Braver is:
Lupe, Dani, Ryan Forged from steel... hilarity ensues...
Lupe sent me a new track and it's 100% nutworthy. This is an objective opinion based on Nuttin Tomatoes. Love that site, but the GRAPHICS!? Yeesh.. they have a tomato all with human features and it's.. well, youve all seen it
Switching to metal, where it's OK to be old
Always wished we woulda gotten physical copies of this release. Closest to what we're kinda going for with the new project (sorta)
Old Rules Braver · Ep · 2017 · 6 songs.
Young, dumb, can't stop farting
We wanna move on from the braver page. We really do. Our new band still doesn't have a name 🤔 if you're still out there.. for the love of god.. give us a name
Here's one off of the lost braver album (Dani 4ever)
In comments
Let's post some super secret braver songs fuggit it's been 3 years
Pretty fun read years later. As for the braver series, if only..
Special shout-out to Emma Johnson for doing this interview and being so great to us over the years (not to mention reading at the ghost cop premier)
Braver Interview By Mp - Razorcake Make a record. Do a video. Go on tour. Make a record. Do a video. Go on tour. Wait a second! Isn’t that the lifecycle of most mainstream pop acts? Why are so many punk bands trying to jam themselves into this mold?
Lupe and I keep writing a buncha songs for a new project. Getting some guest drummers lined up and the plan is to record.. sometime. I'm hoping that one day we'll get to play em live, who knows. We don't have a name yet.
Anyway, check the comments for a link to two of the demos. Hope everyone's been doing alright!
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