HNL fit

HNL fit

Health, Nutrition & Lifestyle to Fuel, Inspire and Transform the Mind, Body and Community

About Us

HNL fit was created by Hillary Hayes, Nicole Alai, and Leah Vergara, to inspire people to feel comfortable in their own body by encouraging joyful, not obligatory, movement through running, surfing and other healthy physical activities. Additionally, HNL fit provides the community with our unique skill set and tools to help incorporate intuitive eating into individual’s daily lives. We accomplish this through mindfulness around food.

Hillary runs competitively with over two decades of experience. She started on her journey as a collegiate runner at the University of California, Berkeley and transitioned into professional running and coaching. She currently works as a Production Manager for an active wear company utilizing her decade-plus experience working in the sports industry. Some of her responsibilities include marketing, photography, production, research and design.

Nicole has over two decades of running experience. She ran collegiately for the University of California, Irvine. She was able to use her knowledge and experience to help coach at the high school and collegiate levels. She currently works as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who incorporates intuitive and mindful eating into her daily practice.

Leah has over two decades of aquatic experience.As a former pool and ocean lifeguard and collegiate swimmer for California Baptist University, she moved to the beach and focused her love for water specifically to the ocean where she provides surf lessons and aquatic safety instruction. Leah currently works in the operating room as an Orthopedic Physicians Assistant.
