I didn’t even realize I manifested exactly what was on my vision board until I was sitting on my porch one day overlooking the pool, palm trees blowing in the wind, and I thought…woah…this is the exact thing I had on my board.

Manifestation is weird…we think it's like this woo-woo magic word, but the way I manifest is by hacking my brain. I learned what to do to make things happen, and I want to share that with you. That’s why on June 10th I am hosting a 10-Day Manifestation Mindset group where I share all that I know about Manifestation, hacking your brain, and using the law of attraction so that you can bring the things YOU want into your life. Tell me what you’d manifest below and I’ll give you the details!


Top 3 Reasons to Work with a Mindset and Empowerment Coach

Unlock Your Potential: Top 3 Reasons to Work with a Mindset and Empowerment Coach In today's fast-paced world, achieving personal and professional growth can often feel like an uphill battle. Whether you're aiming for career advancement,


One day she woke up and just knew her truth! had her whole life shift when she finally faced her reality. Having been financially supported by her BF, she had to act.

She stepped into her truth both in sexuality and in business. Hear how she built a multi six figure business in a time where she had no other option on the latest episode of The Stories We Tell Podcast!

Listen here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/Gk9gdlyYKJb

Helping Powerful Women Thrive with Sophia Spallino by The Stories We Tell 15/05/2024

We have a brand new episode up where I get to spend time speaking with Sophia Spallino!

Sophia Spallino is your business wing-woman, social media strategist, and personal brand coach (who just happens to be an inter-spiritual le***an harpist)! She helps purpose-driven female service providers and soul-led coaches around the world build wealth and multiply their revenue with social media strategy.

This is an episode you don't want to miss!

Helping Powerful Women Thrive with Sophia Spallino by The Stories We Tell In this episode, we talk with LILLES Sophia Spallino. Sophia is your business wing-woman, social media strategist, and personal brand coach (who just happens to be an inter-spiritual le***an harpist)! She helps purpose-driven female service providers and soul-led coaches around the world build wealt...

Unified Not Uniform: The Importance of Sharing Your Story with Jillian Abby, Jen Berlingo, Melissa Giberson. by The Stories We Tell 29/04/2024

Hear from three successful le***an memoirists: Jillian Abby, Jen Berlingo, Melissa Giberson. Panel moderated by Club Lilles founder and podcast host of The Stories We Tell, Jaime Messina.

Unified Not Uniform: The Importance of Sharing Your Story with Jillian Abby, Jen Berlingo, Melissa Giberson. by The Stories We Tell Learn the importance of sharing your story “Unified not uniform”. Hear from three successful le***an memoirists: Jillian Abby, Jen Berlingo, Melissa Giberson. Hear from three successful le***an memoirists: Jillian Abby, Jen Berlingo, Melissa Giberson. Panel moderated by Club Lilles founder and p...


There was a time in my life when the only way I was able to socialize was after a s**t ton of alcohol .

Anxiety and depression ran my life...I knew no other way. Once I was old enough to drink, I had thought I found the solution. Although alcohol helped me socialize it only amplified the problems within. By the time I was 27 years old, I didn’t care whether I lived or died. In fact, I would have rather been dead.

Why do I share this? Because for the first 28 years of my life, I thought that was “just how I was”, I thought there was no way I could change. Yet here I am. I share to let other people know that it absolutely CAN and WILL get better if you take ownership of your life and start to do things that will lead you in the right direction. I started with daily workouts and eating healthy. That paired with coaching, podcasts, and books started me on that path.

You can start on that path too if you make the decision to do so. Don’t know where to start? Let’s talk!


Ahhh 2 years ago today I published my first workbook!!

𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗲!! ⁣

I'm big on having a morning and evening routine and was looking for a way to help my clients simplify it. ⁣

For the past 4 months, I've been working on this daily journal/workbook to help people start their day on a positive note and also begin to shift the story they are telling themselves to one that empowers them. ⁣

I'm happy to say that it's finally complete and if you'd like a copy you can snag one too! 📖🙏 ⁣

𝗦𝗻𝗮𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲: https://bit.ly/3EG9mKn

Know Thyself & Be Thyself by The Stories We Tell 14/03/2024

In this episode, we explore domestication and unlearning things that were projected onto us that do not align with who we are at the core. What can we do to truly live authentically as ourselves and experience more joy?

Check out this episode!

Know Thyself & Be Thyself by The Stories We Tell In this episode, we explore domestication and unlearning things that were projected onto us that do not align with who we are at the core. What can we do to truly live authentically as ourselves and experience more joy? Check out this episode! Join the Know Thyself & Be Thyself Coaching Program: htt...

Jaime Messina | Mindset & Empowerment Coach 18/09/2023

🚀🌟 It's Official! I finally created a Website! 🌟

I am beyond excited to announce the launch of my website: www.jaimecoaches.com! 🎈🚀

🌟 This website is not just a platform; it's a reflection of my passion, my journey, and my commitment to helping you achieve your goals and dreams! 💪🌠

🔥 Here's what you'll find on my website:
✅ Insights into my coaching philosophy and approach.
✅ Valuable resources and tools to empower you.
✅ A blog with tips, tricks, and inspiration.
✅ Ways to get in touch and start your coaching journey!

👉 So, what are you waiting for? Head over to jaimecoaches.com right now, and let's embark on a journey of growth, transformation, and success together! 🌈🚀

🙏 Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout this incredible journey. Let's reach new heights together! 🌟💪


Jaime Messina | Mindset & Empowerment Coach Discover your inner strength and create the life you deserve with our empowering life coaching services. Join us on this transformative journey!


Join us Sept. 25th for the Stop Method Challenge! Click the link below to learn more.


Down & Out to Total Badass with Ashley Bean by The Stories We Tell 31/08/2023

🌟 From Darkness to Radiance 🌟

Meet Ashley Bean: a mom of 6 who faced the shadows a year ago. 💔 Despite being at the edge, the universe had different designs. Tune in to witness her transformation - a voyage from despair to a newfound love for life. 🌈✨

Exciting News: 🌟 As we dive into this episode, we also glimpse a glimpse of what's ahead - a transformative group coaching program. 🚀🌱 Ashley's remarkable journey has sparked a heartfelt idea in her honor. When you join the program by Monday, you're not alone – bring a friend along on this empowering path. 🤝 Gratitude to Ashley for being the driving light behind this initiative!

Down & Out to Total Badass with Ashley Bean by The Stories We Tell Get ready for an amazing episode of our podcast! We're diving into Ashley Bean's inspiring journey. She's a tough single mom raising six kids and facing life's tough hurdles head-on. In this episode, Ashley shares how she turned her hardest times into stepping stones for a fantastic life. Listen in....


🔥 Get ready to TRANSFORM your life! 🚀

Join me for an EPIC journey in the 12-Week Unleash Your Inner Badass Mastermind starting this September 11th! 🔥

If you're ready to unlock your true potential and become the ULTIMATE version of yourself, you WON'T want to miss this!

Follow the link below to learn more! Let's conquer our goals, crush self-doubt, and embrace our INNER BADASS together! 🎉🔥


Unleash Your Inner Badass by The Stories We Tell 29/08/2023

Happy Tuesday everyone!

👋 Lately, I've been immersing myself in the world of "The Four Agreements" over on TikTok and IG. 📖 Have you had the chance to dive into this transformative read? It's truly remarkable – a book that's beautifully uncomplicated yet carries immense power. 💥

In my latest podcast episode, I'm thrilled to give you a glimpse into what "The Four Agreements" is all about. 🌟 Join me as we explore its profound teachings and discover how adopting these agreements can be a game-changer for your life. 🚀 Plus, I've got something truly special in store – the Unleash Your Inner Badass mastermind awaits! 🦸‍♂️ Let's embark on this journey of transformation together. Tune in now and be part of this incredible adventure! 🎙️

Unleash Your Inner Badass by The Stories We Tell In this episode, I talk about one of my favorite books of all time, The Four Agreements. This is a super simple, but incredibly powerful book. It is actually what inspired me to create the upcoming Unleash Your Inner Badass 12-Week Mastermind. I am super excited to share it with all of you, I hope y...


Starting tomorrow morning at 9am EST. on both TikTok and IG l will be reading The Four Agreements LIVE. If you'd like to join in, meet me there at 9am EST.

IG & TikTok Username:

When S**t hits the Fan by The Stories We Tell 14/08/2023

What do you do when s**t hits the fan?

When S**t hits the Fan by The Stories We Tell Join the success loop webinar: https://mailchi.mp/d96d1a077b45/onhzmrsv86


We all have a badass that lives within.

10 years ago my inner badass was nowhere to be found. I let everything outside of myself control my life. It got to the point where I didn't want to continue my life the way I felt. I woke up each day wishing it was my last and went to bed each night thinking about how I could make that happen. I was convinced that I had zero control over how my life unfolded...I thought the rest of my life had to be the same as it was...

::Enter GUS (God, Universe, Source)::

Luckily I was thrown into a series of events that helped me to change the way I thought, the way I saw myself, and ultimately the way I lived. That led me to change careers and start living in a way I never knew was possible. Now, I get to help people do the same, but in a shorter amount of time. I wasted too many years completely miserable in my own skin. Too many years wishing things were different.

Time is one thing we can never get back and although I wish I made the change sooner, I am grateful that I did it.

This September I will be hosting a 12-week Unleash Your Inner Badass Mastermind and I want you to join me.

If you are at a place in your life where you are just going through the motions, are unhappy, and just accepting life the way it is, this is for you.

If you have been wanting to make a change, a move, or a shift, but have been letting fear hold you back, this is for you.

If you are at the spot where you have to s**t or get off the pot...this is for you.

I promise by the end of these 12 weeks that the badass buried deep inside you will be out and ready to rock your life the way it should be.

Follow the link below to learn more: https://joinunleash.mastermind.com/masterminds/46518

Videos (show all)

One day she woke up and just knew her truth! @sophiaspallino had her whole life shift when she finally faced her reality...
Join us Sept. 25th for the Stop Method Challenge! Click the link below to learn more.https://jaimecoaches.com/new-page-2...
🔥 Get ready to TRANSFORM your life! 🚀 Join me for an EPIC journey in the 12-Week Unleash Your Inner Badass Mastermind st...
What an amazing experience, this week I interviewed @jenberlingo who is the author of Midlife Emergence: Free Your Inner...
A hoe never gets cold 🧐 what do you think the results were? Check out this episode with Social Psychology PhD candidate ...
Want to give it a try and save some $? Follow this link: https://join.ketokrate.com/25plus?utm_campaign=evergreen&utm_so...
Keto Krate Unboxing
Celebrate 🎉
Keto Krate Unboxing
Tomorrow night at 8pm est we are hosting The Stories We Tell LIVE! Join us for some motivation, inspiration, and some am...
Are you ready to shift your mindset and create more confidence and empowerment in your life? You won’t want to miss our ...

