The TikTok Bishop mar mari Emmanuel Videos

Videos by The TikTok Bishop mar mari Emmanuel.

The faith in God provides us with the perseverance to overcome obstacles, the grace to navigate life's complexities, and the hope to envision a brighter future, And for most of us who believe in God , this is a beacon that illuminates the path to our personal fulfillment and achievement.

Other The TikTok Bishop mar mari Emmanuel videos

The faith in God provides us with the perseverance to overcome obstacles, the grace to navigate life's complexities, and the hope to envision a brighter future, And for most of us who believe in God , this is a beacon that illuminates the path to our personal fulfillment and achievement.

In a world that is constantly changing, faith in God through Jesus is essential. which stands as a beacon of constancy and hope. , it is this faith that lights the way forward, providing a sense of purpose and direction in the vast tapestry of life.#Jesus #EclipseSolar2024 #jesus #australia

The spiritual life of oneself is an enduring and steadfast companion through the highs and lows of existence and a profound one. Within each person lies an inner sanctuary, a source of comfort and strength that does not wane with time or shift with the tides of fortune. #jesuslovesyou #australia #jesus

Each calling, no matter how seemingly small or grand, plays a crucial role in the grand design of our shared existence. When someone is loyal to their path, as I declares, it is a celebration of purpose and a commitment to contribute to the greater good.I am committed to the purpose of spreading the gospel of christ.

Love one another, cherish the bonds that unite us, and extend that love to every neighbor, embracing them as we do ourselves. If we aspire to transform someone, let it be through love's gentle power, for it is with kindness and affection that true change blossoms.

The profound statement by Jesus, "No one comes to the Lord except through me," speaks to the deep connection between Jesus and the divine. It suggests that through Jesus, believers find a direct path to understanding and embracing the Lord's teachings.

Always carry in your heart the unwavering faith that comes from trusting in the Lord. Let this trust be the foundation upon which you build your life, guiding you through every challenge and leading you to peace and fulfillment. Rejoice in the knowledge that, by placing your trust in the Lord, you are never alone, for He is with you at every step, providing strength and comfort. Let your spirit be lifted and your days be brightened by this eternal trust.

No one ever lived like Jesus, the epitome of divine holiness, unmatched purity, absolute perfection, supreme excellence, and majestic glory.

Commit your existence to the Divine without trepidation, and witness the unfolding of wonders. #Jesus

I pray we do more worshipping than partying, finding joy and fulfillment in the solemnity of faith and devotion.

Pray about all in your life.

As the Bible says, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13) #Godlovesyou #Jesus #christianity #australia #manchester #Christmas

God is everything, when you know God your eyes are opened to reality.

#christianity #Christmas #australianshepherd

May the Lord Jesus show mercy on us.

Holyness is not just a word or a concept. It is a way of living that reflects good characters in every situation. A person who is holy does not only follow the rules, but also acts with kindness, compassion, honesty and integrity. Holyness is not something that can be achieved easily, but it is a goal that inspires us to grow and improve ourselves. Holyness is a person who has good characters, and also a person who inspires good characters in others. #christianity #Christmas #australianshepherd #australia

God is in charge of your fate. He has a plan for you and loves you. He knows your future and will help you. Don't be scared or worried. Never fear, never worry for God knows your future.