Baru Bian

Baru Bian

Former MP for Selangau (P214) | Environmentalist at Heart | Author of “The Long Awakening"

Almost 3,000 former PSB members in Ba Kelalan apply to join PDP, says Baru 13/04/2024

Almost 3,000 former PSB members in Ba Kelalan apply to join PDP.

Almost 3,000 former PSB members in Ba Kelalan apply to join PDP, says Baru KUCHING (April 12): Almost 3,000 former Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) members in Ba Kelalan have applied to join Progressive Democratic Party (PDP), said its assemblyman Baru Bian. He said this number surpassed the applications in both Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and PSB, which are the other politi

Baru: PM, police's duty to quell Sock-gate fires, not Agong's 11/04/2024

Baru: PM, police's duty to quell Sock-gate fires, not Agong's S'wak politicians commend king's initiative, Ba'kelalan rep singles out Anwar, cops.

'Kerja polis, Anwar redakan ketegangan, bukan tunggu Agong' 11/04/2024

'Kerja polis, Anwar redakan ketegangan, bukan tunggu Agong' Adun Ba’kelalan, Baru Bian adalah antara pemimpin Sarawak yang membidas perdana menteri kerana gagal meredakan ketegangan kaum dan agama.


Former PSB leaders, members officially join PDP

Wong appointed as PDP senior VP, Baru and Rayong as VP 06/04/2024

Wong appointed as PDP senior VP, Baru and Rayong as VP SIBU (April 6): Bawang Assan assemblyman Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh has been appointed as Progressive Democratic Party’s (PDP) senior vice-president. This was announced by party president Dato Sri Tiong King Sing at the PDP Unity Night tonight, attended by some 2,000 people. Tiong also announced t


Answer received to a question posed in DUN in November 2023:
To ask the Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts:

Has any investigation been made into the complaints of extortion at the Ba’ Kelalan/Long Bawan border by officers of the General Operations Force?
If so, what is the outcome?
If not, what is the reason for not investigating these legitimate complaints?

No basis for amendment to Schedule 9 of the Federal Constitution 13/03/2024

The increasing Islamist movement in certain states of Malaya shows that the fears of our forefathers are becoming real, and enabling attempts to elevate Syariah laws will shake the foundation upon which the Federation of Malaysia is built, from the perspective of Sarawak and Sabah.

No basis for amendment to Schedule 9 of the Federal Constitution IN response to the furore arising from the judgment in the Nik Elin case, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na'im Mokhtar was quick to announce that the government is prepared to immediately implement any necessary amendments to Federal Constitution provis

Photos from Baru Bian's post 23/02/2024


It is a well-known fact that getting adequate and timely medical care is a huge challenge for the people in the rural areas. Many have to travel long distances to reach the rural clinics, which is a difficult, and sometimes painful and dangerous ordeal, depending on the condition of the patient. Having reached the clinics, medical care is often hampered by lack of staff and/or equipment needed for diagnosis and treatment.

In 2019 and 2021, the LDSC organised eye-screening projects in the rural areas of Lawas and Ba’ Kelalan, which I had the opportunity to co-sponsor. During these visits, I voiced my concern about the plight of the rural people particularly when it comes to medical care, and expressed my determination to see that more effort would be made to provide better health services to then. During my time as Works Minister, I requested a company to build Clinic Long Sukang as a Corporate Social Responsibility project, and I was glad that the project was successfully completed. However, medical equipment is still insufficient for that clinic and the other rural clinics in northern Sarawak.

I am thankful that my words resonated with representatives from LDS Charities, Elder Jackson and Elder Baer, who made it their mission to donate much-needed medical equipment to the rural clinics of Lawas and Limbang.

With the approval and co-operation from the Pejabat Kesihatan Bahagian Limbang, and the organisational expertise of the RCBC led by President Allen Wong Ching Seng, my dream for the people of Lawas and Limbang is finally coming true with the handover of the medical equipment from the LDSC on 19 February 2024.

Although I was confident that the drive and determination of all the project partners would ensure the success of this project, I had not expected that it would materialise to this extent. The 117 items of medical equipment for 19 rural clinics will make a huge difference to the lives of our rural folk as they will no longer need to travel to the towns or cities for diagnosis and treatment, except for serious cases. I do not doubt that the staff at these clinics will also be relieved that they will finally have more equipment to help them carry out their duties.

I am truly grateful for the kindness of Elder Jackson, Elder Baer, Elder Sandy Hall and sister Ardella from the LDS Charities, president Allen Wong and his able team at RCBC, Dr Faezah Osman and team from PKB Limbang, and all volunteers for contributing to this worthwhile humanitarian project. I am humbled that so many caring individuals came together to help me realise my dream for my people.

Thank you all, and may God bless you abundantly.

Baru Bian
State Assemblyman, N81 Ba’ Kelalan
22 January 2024



We have lost a formidable figure with the demise of our former Governor and Chief Minister Tun Taib, whose life was a tapestry of impressive political mind, notable achievements, and significant controversies. Despite our longstanding and often diverse political opinions and rivalry, I respected his political mind and the energy he brought to our debates.

To Tun Taib’s family and friends, I offer my sincere condolences. His passing reminds us all of the fleeting nature of life and the deep imprints we can leave behind, both good and bad. In this moment of loss, let us find it in ourselves to appreciate the complex narrative of his life and the lessons it offers us.

May we all move forward with a renewed sense of understanding and compassion, recognizing our shared humanity beyond our differences.

Baru Bian
Ba’ Kelalan



Tonight at midnight, Chinese people around the world will welcome the New Year of the Wood Dragon. The dragon is a powerful and lucky creature in Chinese folklore, representing good luck, justice, prosperity and strength.

In Malaysia, we have just had significant leadership changes. Two weeks ago, a new Agong was installed to rule for the next 5 years, and in Sarawak, a new governor was sworn in a few days prior to the installation of the new Agong.

In politics, the unity government of PM Anwar Ibrahim appears to be stable, despite alleged moves to topple him. This is due to Sarawakian support and backing from the Istana; however it still seems to be rather shaky at times.

More recently, Malaysians are seeing a concerted effort by the authorities to investigate the wealth of powerful individuals, in an effort to expose corrupt practices during the past administrations.

These events set the stage for an interesting year of the Dragon. The Dragon symbolizes power, nobility, honour, luck, and success. It is thought that the Year of the Dragon in 2024 is expected to be a time of visionary leaders, innovators and problem solvers and to bring about opportunities, changes, and challenges.

Let us look forward to this new year with renewed optimism for a peaceful and stable country under the new Agong and political leaders. It is hoped that the MACC will be fearless in carrying out their investigations, and expose all the wrong-doings so that we may have a sense of justice being done.

For the people, may this year be filled with opportunities for personal growth, economic advancement and an improvement in living standards.

Globally, we hope for peace in the world, that the fighting will end so that the victims of war can start to rebuild their lives.

May the Year of the Dragon bring for us and our country peace, prosperity, stability and boundless blessings.

Xin Nian Kuai Le, Wan Shi Ru Yi!

Baru Bian
ADUN N81 Ba’ Kelalan



"Kelahiran Kristus membawa keamanan kepada dunia"

Pada hari-hari menjelang Krismas, saya mengamati mesej Lukas 2:14. " Termulialah Allah di langit yang tertinggi! Dan di atas bumi, sejahteralah manusia yang menyenangkan hati-Nya!”

Ini adalah mesej yang dihantar kepada gembala yang cenderung kepada kawanan mereka pada waktu malam pada malam Yesus dilahirkan. Seorang malaikat Tuhan muncul kepada mereka dan memberi mereka berita gembira untuk semua orang, bahawa "kepadamu dilahirkan hari ini di kota Daud seorang Penyelamat, iaitu Kristus Tuhan"

Nabi Yesaya telah meramalkan bahawa Yesus akan dilahirkan untuk membawa keamanan di bumi. Yesaya berkata, "mereka yang berlutut di tanah kegelapan yang mendalam, pada mereka mempunyai cahaya terang... Bagi kamu seorang anak dilahirkan, kepada kamu seorang anak lelaki diberikan; dan kerajaan hendaklah berada di atas bahunya, dan namanya hendaklah dipanggil Kaunselor Indah, Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, Bapa Kekal Abadi, Putera Keamanan." (Yesaya 9:2,6). Rupa-rupanya, di sini Yesus dirujuk sebagai "Putera Keamanan". Inilah sebab mengapa rasul Paulus menulis kepada orang Kristian Corinthian bahawa "dalam Kristus Tuhan mendamaikan dunia kepada dirinya sendiri, tidak mengira pencerobohan mereka terhadap mereka dan menyerahkan kepada kita mesej perdamaian." (2 Korintus 5:19).

Oleh itu, injil kedamaian semasa Krismas ini mengingatkan kita tentang kasih sayang Tuhan yang tidak bersyarat kepada kita. Tuhan membuat langkah pertama untuk menghantar Anak-Nya, Putera Keamanan, ke dunia supaya manusia dapat kembali kepada Tuhan dan berdamai dengan Tuhan jika kita mahu. Ia adalah kuasa kita untuk berdamai dengan Tuhan.

Merenung kembali isu keamanan, saya kesal dan sedih tentang apa yang berlaku kepada negara-negara yang tengah berperang di seluruh dunia seperti Rusia / Ukraine, Israel / Palestin, beberapa negara di Timur Tengah dan Afrika, dan tempat-tempat lain di mana keamanan sangat sukar diperolehi. Penderitaan orang yang tidak bersalah tidak dapat dielakkan dan sukar difahami oleh kita yang tidak pernah mengalami perang dan konflik. Kita berdoa bahawa kedamaian kekal akan hadir kepada mereka tidak lama lagi.

Di Malaysia, di sebalik eksploitasi isu perkauman dan agama oleh pemimpin politik tertentu untuk memecahbelahkan kaum, rakyat hidup dalam keadaan aman dan harmoni. Keharmonian ini penting dalam negara berbilang kaum ini dan menjadi kebanggaan bagi kebanyakan kita. Apabila krismas semakin hampir, saya menggesa setiap rakyat untuk memainkan peranan dalam mengekalkan keamanan di negara kita. Setiap daripada kita mempunyai peranan untuk memastikan keamanan berkekalan untuk tahun-tahun akan datang.

Masa sukar ini ramai orang yang susah hanya untuk memenuhi keperluan harian mereka, dan ada yang bergelut dengan tekanan dan masalah kesihatan mental. Saya menggalakkan mereka yang berada dalam situasi yang lebih baik untuk mendekati golongan yang memerlukan dan terdesak untuk menghulurkan bantuan di mana anda boleh. Dengan cara ini, kita boleh membawa sedikit kedamaian dan kelegaan kepada mereka. Inilah semangat sebenar Krismas.

Semoga kita sentiasa hidup damai dengan jiran-jiran kita, dan semoga kita mempertimbangkan untuk menerima Putera Keamanan di dalam hati kita. Semoga Krismas ini kita benar-benar mengalami Kedamaian Krismas yang dituturkan oleh para malaikat didalam Lukas 2:14, dan nama Tuhan di muliakan.

Saya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Krismas kepada semua penganut Kristian, dan kepada semua, Selamat Tahun Baru pada tahun 2024.

Baru Bian
N81 Ba’ Kelalan.

***** English below *****


"The birth of Christ has brought Peace to the world”

During this season in the days leading to Christmas, I am reflecting on the message of Luke 2:14. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.”

This was the message delivered to shepherds tending to their flock at night on the night Jesus was born. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and gave them the good news of great joy for all the people, that “unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord”

Prophet Isaiah had predicted that the Messiah Jesus would be born to bring peace on earth. Isaiah said, “those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone… For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:2,6). Apparently, here Jesus is referred to as the “Prince of Peace”. This is the reason why apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians that “in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespass against them and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation." (2 Cor. 5:19).

Therefore, this gospel of peace during Christmas reminds us of God’s unconditional love for us. God made the first move to send His Son, the Prince of Peace, to the world so that man can come back to God and make peace with God if we so wish. It is in our power to make peace with God.

In reflecting about peace, I cannot help but to think with sadness about what is happening in warring countries around the world such as Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, several countries in the Middle East and Africa, and other places where peace is very elusive. The suffering of the innocent is unfathomable to us who have never experienced war and conflict. We pray that “relative peace” will come to them soon.

In Malaysia, despite the exploitation of racial and religious issues by certain political leaders to divide the races, the people live in relative peace and harmony. This harmonious co-existence is important in this multi-racial country and is a source of pride for many of us. As Christmas approaches, I urge every citizen to play a role in maintaining peace in our country. Each of us has a role to play to ensure that peace prevails for years to come.

Times are hard for many people who are at wits end just to make ends meet, and some are struggling with stress and mental health problems. I encourage those in better situations to reach out to the needy and desperate to lend a helping hand where you can. In this way, we can bring some peace and relief to them. This is the true spirit of Christmas.

May we always live in peace with our neighbours, and may we consider receiving the Prince of Peace in our heart this Christmas to truly experience the Peace of Christmas spoken of by the angels in Luke 2:14, then God be pleased!

I wish all Christians a Blessed Christmas, and to all, a Happy New Year in 2024.

Baru Bian
N81 Ba’ Kelalan.

Baru: Sabah, S'wak MPs won't back race restriction for PM post 14/12/2023

This was never one of the conditions that our forefathers in Sarawak and Sabah had ever agreed to or envisaged.

Baru: Sabah, S'wak MPs won't back race restriction for PM post 'Bersatu MP trying to politicise race or religion for PN's own agenda.'


Answer received for a question submitted at the recent DUN sitting:

Q10. To ask the Minister for Natural Resources and Urban Development:

Does the state intend to continue constructing more hydroelectric dams in Sarawak?

i) If so, how many are in the pipeline, where can we find feasibility studies for them and have potentially affected communities be informed?

Photos from Baru Bian's post 11/12/2023

Answer received for a question submitted at the recent DUN sitting:

9. To ask the Minister for Energy and Environmental Sustainability:

What are the hydrogen and carbon capture and storage projects that are being planned in Sarawak?

i) Have sites for permanent carbon storage been identified?
ii) Has the government evaluated the science and economics of these projects, including their cost-benefit analysis?

Photos from Baru Bian's post 11/12/2023

Answer received for a question submitted at the recent DUN sitting:
Q 8. To ask the Minister for Utility and Telecommunication:

Internet coverage is generally a problem in rural Sarawak. What is the current internet coverage in Ba’ Kelalan and when can we have 100% coverage especially for the benefit of rural schools?


I wish to support the stand made by our ACS Leaders on this matter. Indeed without Jesus Christ who was born into this world to save all of mankind, there is no meaning in celebrating Christmas. Take away "Christ" from the word "christmas", what you have left is just a "mas"! *Baru Bian, ADUN N.81 Ba'Kelalan.*



Mr Speaker, thank you for allowing me to take part in this debate pertaining to the Supply Bill 2023.


Recently, the Premier said that children with one native parent will automatically be granted native status, and that the requirement to apply for recognition is only for statistical purposes. However, the Deputy Minister in the Sarawak Premier’s Office (Law, MA63 and State-Federal Relations) had said that “Any child born into inter-marriage between a Sarawak native and a non-native is not (automatically) native. He or she has to apply for it if they wish to be recognised as a Sarawak Native.”

Moreover, the Resident of Kuching Norleha Shariff had said that applications submitted at the District Office would be sent to the Department of the Premier of Sarawak for approval at monthly meetings chaired by the State Secretary before a certificate is issued to the applicant.

These seemingly contradictory statements have caused confusion among the native community. Is recognition automatic or do the applications have to go through a vetting process? If it is automatic as the Premier said, it would be much simpler and more straightforward for the applications to be processed at the District Offices. In my view, it is unnecessary to have another layer to vet and approve, more so, at the Premier’s Office! Many Sarawakians have waited a long time for this, and we should not make it difficult for them now.

In Sabah, the Interpretation (Definition of Native) Ordinance 1952 provides that those who satisfy the requirements to be recognised as natives must apply for the appropriate declaration made by a Native Court under section 3 in the form of a Native Certificate or Sijil Anak Negeri. The Chief Minister’s office is not involved in such matters. Similarly in Sarawak, issuance of Native Status certificates need not be a function of the Premier’s Office. There should be just one stop at the District Office for such applications.

Some parties say they are worried about abuse of the system, that if there is an absence of tight control, anyone might be able to obtain native status. However I do not agree, as applicants have to fulfil certain criteria in order to qualify. They must have a parent who is a native. That should not be difficult to prove or disprove. The District Office can easily verify the native status of applicants from their birth certificates, and the marriage licences and birth certificates of their parents.

Another issue which has not been discussed is the status of newborn babies of parents, one of whom is a native. Will they be automatically registered as native in their birth certificates or will they have to go through the application process in the future? This is an issue which many young couples would like to have clarification on.

One last issue is the RM100 application fee - it is an astronomical sum for many people. Why should these applicants be burdened with a heavy payment to obtain something which is theirs by right? Imagine a family of 3 or 4 children having to come up with the money just for the application fee. What if they are struggling to make ends meet? This fee would be the last thing they can afford.

For comparison, a marriage certificate in Malaysia only costs RM30. There is no fee for a birth certificate if babies are registered within 60 days of birth. Perhaps the government feels this fee is justified considering that the applications have to go through the District Office and also the Premier’s Office. In which case, just dispense of one level of the process, which I had already said is unnecessary - it is just additional bureaucracy which I can foresee will cause delays to applications because the State Secretary or his team will have other pressing matters to attend to. I hope the government will see fit to simplify the process and lower the fees to a reasonable sum.


Mr Speaker, in June this year, I received complaints from two Long Bawan district officers who had come to Sarawak with a delegation to attend the Lun Bawang Festival, that some of them were asked to pay money to the GOF (General Operations Force) personnel manning the border. These were legitimate visitors who had complete and proper inter-border documents (Pas Lintas Batas) when they passed through the checkpoint. They were asked to pay RM200 to RM1,000, but there have been incidents in the past where the personnel allegedly asked for up to RM1,500. There are also instances where upon leaving, some of the rations bought in Lawas were also taken by these personnel at the border.

One of the officers said that the rules on which items were allowed and not allowed to be brought to Indonesia also appeared to change according to who was manning the border, which is confusing, because there are times certain items are allowed, but other times not allowed.

Mr Speaker, there have been numerous complaints about incidents like this for many years but no action has been taken to stop it. This ugly practice gives our Indonesian neighbours an extremely negative perception of Sarawak and deters them from visiting us.

I understand that the State authorities had conducted an investigation into this June incident I referred to earlier and I would like to know the outcome of the investigation. We need people of integrity who are honest and sincere to man our border posts. Corrupt officers who bully our visitors must be dealt with severely to clean up the GOF. I am extremely disappointed that whilst we are aiming to be an efficient administration with the SDG in mind, we are being let down by officers who abuse their positions to enrich themselves.


Mr Speaker, I wish to ask the Premier whether the decision has been made to go ahead with the construction of the Trusan Dam and the Baram Dam. At the last sitting of this Dewan in May, the honourable Deputy Minister of Utility and Telecommunications in reply to my question had said that Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) was still reviewing the feasibility of the project. He added that the Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) would only be conducted if this project was found feasible for implementation.

Less than two weeks ago, there was a report that Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas), Cahya Mata Sarawak Bhd and Gamuda Bhd are strong contenders for the construction of the Trusan and Baram Dams, and that the Sarawak Government intends to build these two dams.

Will the government update this Dewan on the latest status of these two dams? The people affected do not want dams to be built after learning of the bad experiences of those villagers in the Batang Ai, Bakun and Murum areas whose ancestral homes and their way of life were lost with the flooding of their villages.

I would like to remind the Dewan that the construction of the Baram dam was called off by the former Chief Minister of Sarawak, the late Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Datuk Amar Adenan Satem, in March 2016, saying, “Thereʼs no need to have another big dam. We can have mini dams and so on, but not a big dam especially when we donʼt supply (power) to west Malaysia anymore.”


Mr Speaker, the people of Lawas have received good news that the Government is including Long Semadoh in the planning of new secondary schools, known as Sekolah Model Khas Komprehensif 11 or K11 schools, to cater for primary and secondary years. A survey form has been circulated asking for the views of the residents on whether to build on the land where the current primary school is situated, or on a separate plot of land measuring almost 20 hectares.

I have spoken to many of my constituents and their decision is unanimous - they have waited 20 years for this and they want the new school to be built on the land acquired as the present site is too small, ie only around 3 hectares. Since there is a larger piece of land available, the school should be built there. This need for the school must have been apparent when the plan for the new school was announced and land acquired in 2003, and I hope that priority will be given to it, considering that the initial announcement was made 20 years ago.

The people still remember that during the election campaign in 2016, the Federal Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water had informed the people of Lawas that the Prime Minister had approved RM35 million for the construction of this proposed SMK Long Semadoh. We hope that the government will go ahead quickly with the school so that the children do not have to be sent to boarding schools far away from their parents at such an early stage in their life.


The internet and telecommunications network in the rural part of my constituency has been unstable and intermittent. This causes great inconvenience for the villagers, and they are extremely concerned in case there are emergencies or urgent situations. I am requesting the authorities concerned to look into this immediately and send their team to rectify the problem.


Mr Speaker, the people in Lawas town are still experiencing problems with the supply of electricity and water. These are issues that I have repeatedly brought up in this Dewan. I am requesting the minister to expedite the solutions to these problems so that the residents will have regular and uninterrupted supply of water and grid electricity.


· Program Perumahan Rakyat Termiskin (PPRT): there are complaints from the applicants that they are not updated on their applications and in certain cases, their applications have been lost after submission. Residents in the highlands - Ba’ Kelalan, Lg Semadoh, Lg Sukang - are not interested in or unable to benefit from this scheme because of the long distance from the town and no contractors are willing to take on the projects because of high costs. What is the advice from the Ministry in charge on this matter?

· BELB (Elektrik Luar Bandar): many applicants are still waiting for their applications to be approved, in some cases, years. How can the relevant Ministry assist to improve the situation?

· E-Kasih: these applications are also taking a long time to be approved; some of the applicants have been waiting for years for some assistance from the government. Officers should go to the kampungs to identify those who are eligible and who need help from the government.


In Lawas town, you easily notice that certain convenience stores and sundry shops are operating online gaming and illegal gambling in their premises. I hope the authorities will take this matter seriously and put a stop to these activities.

Lastly, may I wish all Christians in and outside this august house a Blessed Christmas and to all a Happy New Year. May God bless Sarawak now and forevermore!

Much obliged, Mr Speaker.

Baru Bian
N81 Ba’ Kelalan



20 NOVEMBER 2023

Mr Speaker, thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part in the debate on this Bill.

All of us feel blessed to live in Sarawak which enjoys a fairly constant and uniform climate all year round, with a wet and dry season. However, Sarawak is not isolated from the rest of the world, and we are also experiencing with greater intensity and/or frequency, the effects of global warming and climate change. Statistics show that the mean yearly temperature for Sarawak has risen from 25.9C in 1979 to 26.5C in 2022, and the mean yearly rainfall has risen from 3050.8mm in 1979 to 4313.1mm in 2022 (www.

The Paris agreement in 2015 set the Global Framework to limit Global Warming to below 2 degrees Celcius, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celcius, above pre-industry levels, and mandates that countries commit to global carbon emission reduction by setting their national targets. As a party to the Paris agreement and having ratified the Paris agreement, Malaysia has committed to reducing its economy-wide carbon intensity (against GDP) of 45 per cent in 2030 compared to 2005 levels. It is therefore apt that the objectives of the Bill are the adoption of strategies towards net zero carbon emissions, low carbon solutions and the transition towards clean renewable energy.

In most countries, the electricity sector and the oil and gas industry is identified as the major contributors to carbon emissions. It is therefore commendable that the government is seeking to legislate the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases by industry. Placing the onus on industry players to report their levels of greenhouse gas emissions and to submit their plans for the reduction of such emissions will force these players to face the reality of their role in the destruction of the environment and to take steps to reduce their emissions.

On the role of carbon credit units in the scheme, we should be aware of the both sides of the debate on the effectiveness of carbon offsetting schemes. The role of carbon markets in addressing climate change has been widely criticised as being futile by scientists and civil society today. There is no science to the assumption that a unit of carbon dioxide released by the burning of fossil fuels can be readily offset by a unit of carbons stored in trees. These two carbons come from different carbon cycles.

The first cycle, involving processes such as respiration, decomposition and photosynthesis, is the daily, more well-known, active carbon cycle. This process is in equilibrium. It does not cause the climate crisis.

However, the burning of fossil fuels, releases carbon from a different carbon cycle altogether. Hydrocarbons from fossil fuels are part of a much slower carbon cycle that operates on a scale of millions of years. It is the industrial burning of these hydrocarbons since 200 years ago that is causing climate change; because once burnt, these carbons can remain in the atmosphere for 1,000 years. No amount of forests can offset the continued release of fossil fuel carbons into the atmosphere. Therefore, the opponents of carbon offsetting insist that the only way to deal with the climate crisis is for us to stop burning fossil fuels.

Some experts are of the view that such schemes are dangerous because they will allow large scale polluters to continue releasing more carbons into the atmosphere, and even expansion of high-carbon activities. All they would need to do now is to purchase carbon credits from parties who put them on sale to supposedly offset their emissions.

Further, I am also concerned by the impact of carbon markets on native customary rights (NCR). If a forest carbon licence holder has the full legal and beneficial title to the carbon stocks associated with a forest carbon activity, what will happen if such licences are issued within NCR territories? Will they benefit from carbon offsets or will the bulk of the money go to middlemen and carbon market players? Will native communities be prevented from accessing their territories and be prohibited from hunting and gathering in their forests? Will this introduce a new form of NCR violation? We must make sure that there are comprehensive consultations with native, civil society and the legal communities, if this has not already been done.

Carbon offsetting is a new idea and concept, and we need to have experts who are able and willing to come in to help our native communities to benefit from carbon offset schemes if and when implemented. This is a great incentive for them to restore their degraded areas by replanting with trees which remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. I think there is great potential for this as a means to restore the jungles of Sarawak.
My final comment is on the extent of the jurisdiction of this Bill. The definition of ‘atmosphere’ in clause 2, which ‘refers to the airspace above the land and Sarawak waters which is waters above the continental shelf off the coasts of Sarawak’. Clause 4(a) refers to ‘waters within the territory of the State.’ What is the extent of ‘waters within the territories of the state’ and ‘waters above the continental shelf off the coasts of Sarawak’? Taking into consideration the debate on the applicability of the Territorial Sea Act 2012, and for the avoidance of doubt, perhaps it should be clearly stated that the Alteration of Boundaries (Sarawak) Order in Council 1954 should apply, as assured by the honourable Deputy Minister in The Premier’s Office last year during the tabling of the Land Code (Amendment) Bill 2022.

Bearing in mind the net zero target for 2050, the government must ensure that there is no misuse of offsetting by companies, to compensate for their inability to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by improving their processes and methods. I tend to agree with the view that carbon offsets can only be an additionality to conventional means of reducing carbon emissions, such as reducing the use of fossil fuels and carbon-emitting activities.
Mr Speaker, carbon credit and offset involves many technical issues. Many do not understand the workings of it, and I stress that we will need to have competent and qualified personnel to administer and monitor the scheme so that we can achieve the goal of net zero emissions by 2050. It is a tall order but if we have the sincere intention to do our part in mitigating the effects of global warming, I believe that we will be able to attain our goals.

Mr Speaker, notwithstanding my concerns expressed in this debate, I wish to record my support for the Bill.

Baru Bian
N81 Ba’ Kelalan

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Menyaksikan perkahwinan anak buah saya, Alvin. Diberi kesempatan untuk bernyanyi bersama saudara 'Bian Brothers'. Lagu "...
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Jom keluar undi Sabtu tok, 18hb Disember 2021.Andalah EJEN PERUBAHAN. PSB bakal membentuk Kerajaan Sarawak baru. #Bangki...
Dengar pesanan 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒐 𝑺𝒓𝒊 𝑬𝒅𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒅, 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒌 𝑩𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒏 𝐬𝐚𝐲𝐚  kepada semua pengundi diluar sana agar balik ke kawasan dan 𝙡𝙖𝙠𝙨𝙖𝙣...
Kompilasi ucapan intipati pemimpin blok pembangkang.PKR - AMANAH - DAP - WARISAN (SABAH) - PEJUANG - PSB (SARAWAK) - MUD...
Krismas bersama YB Baru
Sunrise over Sarawak
