Munro Method Nutrition

Munro Method Nutrition

Munro Nutrition has successfully coached 13000+ men and women towards their weight & wellness goals.

Munro Method Nutrition is an online weight and wellness community. We are a team of highly experienced MNU & EIQ Certified Nutritionists specialising in methods of long-term weight loss with lasting results. We work mainly with clients that are sick and tired of dieting their way through life with the usual big names of the yo-yo diet industry. We help clients improve their relationship with food

Photos from Munro Method Nutrition's post 25/09/2023

Just being honest...

Do you know what one of the most common NSVs (non-scale victories) we hear inside The Munro Method is when our members do their first check-in?

"I feel like I have more energy."

Which makes no sense.

Most of our members are weight loss clients.

They are literally consuming LESS energy than they need to lose body fat.

By rights, they should feel like they have LESS energy.

But that's not the case.

They're eating fewer calories than they need and feel like they have MORE energy.

And this is why.

It's because most of our clients are coming to us from that place of -50 to -80%

They've been making themselves feel awful through the way they use food and or drink.

To the point where even though they're in a calorie deficit and consuming less energy than they need, the improvements they experience from no longer treating themselves like sh*t DWARF the feelings they have from consuming less energy than they need.

It is so ridiculously easy to make yourself feel like crap with food.

Think about how uncomfortable you can make yourself feel from eating a big meal.

But if you stopped eating that meal when you started to feel full, you wouldn't feel amazing, would you?

Improving your diet is not about pursuing a miraculous change.

It's about the absence of making yourself feel sh*t.

Because the less time you spend feeling sh*t, the better life is.

And if you'd like life to feel less sh*t...

I want to help.

Comment TMM below, and I'll send you more info about what I do inside The Munro Method.

Photos from Munro Method Nutrition's post 24/09/2023


I haven't worked with Nikki for YEARS.


She was a Munro OG from back in 2018 when I first started out.

Coming to me as a serial yo-yo/crash dieter, as you'll see from reading some of what she says on the second slide.

Leaving us not only at her goal weight but with a completely new mindset and relationship with food, which has helped her maintain her weight ever since.

I shared this screenshot with her a while back when I was looking back through our history of working together.

"I'm never going to be Mrs. Active" - LOL

Fast forward five years, and she's just had a photo shoot after lifting consistently for YEARS.

Never say never.

It doesn't matter where you are now; you still have many years ahead.

People often have blinkers on, and they struggle to think much farther beyond their weight.

All they think about is getting the scales down, and because they've dedicated so many years to that, they struggle to think what life will be like when they're not spending so much time, energy and money chasing the numbers up and down.

Nikki is a true Munro Maintainer, and everything I hope to achieve with everyone who puts their faith in me to help them lose weight for life.

If you would like to start following in Nikki's footsteps, comment TMM below, and I'll send you more info about how we helped Nikki move closer to the life she now gets to enjoy today.


Nobody cares what weight you are.

The only person attaching any importance to that number is you...

Even I don't care what weight you are.

All I care about is your weight going in the direction you want it to.

If fat loss is your goal, I want to see it trending downward.

If maintenance is your goal, I want it to stay around the same level over time.

But that's it...


Meaningless numbers.

Seeing 75kg on the scales might horrify you.

To me, the same number is my (healthy) weight.

See what I mean?

The number itself doesn't mean anything.

I once had someone leave Clan Munro because she didn't want to disclose her weight to me.

"Even my husband doesn't know what weight I am", she said.

Imagine being as protective about your height.

Not wanting to share your feet and inches in case... what?

You can look at someone and tell if they're short or tall.

What difference does knowing the measurement make?


Knowing the number doesn't make one blind bit of difference.

Your friends don't love you because of your weight.

Your partner doesn't love you because of your weight.

And your kids don't think any less of you because of your weight.

And I don't think any differently of anyone because of their weight.

I look at hundreds of numbers on a daily basis.

I read them like the guy reads The Matrix in the movies.

It's all just data.

Weight loss is so incredibly f*cking simple...

On paper.

When you introduce a person, their brain and their thoughts into the mix, things start to get difficult.

Like placing so much importance on something that means absolutely nothing.

Things like this are what slows people down.

Or in the instance of the person who didn't want to tell me their weight...

Doesn't allow them to make any progress whatsoever.

Stop placing so much importance on something that means so little, nobody cares, and you shouldn't either.

If you're ready to stop allowing a number to hold you back from having the life you want, comment TMM on this post, and I'll send you some info on how I can help.

Photos from Munro Method Nutrition's post 22/09/2023

Here's a rough overview of how I would
calculate my client's calories with a higher degree of

Forget hopping from calculator to calculator and then
trying to decide which one to listen to.

Go with the first one, follow this process and narrow it
down over time with more accuracy.

Or, even better, grab the one I use with my clients
completely free?

Comment CALC1 below, and I'll send it over complete
with instructions on how to use it.

Photos from Munro Method Nutrition's post 13/09/2023

Here are the most common questions when people learn I don't drink.

"Was it hard?"

No, not in the slightest.

As a Nutritionist, I've witnessed first-hand what alcohol does to thousands of people's mental and physical wellbeing.

And any time spent in the company of others drinking has only further cemented my choice.

People are fu***ng idiots with a drink, and I don't want to be one of them anymore. 😂

"Why did you quit?"

I don't look at it like this.

It suggests alcohol is supposed to be a part of everyone's life.

As if it's something you have to choose to stop doing, not something you can choose not to do.

I spent some time thinking about the life I wanted to have and asked myself if alcohol would help me create it or hold me back from it.

I didn't quit, and I didn't give up.

I stopped choosing to do something that wasn't taking me closer to the life I wanted for myself, my loved ones and the people who look to me for guidance as a teacher and coach.

"Do you mind if I ask your reasons for stopping?"

I don't; they're just not relevant to you.

I'll share them in posts like this, but when people come to me to look for , I'll politely decline to answer.

If you don't have your own reasons, you should wait until you do.

I can imagine many people try and fail multiple times to stop drinking.

And part of that might be because they're doing so for the wrong reasons.

For me, this has been effortless.

And I think that's because my intentions were not to "try and stop drinking".

I wanted a better life.

All I did was stop choosing to do something that frequently made it worse.

If you're not quite ready to take that final leap, but deep down, you want to, spend some time exploring and understanding your relationship and attachment to alcohol first.

has an excellent 30-day workbook, which I worked through in October last year.

One year down, here's to the rest of my life 🍻

And a special thanks, as always, to those who played their part in introducing me to the Alcohol Free World.

And the inspiring people I met through the crew ❤️


Lorna was a blank canvas.

Unlike many I work with, she didn't have decades of disordered yo-yo dieting behind her.

She hadn't worried too much about her weight.

And I LOVE that.

Because here's the thing...

How you tackle your weight from the beginning determines how you feel about it in the future.

Let's say your diet history begins with Slimming World.

What they teach you will be the foundation of your relationship with your body and weight.

If you have a disordered and unhappy experience at Slimming World, that sets the tone for the future.

Putting yourself through that experience many times, doesn't improve things.

It makes them worse.

Lorna didn't have that.

She came to me, a qualified Nutritionist providing an evidence-based service.

No made-up nonsense or disordered terms like syn, free foods, or points.

A real-world education.

Lorna didn't have those years of disordered dieting to overcome, so she wasn't with us long.

Within 12 weeks, she had reached her goal and was ready for maintenance.

"I'm blown away by the progress I have made with the guidance from Jason and Louise. I never dreamed of being in the position of thinking about the maintenance after only 12 weeks!".

You do not need to have some long, complex dieting history to come to work with us.

In fact, the less diet history you have to overcome, the better you will do with our approach.

If you are thinking about losing weight for the first time, do it RIGHT.

Do with a REAL-WORLD approach, not a DISORDERED SLIMMING-WORLD approach.

Future you will thank you.

Tap the link below if you'd like to read Lorna's full testimonial.


My client, Adjoa, wanted something structured and sustainable.

After wasting time at SW and WW, she wanted to follow an approach that dealt with REAL world nutrition.

Not the disordered world of slimming eating syns, points and free foods.

The thing is, Adjoa is a food and nutrition educator.

She already knows about food.

She already knows what it takes to create a healthy balanced diet.

But knowing that doesn't make you immune to weight gain.

It doesn't make you immune to emotional eating.

It doesn't make you immune to the enticing taste of chocolate.

The size of your body is not a reflection of your knowledge, skills or qualifications after all.

Adjoa followed me for a while on Instagram; she enjoyed the content I put out and the directness of my approach.

That was enough for her to come and work with me for a while.

In her testimonial, I asked why she would recommend us to others.

She said, "You will learn how to lose weight and keep it off.

I have lost 22 lbs with Munro, and it has been done healthily.

A way I never thought possible.

And that is why I would recommend Munro to anyone.

I've learned so much, and my mindset has changed, as has my relationship with food.

I now appreciate the value of planning.

Nothing is off-limits.

If you have a busy life, you can still manage it with a little organisation.

TRUST the process because the rewards and results will AMAZE you!"

Are you ready to trust our process and achieve amazing results?

Simply head to the website below.

Photos from Munro Method Nutrition's post 17/04/2023

Are you reading this thinking these are just normal?
Perfectly normal to be sent to the loo to forcibly empty your bladder to make a number go down on a scale?
Perfectly normal to remove items of clothing to see a lower number on the scale?
Do you realise just how fu**ing terrible that is?
Your goal is to make a physical change to your body.
To lose body FAT.
And you have a consultant trying to make her numbers look good and give you that next award, asking you to take off your bra, your jewellery and your prosthetic leg (if you have one).
Why are we allowing this?
Why do they just get away with it?
How are these groups allowed to pop up all over the place with nothing more than a couple of grand investment and eight days of training?
You don't even need to have ever been a Slimming World member to become a consultant now.
They'll take on ANYONE as long as you'll kiss the badge and sing the SW song.
As one of my clients said to me just this week, "It's not until you're on the outside looking in that you realise just how bad some of the things that happen at group are".
And it's true.
When you're DEEP in DISORDERED WORLD, you're surrounded by like-minded individuals doing similar things to you.
Tweaking their foods.
Making "fake" versions of things, so they are "allowed" them.
Stripping off and squeezing out number 2's at weight in
Stuffing themselves with Chinese after a "good result" on the scales
Starving themselves with SP days after a -Plan weekend
Feel free to use the comments on this post to share your experiences or let me know what you've realised since leaving THAT world.
Someone once asked me why I don't get a hard time from the ...
Probably because I'm just speaking the truth
Feel free to share your stories; this is a safe space ❤️
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For six months throughout 2017, I created what is now known as .

On January 1st 2018, we launched with around 100 members that had registered throughout December to come and work with me.

It was CHAOS!

I knew how to help people but had no idea how to run a business.

No website.

No systems.

No staff.

The statistics say that 60% of new businesses will fail within their first 3 years.

Well, here we are, 5 years later.

But a business is nothing without its customers, and a coach is nothing without their clients.

I cannot express my gratitude enough for each and every one of you that puts your faith in me, both currently and in the past, to help you on your way to a future free from dieting.

I am more committed than ever to using my tiny corner of the internet to call out and expose the yo-yo diet industry for what it truly is.

To help show you that the plans, programs and consultants you keep giving your money to are the REASON you are still battling with your weight, not the SOLUTION to it.

The 13,000+ men and women I've worked with over half a decade are just a TINY portion of the hundreds of thousands of people left in ruins after years of slimming group and fad diet abuse. There is only so much one man can do against an industry worth billions of pounds, but it won't ever stop me from trying.

If I have, in any way, helped you over the last 5 years, I'd love to hear from you in the comments on this post, and, to celebrate five years, I'm going to give away a copy of 2 of my favourite books to 2 of you that comment.

The Daily Stoic and Atomic Habits.

Wishing you all the very best for 2023 and beyond.

Here's to the next 5 years. ❤️


"Set yourself free from the toxic diet industry!

I have followed Jason on Instagram for a while - following his Instagram stories, Q&As, posts and podcasts. I signed up to clan munro last week and have already benefited from a live chat & detailed daily posts. I'm excited to see what else I gain from the clan munro group as I learn more about what is available on there.

I have been a serial yo-yo dieter with an on plan/off plan, good v bad food, binge eating to starving myself mindset since I was a teenager. I've tried everything and nothing has worked... Well that's until now!!

With the help of Jason's amazing content, I have spent the last few years changing my mindset and understanding on how to live the healthiest life I can. I've made small changes in my life along the way that are now habits. Jason works so hard to break down all the misconceptions that our toxic diet industry has brainwashed us with. He explains things in simple terms so it makes sense and encourages you to implement what is being suggested!

After a few years of alternating my diet, i decided it was time to do it properly so signed up to clan munro.
Since starting I have been eating amazing food, never missed a social event, and haven't been binge eating...I am excited to see where the next few months take me!

Give Jason a follow, drop him a message or even sign up. Your future self will thank you for it.

Thank you Jason for changing my life for the better!"

👆 This could be you.....

Take the first step, head to and drop in your email details, I'll tell you a bit more about we are helping people like Sharon every single day inside our group-coaching program.

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Photos from Munro Method Nutrition's post 09/09/2022

Happy anniversary Mrs Munro

Here's to the next 5 ❤️

Photos from Munro Method Nutrition's post 08/09/2022

Counting calories can be helpful and it absolutely has its place when it comes to weight loss. But it's not the only thing you should be paying attention to.

When it comes to basic problem solving there's a simple question to ask yourself when trying to decide on the solution you are going to use.

"Am I in this position because I don't do this?"

So, when it comes to counting calories, am I overweight because I don't count calories?


If you lack education and understanding of the nutritional value of food, it could be a factor.

What you'll probably find though, is your habits are playing a much bigger role in the grand scheme of things.

I've been working with my first ever private 1-2-1 clients over the last month and one of the biggest insights I've gained is that focusing on implementing helpful habits will be the key to their success.

That doesn't mean to say we'll never count calories.

There's absolutely a time and a place for it; once we get these habits cemented, perhaps some of them will focus on calories for a time.

But the key is to make calorie counting a short-term tool, not something to depend on for the rest of their lives.

There's only ONE way to lose weight (creating a calorie deficit), but there are hundreds of ways to achieve that.

The difference between temporary and life-long results is finding the variation that's right for YOU and solving all of the underlying reasons you found yourself in a position where you had weight to lose in the first place.

While I don't have any private coaching spots open at the minute, I may do so towards the end of the year. If you'd like to work with me privately in the future or in our group-coaching setting right now, just tap the link below and ensure I have your email details so you'll be the first to find out when spots open up.

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THIS is what the yo-yo diet industry thinks of you.

You are a human being, capable of gaining limitless amounts of body fat.

At some point, you will pay someone to help you reduce those body fat levels.

And, if you give that money to the wrong person, they're going to TEMPORARILY help you reduce those levels of body fat.

Giving you just enough information and help to help you lose it, but not enough to help you keep it off for good.

That's what the yo-yo diet industry does.

Give you JUST enough to be successful in the short term, but not enough to be successful in the long term.

I mean, why would they do that?

There's less profit in helping someone once and never helping them again, isn't there?

Why milk a cow once and never milk it again when you can milk it daily and make a fortune?

Stop FEEDING the yo-yo diet industry.

Do it once, do it RIGHT, and you'll NEVER have to do it, ever again.

Tap the link in my bio, drop your email details in and let me tell you a bit more about how I have helped over 12,000 people in the last five years break free from the clutches of the yo-yo diet farmers.

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The answer is likely yes, but do you REALLY enjoy it?

Let me explain....

I created this thing called the THREE parts to enjoyment.

1 - The enjoyment of the thought. The excitement and build-up to going out for a meal.

2 - The enjoyment of the experience. Looking at the menu, ordering, eating, chatting to whoever you're with. Making memories.

3 - The enjoyment of the memory. THIS is the part that many people miss out on. You should be able to think back to the experience WITHOUT regret, shame or guilt. Without wishing you had eaten or drank less. Without wishing you'd just said no to dessert or hadn't had a starter instead.

If this is you then you are not fully enjoying your eating out experience because your relationship with food won't let you.

Because your habits won't allow you to.

You get food FOMO, meaning you need to do what everyone else is doing (3 courses + sides +drinks).

You also have a habit of never leaving food on a plate, despite how full you are or you have the attitude of "I'm paying for it, so I'll eat it".

Perhaps you're eating foods you would normally restrict and wouldn't eat at home. Presented with the opportunity in the restaurant, it turns into a food free-for-all.

I look back on this photo and all I think about is how great that firecracker curry tasted, how beautiful my wife looked and how nice a time we had without the kids for a few hours having dinner and doing some shopping.

No guilt, no shame, no regrets attached.

I've got that part 3 of enjoyment nailed down, and it's something I'm helping hundreds of people with inside our group-coaching program. If you'd like to be one of them, just drop an emoji below and I'll DM you a link to learn more ❤️

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Photos from Munro Method Nutrition's post 02/09/2022

My son and I are heading off to Cineworld this weekend to see Spiderman Homecoming.

We've already seen it, but, we're going to a 4DX screen in Glasgow for the first time ever!

And, already knowing both the calories AND the cost of this stuff in the cinema, I'll be taking my own 😂

Have a great weekend!

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In the 90s, Slimming World used an approach called the "sin-a-day" plan.

Like all of Slimming World's marketing, it was supposed to sound "seductive" and "indulgent".

It suggested that you'd get to be "bad" at least once a day.

In the 2000s, SW made a DRASTIC change by moving from "sin" to "syn" 👀

Short for "synergy" (allegedly). 👀

How often do you see SW members asking how many "synergies" are in something?

Here are my thoughts on why Slimming World insist on using positive (healthy/free/unlimited) and negative (syns) labelling on food.

I have worked with over 12,000 clients over the last 5 years, most of whom came from an SW & WW background.

The BIGGEST hurdle the majority of them face, is their relationship with food.

The dichotomy of on-plan/off-plan thinking comes from the positive and negative labels attached to the foods they consume.

When they're being "good", they're eating "healthy", "speed", and "free" foods.

When it comes to sweets, cakes or chocolates, they associate this with being "bad" (sinful).

This is why, even if you come out the other side of your SW experience at your "target", it's unlikely you will stay there. (and that's the point)

Because now, you have a terrible relationship with food.

You are now unable to fully enjoy the foods you love because there's always that nagging voice inside telling you you're doing something wrong or bad.

And with that conflict comes the follow-up behaviours that see you overeat or go "off-plan" for days, or even weeks, at a time.

Your relationship with ALL foods begins and ends with the language you use around it, and THAT is why SW does it.

For as long as your relationship with food is ruined, you'll ALWAYS battle with your weight. And your local SW consultant is ready and waiting with open arms and a welcoming smile to start taking your money all over again to lose the same weight you lost with them last time.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences so we chat about this one in the comments ❤️

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If you invited a bunch of people to come to a venue to hear you announce what weight you were..... nobody would come.


Because NO. ONE. CARES.

Your weight is the LEAST interesting thing about you.

Your family and friends don't love you because of the number attached to your weight.

And they wouldn't love you any more or any less if the number was any different.

They don't ask you what weight you are every time they meet you so they can determine how much they're going to like you that day.

YOU are the ONE and ONLY person attaching any importance to the number associated with your weight.

And the only reason you care is that you're comparing what it is now to a previous number that was lower.

I've had a few instances over the years where I've not been able to continue working with someone beyond the initial chat.

I wasn't allowed to know what weight they were because "not even my husband knows".

People will tell me how "shocked" and "mortified" they are about their current weight and how desperate they are to change it....

And then, when it comes to it, they won't tell me the number.

Even if it means I won't continue to work with them if it's not something they're willing to share.

Because if we can't get by that one sticking point, everything else will be a waste of time.

They're not as ready to change as they think.

They're more invested in keeping the number a secret than they are making a change to it.

So, off they'll go back to trying to get it down on their own. Maybe a few months later, maybe a few years, they'll have it down to what only they deem an acceptable number to share.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world doesn't care.

So much time and energy is spent thinking about numbers, when it could have been spent making change.

When it comes to self-improvement and achieving your goals, you are going to have enough real challenges ahead of you without holding onto minor, self-created ones.

To get to where you want to be, you need to, first of all, accept and acknowledge where you are right now. Only then can you start moving toward success.

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Please note this giveaway is being run on INSTAGRAM so you'll need to head over there to be able to take part

Here are the details:

This is LONG overdue, we haven't done one since the beginning of the year!

I am giving away 3 MONTHS of 1-2-1 group coaching worth £120!

Since the beginning of this year, we have upped our game with video feedback to our member's check-ins instead of the old written format, and it has been a rip-roaring success.

There isn't anyone out there doing what we do to the level that we do it for the cost that we charge and I want to give you the opportunity to become a part of the Munro Method community and free yourself from a lifetime of dieting.


1 - You must be following &
2 - LIKE & SHARE this post to your stories and TAG ME
3 - TAP THE LINK IN MY BIO and drop your name and email address in the box. (even if you've already done it before).
4 - Once you've done the above 3, tag a friend you think might also benefit from this prize in the comments and that'll let me know you've completed all steps!

Pending verification that all steps have been completed, the winner will be DRAWN & NOTIFIED USING THEIR EMAIL ADDRESS (So step 3's pretty important).

This Giveaway will run until midnight on Sunday the 4th of September.

I will draw our winner on MONDAY morning and they'll get started right away!

PLEASE NOTE - This particular Giveaway ISN'T open to existing members 😄

Your 3 months of 1-2-1 Group Coaching will begin from Monday the 5th of September.


Videos (show all)

"BEHAVIOUR CHANGE"Once upon a time, I used to think of that as an "airy fairy" term.And then, I became a Nutritionist.An...
THIS is what the yo-yo diet industry thinks of you. You are a human being, capable of gaining limitless amounts of body ...
The kids went back to school on Wednesday so I thought I'd celebrate by recording a new podcast episode in a SILENT HOUS...
Testimonial Tuesday!People that come to me don't have weight to lose; they have reasons WHY their weight is where it is ...
One of the biggest mistakes yo-yo dieters mate is treating their weight as though it's something completely separate fro...
One of the biggest mistakes yo-yo dieters mate is treating their weight as though it's something completely separate fro...
If you want to be told to:Eat moreEat lessDrink more waterExercise moreExercise lessUse more synsUse less synsHave more ...
A teacher of mine once told me that, to move to the NEXT LEVEL, we need to decide what we take with us and what we leave...
You step on the scales.You freak out. "WHY IS THIS NOT WORKING?"You think frantically, "what can I do today to make this...
Relatable 😂 #Weightloss #Sli...
There are many coaches who I look up to in my industry. There are also many coaches that I USED to look up to in the ind...
A reminder that, apart from reducing the money in your bank account, exogenous ketone drinks are doing N-O-T-H-I-N-G for...